SRP between Maya, Senua, and Torbjorn


On nights like this Maya felt utterly alone, and it wasn't like the feeling was so far from the truth that it rang false in her ears when her emotions got the better of her, no, it was a fact the female had agreed to live with years ago, still, it was as raw as any physical wound she bore, it just effected her mind differently - deeper. The pride was still a place she felt unwelcome in, and though that feeling was almost entirely by her own doing Maya couldn't help but allow her resentment to fester and grow, birthing a doubt the lioness couldn't seem to rid herself no matter how hard she tried, the efforts just felt hollow. Perhaps living so far away from the rest of the pride was causing her to recluse? The thought quickly let her mind as the female moved to stand outside of her den.

"Finally," a deep sigh escaped her chest as the lioness stepped out into the day, yawning widely as she stretched her forearms out long as her claws found the soft earth below. A full moon had come and gone and during this time all of her flesh wounds had healed over, leaving Maya back in good enough condition to hunt for herself once again. It shamed her having to rely on her sister for meals during her downtime, so this change of dynamics and pace brought the female pleasure so sweet she could hardly wait to sink her teeth into a wild beast. Maya had extended an hunting invitation to a fellow pride member a week ago but his silence spoke loudly and firm, he would not show for the hunt so the lioness would set off on her own, nearing the border as she kept to the tall grass.

At first her focus was completely fixated on a wild bore as she stalked her pray with narrowed eyes, hints of jade flashed as she took turns ebbing and weaving through the grass all while staying as low to the ground as she possibly could. As the bore found it'self at the edge of a small pound Maya would leap to attack, only to be interrupted by the cries of another lioness.

"Help!" The cries grew closer as Maya's target quickly took off in the opposite direction, leaving the malnourished female bitter and fuming as she lifted her head to high enough to settled her eyes on a darker female who seemed to be running away from something. Quickly Maya moved from her place against the ground, calling out as the other lioness stumbled closer. "You're too loud-" the disfigured female hissed as the darker lioness quickly made her way to Maya's side. "Please-," she plead as her eyes frantically searched Maya's face. "He's going to kill me!."

As the lioness settled right in-front of Maya she found herself withdrawing from the stranger, frowning. "Who?"

"I don't know his name, he just attacked me, came at me like a wild beast. Please, I can't keep running like this, he got my leg." As the darker lioness spoke she turned to show Maya a large gash that cover her arm, it was fresh and still dripping with bright blood.

"Please-" the lioness begged as tears ran down her red cheeks.

For a long moment Maya simply stood and glanced at the troubled lioness, looking her over a few more times before speaking firmly, her tone raspy and full of distaste, "Go. Get moving. Head north-" as Maya spoke she pointed in the direction the lioness needed to avoid. "This pride will enslave you if you go in much further in, so head north and make haste, I will deal with this." This was unlike Maya to be so forward with a complete stranger, still, something inside clicked and her mind was made up - she was getting involved. Why on earth was Maya agreeing to help a female she hardly knew? Perhaps she felt a connection that was hard to explain, or maybe it was out of boredom, whatever the case was the injured lioness seemed incredibly thankful, speaking between her soft cries. "Thank you, I will not forget your face." as quickly as she appeared the lioness left, heading north quickly. Maya had lost her meal and grandfathered in someone else's problems all in one morning, nothing was ever easy, was it? Slowly the burn-covered lioness turned her gaze to where the strange female came from, it was time to meet this attacker.

The day felt a stark and the air thin as the dusty female made her way forward, glaring over her shoulder at every shuffle she heard. Torn ears would twist as a deep voice called out, speaking with a malice that was familiar and forewarning. "Where is she-"

Maya stopped dead in her tracks as her green eyes met the golden gaze of a white lion pattered in green and red. He was unfamiliar and devilish, the blood from the female that had escaped was still trickling down her maw. Slowly the lion moved closer to to Maya, circling her as he spoke again, this time his tone shifted with his weight. "I know she came this way."

"She did." Maya nodded as a frown crossed her muzzle. "-but I let her go."

"Let her go? She was not yours to let go." The lion hissed as Maya stood still, definitely staring him down as he moved slowly around her. It was obvious he was sizing her up, still, the female stayed still and watched him with narrowed eyes.

"It's too late now," Maya exclaimed as a chuckle suck its way out from between her clinched teeth. "She's gone."

"You have no idea who I am." the lion only seemed to become more unsettled every time Maya spoke, this made her smirk.

"I don't care who you are. She is gone now, you need to leave." Her tail flicked violently as she snarled at his words.

"Leave? No, you've mistaken me-" the lion spoke with a wicked smirk. "You've taken something that belongs to me, now I am going to take something from you."

At his words Maya laughed aloud, rolling her eyes at his arrogance. "You can try." Normally someone like this easy to ignore, but Maya could tell he meant her harm, his ego was wounded and pride torn in two.. He wasn't far from another lion she had grown to understand and relate to, still, if he wanted a fight Maya would gladly give him one.

She was healed now and still very hungry, he was going to regret this.

WC: 1,107