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{ 1 X 1 } Pouting | Osias & Aisling

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 04, 2019 3:58 pm
MoonRazor | Trainer: -- | Pokenoids: Osias
Erina_Nobara | Trainer: -- | Pokenoids: Aisling

Osias was pouting (though he would never have admitted that was what he was doing). He was bored, and that was the root of basically all of his problems. The wanderlust that nipped at him and made his wings itch had left him restless and discontent, so he had booted up and even spent several unanswered minutes shouting into the void of the chatroom, hoping that somehow Odin would hear his calls of boredom and materialize into the VR world alongside him. And they'd finally go off on their grand adventure like they'd said they would.

Unfortunately for Osias, his trainer was quite unable to hear the calls of his Pokenoid while offline, and Odin had not appeared the way the Taillow had envisioned he would. Their grand adventure was not about to start.

That didn't mean Osias couldn't explore the city on his own, but he'd dreamed of setting off alongside his trainer so long and so often that it simply didn't feel the same. So instead of setting off on his own, the Taillow decided to wallow in his own frustrations. He found himself kicking dirt along the path outside the Pokemon Center, and finally sat down with a huff on the grass next to the road, looking quite listless and upset.

"We'll just have to go adventure tomorrow," he said out loud, nudging a rock with his food.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 04, 2019 9:07 pm
Aisling was booored. She was tired of waiting around for Erina to get off work. I mean what was the big deal about working at a maid cafe anyway? Well aside from a cute uniform and earning pocket money. But there were also creepers. Aisling wrinkled her nose at thought. Was it worth it?

Speaking of pocket money though, Aisling had some and she was itching to go spend it. She had spent quite awhile at the massive store in Celadon. But she hadn't found anything in particular that stood out to her that she wanted to buy. Just then she got an idea! What about the game corner?! "That's it!" she suddenly shouted aloud, to no one in particular. "I'll go play games!"

In her excitement she darted off in the direction of her destination. But in the process she ran smack into a taillow who seemed to be mulling about. "OOF!" she grunted, looking startled."Oh ohmygosh! So sorry! I guess I got carried away...." she began, staring at the other pokenoid. She couldn't help but think he looked sort of glum.



Sugary Snack


PostPosted: Wed Dec 04, 2019 10:09 pm
Not a lot of thought had gone into where Osias had plopped himself down, other than that it was slightly off the path. He'd been so preoccupied, after all, with how terribly upset he was that he hadn't paid much attention to where he was going. So it came as something of a surprise when an oddly colored Sentret all but ran over him where he sat, and the Taillow startled to his feet with eyes wide.

"Whoa, careful!" he managed to splutter, trying and failing to grab her. He wound up pawing the air with no small amount of futility and felt relieved to see that she hadn't fallen over. That would have made him feel quite guilty.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was sitting basically in the road," Osias said sheepishly, averting his steely gray eyes in case she was awfully mad at him. "I was a bit distracted, you see... I hope you're alright."

PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2019 3:05 am
“Oh no! You don’t need to apologize! It was my bad! So sorry about that!” When he asked if she was alright, she found herself turning a bit red in the face from embarrassment. “I-I’m fine! Totally!”

Aisling apologized again for bumping into the bird pokenoid. She was all over the place today, which was typical. A peppy girl at heart, if she hadn’t bumped into taillow, she probably would have bumped into some other individual. She was lucky though. This guy was being very nice about it. But the more Aisling stared at him, the more she thought he looked bummed out about something. So she thought she’d just casually drop her name and ask what’s up!

“Hey, my name’s Aisling. But you can call me Ash if you want. May I ask what you’re doing hanging out around here?” She figured it was a bit odd. After all, there were so many places in Celadon to explore and have fun. Why sit on the roadside when you could be doing something exciting?!

“What’s your name?” she quickly added, curious as to what the taillow called himself. Maybe he just needed a pal to hang out with. And a smile spread across Aisling’s face as an idea struck her! SHE could be that pal!

((lol feel free to punt Aisling if she gets to excitable xDD ))



Sugary Snack


PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2019 9:01 am
The relief lit up his face when he heard she was just fine. Those silvery eyes of his took on a glint as he brightened and stuck out his hand.

"Osias!" he said, suddenly seeming much less glum than he had only moments before when she'd run into him. "It's nice to meet you, Ash! Oh, hah, I was just..." He half turned, glancing back at the spot he had been sitting in, and shrugged slowly as he tried to piece into words what exactly he had been doing. "Well, I was just moping, really."

It sounded silly when he put it like that. Suddenly, he was quite glad that Ash had run into him and helped put a little perspective on what he had been doing - or rather, not doing. Any time he could say the words "I was just moping" was time he'd been wasting.

"My trainer's not online, and I was just bored." Osias cringed a little internally. When had he become such a brat? This was not the first impression he'd wanted to leave on a fellow Pokenoid... Maybe it was best to turn their attention to something more positive. "What about you? Where were you off to?"

PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2019 9:18 am
“It’s nice to meet you Osias!” Ash said with a smile. She took his hand and gave it a firm shake. When she heard him say his trainer was busy, Aisling immediately knew the feeling. “Ah, my trainer isn’t around either right now. I got sooo bored! She’s always working.”

Aisling made a pouty face and put one hand on her hip while the other hand waggled a finger in the air. “Sure work is important, but so am I! I get so booored waiting for her to show up. I hope she doesn’t forget about meee,” she whined the last part, though she was just kidding. She probably wouldn’t admit it, but Aisling had become very attached to Erina right off the bat. So she did get clingy on occasion.

Realizing she probably sounded silly, Ash cleared her throat and moved on. “Anyway, I’m finding new ways to entertain myself in the meantime.” She gave a soft chuckle, her eyes lighting up. “I was just heading to the Game Corner actually! Wanna come?! It’ll be super fun!”



Sugary Snack


PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2019 9:29 am
"I feel you there," Osias said with a small sigh. He wasn't sure what Odin did with his time offline, but the end result was the same: There were always times when Osias got restless and Odin wasn't there.

Still, it wasn't the worst arrangement. Having a trainer brought a healthy dose of structure and ambition to his life, which Osias had quickly learned to appreciate. He hadn't realized before that there was more to life than simply wandering around, and there was something terribly exciting about having big goals about grand adventures.

"Oh, she wouldn't forget about you! She couldn't possibly," Osias mused, eyes wide. He could hear that Ash had been joking, but the possibility hadn't crossed his mind before. Even now, he put the thought firmly out of his mind. Nobody was being forgotten, surely! The Taillow didn't even want to consider what that might mean for their travels and adventures. It simply was not an option.

He perked up again at Ash's next suggestion, happy to think of happier things like finding ways to entertain themselves. "Game Corner! That sounds fun, I'd love to come. Although, I've never been. Do you know how the games work?" He certainly did not

PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2019 3:13 pm
Ash nodded. Being bored, and even maybe a little lonely was never a fun feeling to have. But she knew her trainer would be back for her soon, without a doubt. It was just tough playing the waiting game. Ash had considered getting herself a job to thwart her restlessness. Then she could make her own spending money and have something to do to pass the time. But in the end she had her doubts that she could stick to it. It would have to be a job that could handle her rambunctious behavior that was for sure.

Ash smiled at Osias’ kind reassuring words though. “Yeah you’re right. She’ll be back for me in no time~ And I know your trainer will be back for you too, before you even know it! Then the breath-taking adventure of a lifetime can commence!” Her eyes glittered and she looked pumped! She was definitely excited for exploration.

“Oh! But about the games. Uhhhh…” she trailed off, a bead of sweat forming on her forehead. “I’ve never actually been there before so I’m not sure what they have. Heh.” She paused, a look of determination crossing her face. “But it WILL be fun! I just know it! Just follow me, I’ll lead the way!

She pointed ahead down the road. “It’s that way!” And just like before she back to rushing along, but this time she was eagerly attempting to pull Osias along with her.



Sugary Snack


PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2019 9:37 pm
Ash seemed to share some of Osias' boundless enthusiasm for exploration, and he quickly found that he appreciated that quite a bit. Though the Taillow was not what you'd call a loud personality, he had energy for days. Finding someone who had a similar zest for life was a lovely coincidence indeed.

"It'll be great!" he agreed readily, all but bouncing on the balls of his feet as he envisioned what life would be like in the coming days. "And no harm in us exploring while they're offline! Then when they come back, we'll be ready."

It seemed like a totally win-win situation now, and Osias was eager to get moving. So he was more than happy to let Ash tow him along toward the Game Corner, speeding down the road and narrowly avoiding other Pokenoids who were going about their day with much less ado.

"We'll figure it out, they're just games," he said as they bustled down the road, feeling just as confident as he sounded. There was no challenge too great for this little Taillow, no problem too difficult.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 07, 2019 8:11 pm
”Yeah!” Ash agreed with much enthusiasm!

Upon arrival at the Game Corner, you would think Aisling would be out of breath after all that jogging along. But she seemed perfectly fine. She flew through the door and stopped immediately in her tracks. “Wooooow!” she whispered, staring at all the different games. There were quite a few people there; pokenoids and trainers alike. She waved for Osias to follow her. Her heart was beating a million times a minute. There were so many cool-looking machines.

“Which should we try first?” she asked Osias as she stepped in front of a game that appeared to be slots. As the pictures on the screen rolled by, Aisling watched with her eyes as wide as saucers. She was definitely intrigued. But upon further examination, it would seem they needed tokens to play the machines.

“Oh… I guess we have to buy some coins/tokens first,” she said, her long furry ears twitching. “Shall we go to the counter and get some? I forgot to ask if you have spending money. You can borrow some of mine if you need to~” she added with a grin. “This is gonna be great!”



