SRP between Maya, Senua, and Torbjorn


"From the looks of it you've already lost quite a bit-" the lion grinned as he slowed his circling to a standstill, eyeing Maya over with a satisfied look sprawled across his muzzle. "Pity someone got to you first."

This wasn't the first time a lion had tried to use her outward appearance against her, as if for some strange reason she hated herself enough to allow a lowly male like this to pick her apart so easily. Her eyes went wide as a deep chuckle crawled it's way out from between her breaths, speaking loudly as her teeth flashed in his direction. "Ah yes, the burns took quite a bit." as she spoke Maya shifted her weight to her front half, flexing her arms wide as claws extended fully into the earth. " but I'll be your last-" As the brown female spoke she quickly lunged at the larger lion, curving a paw to land against his side as unkempt claws bore themselves deep into his pelt, ripping away from him as Maya pulled her entire body to the ground, sending the lion toppling over with her.

Maya enjoyed battling closer to the ground, here she felt like she was more in control. Here she moved more like a snake.

As Maya sunk her fangs into the white lion he roared out in pain, trashing at his side as he used a paw to push Maya away from his flesh long enough for him to create some distance between them. Quickly he rolled himself back to his paws and spat, "You filthy b***h, I'll have your head."

"Careful-" Maya warned as she grinned wildly in response. "I've never been fond of that word." Her threat did not fall on deaf ears, for as soon as Maya finished speaking the lion repeated the word and took a swing at her, hitting her back leg as Maya quickly dashed to avoid a larger attack. Jade colored eyes would follow his every step as the pair circled one another before meeting in the middle again, exchanging blows and blood.

As they pulled away from one another again the lion laughed and called out, speaking between heavy breaths. "I was going to put my heirs in that female, she was going to give me strong cubs and I was going to be a king." As he spoke his golden eyes settled back on Maya's dull face. "but now my dream is dead, and it's because of you." Every time he spoke his anger seemed to boil over and he hissed in rage, taking another hit at Maya, though this one missed.

"I highly doubt she wanted your cubs." The lioness laughed as her eyes found his. "She begged me to save her from you. She was disgusted by you."

"Shut your mouth-" the lion warned as he snarled. "It doesn't matted now, you stole her from me!"

"Stole? Are you completely blind? You attacked her and she ran!" Maya could hardly believe this male, he seemed beyond delusional.

"What she wanted didn't matter." he proclaimed, moving in to take another swing. "-she was just a stepping stone, a thing to further my legacy."

As he spoke Maya snarled in disgust, he was scum, and beyond that he was entitled scum. She would fix this. While he continued on with how Maya had wronged him she leap back in, pushing herself at him full force as a clawed paw swiftly took a swing at his face, missing his eyes by just a hair. While Maya was completely unable to block a follow up attack the lion laughed and used his own claws to bring her down to the ground, laughing while he held her face against the cold earth with a heavy paw. He stood on top of her and laughed, whispering into her ear as he lowered his jaws.

"Not so cleaver now are we?"

The lioness struggled against him as her eyes went wide with rage. "Finish it." She demanded as her head quickly found reality settling in, she was going to die here.

"Finish it? Oh, no, no." as he spoke he pushed into her more, his weight now crushing her back. "You took my future from me, you own me what I've lost."

Maya's eyes turned as the white lion laughed, he didn't mean... "No." she screamed. "You don't touch me."

"You are hardly in any condition to tell me what to do. Besides, you are strong enough, and I am sure underneath your disfigurement a beauty. You will give me fine sons."

Was this fates cruel way of punishing her good deed? Maya had never been intimate before, but if she was going to it wasn't going to be like this, he would not take that from her. She would bite her tongue off if she had to, anything to end this before he made his next move. The lioness trashed and rolled her back legs to kick at him as he did his best to hold her down.

"Sit still, it'll be over before you know it." Another laugh escaped him as he slowly moved back. Maya closed her eyes and swore under her breath, this was it, this was punishment, this was fate. Whatever this was... she was..

"Get off of her!" before Maya could even open her eyes a familiar voice reached her ears. The female from before...? Quickly she glanced over her shoulder as the darker lioness reappeared, tackling the lion off of Maya long enough for the dusty lioness to regain her footing. As soon as she was standing again something deep within her snapped, allowing the lioness to push past her emotional and physical threshold, pushing her to the edge.

Blood-lust consumed her as she joined in on the assault, carving her claws deep into the lions chest, bringing him to the ground as the darker female took bites out of his neck. Slowly the lion stumbled over, crying out as both females delivered finishing blows.

The red-faced female turned as she backed away from the lion's still frame, speaking against her own panting. "I'm sorry, I came as quickly as I could, I couldn't just-."
before the lioness could finish her eyes went with in horror. Maya had not ended her assault on the male, rather, she was still carving into him, clawing at this now limp body, swing after swing causing her to become covered in his blood. She let out a deep scream she cut into in flesh, breathing heavy and low.

"..." the other lioness moved back as Maya slowed herself to a standstill, standing over the white lion's corpse. Blood trickled down her chin as her eyes slowly turned to meet the other female's.

"He deserved to die." Maya reconfirmed her original feelings as she slowly removed herself from her place over him. Her blood soaked paws settled closer to the darker lioness as she gazed off into the distance, staring at nothing.

"-are you alright...?" The masked female questioned as she slowly moved to examine Maya.

"Don't." Maya snapped as she pulled away, looking back down at the lion's mutilated corpse.

"Leave him. He doesn't deserve to be buried. I want everyone to know."

"A-al-right." The darker female nodded as she followed Maya, leaving the lion's body to rot under the burning sun.

WC: 1,225