Nalo'meli/Bee played by Chobi
K'i-lin played by Kasai

Bee had been given some medicine to use on his cut over his eye to prevent infection from one of the priestesses but neglected to use it. Now it was yellow with pus and starting to smell of days old meat. It was bad enough that Bee was having a fever from this infection and thus found him self escorted to the priestesses cave. His faceless escort did not stay but merely dropped him off for him to figure the rest out.

Bee was so feverish that he did not enter the cave but laid down. He shouted.

"Help now!" In to the cavern. Surely that would get him the service he needed. For now the male would lay and wait. His vision was too blurred to walk straight and he felt overly hot.

K'i's ears perked as a sound interrupted the silence. Hmm? Her violet eyes had yet to see the bearer of the voice, but it sounded familiar. She hummed, moving down a corridor. There, splayed on the ground, was the young male that she had treated just days before, yet he looked even worse.

"Nelo'meli?" The priestess called out. She tsked, approaching the male. The scent of his wound was not hard to miss. It smelled rotten.

"Oh, someone didn't listen did they." She scolded quietly. The male probably wouldn't hear it, battling the oozing infection. Her paw reached towards his head, confirming the heat radiating from it.

"Well, can't keep you here can we?" She said to herself. "CAN YOU WALK?" She said out loud to him. He was still small enough for her to drag if necessary...

A smirk on her maw. After his last comments on their previous meeting, maybe that would knock some sense into him.
Bee was too dizzy and sick to retort back to ki. His will was too focused on not vomitting or dying to want to say anything more. All Bee wanted to do was curl in a tight ball and not hurt anymore.

His paler than normal eyes looked up at ki but it wasn't clear if he was even seeing her or looking past her. The males maw opened like he was going to say something but vomit spewed out instead on to kis front paws.

It was clear he'd need to be dragged.

It wouldn't be the first time K'i had been upchucked on, and this wouldn't be the last time.

Poor kid was very sick wasn't he? Perhaps the younger priestess would take pity on him? Maybe not jolt him too much towards the med area. "Come on Nelo." She murmured, maneuvering the male in a way she could lift his front end, while his hind end stayed on the ground. She'd worry about cleaning herself up when the male was where she needed him.

"You SO owe me." She said quietly to the fevered male, slowly heading towards the back of the den. Her equipment and herbs were there, plus it was more private compared to the front where he was eloquently dropped off.

Once arrived, K'i set the male down on an old pelt. She headed towards a basin of water to clean the vomit from her paws, before she set to work.

First off, fever. She grabbed a mix of herbs, tossing them together before rolling them on a leaf. She headed back towards the adolescent, prying his mouth open. "Chew, Swallow." She commanded softly, before heading back towards her herb collection. Next, she would need to clean his wound, patch that up, and then get his temperature down on the outside.

Boy was she in for a lot of work.

The male would have no memory of being lifted and carried in to the priestesses den as his fever made everything feel like a blur. The soft pelts were hardly noticed when he was set down upon them. He laid there like a sorry lump completely unaware of what Ki was saying or doing. When his mouth was pried open did his maw halfheartedly chew. What ever the flavor the herbs were was completely lost on Bee.

Shortly after the chewing he closed his eyes making it unclear if he was asleep or if he was merely resting his eyes. This was safety now and he could let his body rest now that he was here. "Ki..." He muttered , "Sorry about puking.."

She heard the small mutter from the male as she prepared a stronger dose of the purple paste for his infected wound.

"Sorry for puking? You should be more sorry for not listening about getting that wound healed. If you get better, I am slapping you upside the head." K'i warned. "Maybe that will teach you to LISTEN." She scolded.

She sighed, moving over to the male to clean his wound. Once she was thought it was thoroughly cleaned, she placed the stinging paste on the wound. "Sorry for that," she said apologetically. His first reaction wasn't the greatest. Maybe in hsi zonked out state it would be less intrusive?

The last step was to cool his outer temperature. She grabbed a piece of aloe plant growing, and snapped the leaf. The ooze of green always fascinated the priestess. It wouldn't help much, but it would at least giving him a cooling effect. She rubbed the ooze on his head, making note to repeat these processses in a few hours.

"Will you listen next time?" K'i asked softly with a sigh.

Ki was being pretty forward about what a doofus he had been to not take his medication and Bee had no material to shoot back at her because she was right. Also because the fever was currently melting his brain. The male was fully at kis mercy at this very moment and he was only partly aware of it.

"Ki. This stuff is nice," he let out a tired sigh of relief after a few hours of good to his head. What ever it was it was doing a good job of bringing him back from the hazy fever.

"I'm feeling.. like I can talk just fine. " He was still weak though and his breathing was slightly labored. Yes, the doofus was going to live but if he was going to learn was still the question.

K’i-Lin couldn’t help but grin at the adolescent’s words. Oh yeah, he was completely out of it. She was sure the fever was talking compared to the male’s outburst on their last visit.

“A female knows how to take care of another.” She found herself saying quietly, rubbing just a bit more aloe on his forehead.

“I don’t need you to talk though right now. You are in my domain now, so you are going to listen. You need to rest. I will wake you in a couple hours when you need to take your next dose of herbs. You will remain in my care until you are better. You are no where near out of the woods yet, so you are going to stay here.” The normally spastic lioness glanced at him.

“Do I make myself clear?” K’i asked.

“Go ahead and get some rest,” she said to the male.


Now that Bee was feeling a little better he made a Huff sound of disapproval at the females commands. However, he did not protest or say anything in anger aside from his annoyed huffing. Being ordered around by a female was an annoyance but he wasn't about to piss off the person taking care of him and sleep sounded like too good of a thing.

So in quiet halfhearted protest he allowed himself to drift to sleep burying his face in the soft pelt provided.

K'i-lin shook her head as the young male finally settled down to sleep. Her cheeks puffed up as she put away the remnants of what she used, making a note to start a new batch within the hour, so the male could awake, be treated and go back to sleep. It would be a tedious process until his fever broke, and then even more so to get his wound healed.

Hopefully he wouldn't be as belligerent as last time, or K'i would become a little more creative with how she would be administering the medication.