Sugary Snack


PostPosted: Sun Dec 08, 2019 7:37 pm
Osias had never gambled before. The idea of leaving so much to chance seemed foreign to him, but even he couldn't deny the inexplicable allure of the Game Corner. There was something about all the lights and pictures and noises that set all his senses on fire and made him feel hyper-alert to everything and nothing at the same time.

The Taillow's eyes widened as he surveyed the room. There wasn't a lot of open space, he noticed immediately, and the closeness of everything made his wings itch. It felt as if he might hit something at every turn. But there was no pretending this wasn't all quite fascinating to him.

He turned to Ash with a bewildered look upon his face, very much at a loss as to what they ought to try first. "Maybe that," he said, pointing to the slot machine she'd been staring at a moment ago. Seemed like a good enough idea.

"I have a little bit of money," he added, eyeing the counter and moving toward it. He felt very much out of his depth, but held himself tall anyway and strode forward, hoping that he could preserve at least a modicum of confidence. It wasn't easy. "We could take turns on the slots, see who's luckier?"


PostPosted: Mon Dec 09, 2019 3:19 pm
“That sounds fun!” Ash said, peeling her eyes away from the slot machines for just a moment so she could go with Osias to the counter. After exchanging some money for coins, she skipped over to one of the empty machines.

“Is this one okay?” she asked, tail swishing back and forth with anticipation. She would have to be careful not to knock anyone over. Rein it in Ash. You don’t wanna accidentally hit somebody with your tail. She gave a deep breath and looked over the slots.

She had a rough idea of how to play. After all, it was just matching pictures right? It couldn’t be too difficult. Being an eager beaver, and without really waiting for a reply, she dropped in enough coins to light up all the rows. That way if she matched pictures going diagonal or straight across, she’d win even more coins. Then they could exchange them for prizes.

Ohhh right, there were prizes! “Hey what sort of prizes do you think they have?” she asked Osias, both excited and curious. “Maybe we’ll win enough for the top prize!”



Sugary Snack


PostPosted: Tue Dec 10, 2019 8:58 am
Osias vaguely remembered having hearing something about games being rather rigged in favor of the house, and that players should go in knowing that there would be losses. He didn't like those odds, but something about it made him want to stick it to the house even more.

He followed Ash over to the machine, nodding eagerly as she put in the coins. "That looks good," he commented, watching as the screen lit up in response. Maybe there was a trick to it or something, though he couldn't fathom how one could possibly change the way they... put coins into a slot.

"Ohhh maybe they'll have TMs for prizes!" Osias said, feeling rather hopeful. It'd be more than a little cool to learn some new moves. He and Odin had been working on battling, and the Taillow quite loved the feeling of mastery in the arena when they won. "But... I feel like the basic prizes would just be bottles of soda or something."

Which was way less exciting than a TM. "If you could learn any move, what would it be?"

PostPosted: Thu Dec 12, 2019 7:09 am
“Well soda’s good and all, but a TM would be way cooler!”

She paused mulling his question over in her head. “Any move? Like even ones I can’t really learn, but think are cool? Because there are far too many to name!” she laughed. “But I guess if I had to pick one...hmm… maaaybe FLY! It would be so cool to soar in the air! You’re super lucky~ You have wings!”

Aisling tossed in a few more coins and pulled the lever on the slot machine again. So far she wasn’t really winning. She made a face and wrinkled her nose. “Come oooon,” she grumbled, staring down the machine.

After a few more tries, the pictures slowly rolled to a stop in a diagonal line. It wasn’t a BIG win, but it was a win none-the-less, and that made Ash happy. Her eyes sparkled and she had to keep herself from shrieking with joy! “Eeee!” she whispered, trying to contain herself, while still showing her enthusiasm.

She wore a huge grin as more coins fell out of the machine. Of course she was going to put them right back in again though. You never know when the payout could increase. It might seem like an endless cycle and fruitless endeavor, but there was no telling Ash that. She was having fun!

“So!” she turned back to Osias. “What move would you like to learn out of all the moves in the whooole world?!” she asked curiously.



Sugary Snack


PostPosted: Thu Dec 12, 2019 8:53 am
Osias paused to twitch his wings and consider them for a second. It was important not to take them for granted, especially when he knew how miserable he'd be if he had been born earthbound. That wasn't to say there was no joy to be found on land, but for a creature who so loved freedom and new spaces, being wingless would have been rough.

"They are quite useful, aren't they?" he said in agreement. "Fly would be a great one for you, I think."

The Taillow leaned his head against the side of the machine, casting his gaze downward to watch the images roll through the screen and slowly line up. There was an odd sense of anticipation involved, despite there being limited ways for either of them to help the game along.

"Oh! You won!" Osias jerked upright excitedly as the machine paid out the coins. "That was lucky. Maybe these new coins will be even luckier." It didn't hurt to believe.

He went back to leaning against the side of the machine as Ash put more coins in, and pondered the question she'd directed back at him. "I think it'd be cool to learn one move that's really flashy," he said after a moment of thought. "It's got to be nice to be able to show off once in a while. Maybe Pyro Ball. That one sounds really cool and effective!"

Two birds, one stone, as the saying went.

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