Sphinx - Normal
Kasai - Bold

It had been a whirlwind of the past few days. The wound on Aldan's shoulder had gotten worse before it finally was better. It only ached when he found himself moving a lot, and the past day or so, he had been on his feet getting things ready.

His heart pounded in his chest. He couldn't believe just a few days ago he had released Yorshka from her servitude of the pride, only for her to remain by his side. With the new War Lord's reign, that meant by his standards she would still be a thrall. Aldan couldn't have that. He wanted her to be more.

Making her his wife did just that. It set their future in stone. No longer did they need to worry about the 'what ifs' with her as a wife.

Aldan sighed, gathering the last bit of jewelry, before he made his way to the ceremony. It would be a small gathering, some family, some friends. To Aldan though, the only one that mattered was the pale pridelander he had come to love.

Soon, she would be his. For always and forever.

Yorshka had spent her entire morning sitting as still as she possibly could so that her mother and niece could help prepare her for the wedding ceremony later that evening. It was a tradition that Zimran had not yet been able to pass down to any of her children, Yorshka was going to be her first daughter married off, so for the Goddess this moment meant more than she could possibly describe. Words would never be enough, not truly.

"Beautiful-" Zimran paused as she smiled under her golden bangs. "--but try to stay still, my love, Ny is almost done with the flowers." Upon her head lay a crown of wild flowers that her niece had crafted just for Yorshka's big day. It was a long process of weaving stems and twigs together, and being the perfectionist Ny was she demanded they look as close to perfect as they could. So, needless to say... the former Pridelander had been sitting for sometime now. "Mother, I'm trying." A soft chuckle escaped her as pale blue eyes shifted from the figure of her mother and back to Ny, who was now standing over her with a frown. "Ugh, I need to go find a blue one, it's missing blue." As soon as Ny spoke she withdrew herself from the den to fetch the missing color.

"Ny really shouldn't be stressing herself like this, it's really too much-" before Yorshka could finish speaking her mother interjected with a soft laugh, speaking. "Please, she is enjoying this, trust me, Ny has always been this way." The horned Goddess sat beside her daughter and nudged her side softly. "Besides, you look amazing, let us pamper you."

"I feel sick." The pale mortal confessed as her eyes rolled down to her trembling paws. "What if he has second thoughts?"

"He would be blind to second guess you." Zimran smirked as she rested a white paw onto of one of Yorshka's.

"It's going to be alright, trust me. It's normal to feel sick and worried. It's not everyday you get to be married. Vowing to spend your life with another is life changing, love."

"I know, I just want this night to be perfect." Her voice broke as she laughed under a nervous smile. "I wonder what he is going to look like."

"Perfect, just like you." The Goddess nodded as she nuzzled her daughter's forehead with her own. "You are both so beautiful, inside and out. This night will be perfect and every night that follows this one because you will have each other." The Goddess paused. "Love is extraordinary, Yorshka. Remind yourself of that when times get hard."

"I know, and I will. We will be equals now, partners. Everything will change, yet... nothing will be different. Not when it comes to how I feel about him." Her blue eyes shifted from her mother's soft face as she trailed off into the distance. "I wish my father could see me."

"I know, I do too." Her mother gave her one last gentle touch before she stood up and twisted her crown around, tucking a few petals down to make room for Yoshka's ears. "You'll need to close your eyes so I can apply the ash."

"Alright, I found a blue one." As soon as the Goddess started to outline Yorshka's eyes with black ash Ny reentered the den in a hurry. "I think this will work. Is Ciro helping Aldan?"

"I'm not sure what's going on, should I check?" Zimran questioned with a soft frown. "Yeah, I think I should. Ny, finish her eyes, I'll be right back."

Ciro watched as Aldan returned, looking towards the sky. “Cutting it rather close, aren’t you Aldan?” The captain asked with a hint of amusement in his words. He eyed the slightly disheveled male with a sigh. “Honestly, do you not know how to clean up?” He muttered, taking a few steps towards the other.

Aldan frowned, giving himself a once over. “What do you mean? I don’t think I look that bad?” He found himself questioning, his ears pinning as Ciro groaned. The reaver placed the silver band to the ground. It was the trinket he would give Yorshka once they exchanged their vows. On it, a small blue gem would catch the light of the sun. It was what first caught his attention when he found it a few missions back. He had kept it hidden amongst some pelts ever since, laying in wait for a good reason to use it. Today…today would be a good reason.

“Ouch~” Aldan hissed as Ciro pulled a tangle near his mane.

“Mhmm. Yep. Clean up well. You sure you want to do this? I mean…staying with one girl…all the time….” Ciro’s words drifted off as Aldan rolled his eyes. It was obvious Ciro’s idea of marriage was nonexistent. He had a different girl in his den practically every night. Don’t even ask how many he could end up with in a day when he was outside the pride.

“I’m not you,” Aldan found himself stating. (An indignant sound from Ciro followed). “YOrshka is the only girl I could ever see myself with. I may not be…the most upkept male….but that shouldn’t be a reason to not give me love to someone….right?” He gave a look to the darker male, who only shrug.

“Wrong lion to be asking.” At least Ciro was honest when he spoke.

Aldan sighed. “See if I come asking you for help anymore.” He muttered. Next time, he’d go to Ayanga or Runa.

Ciro clicked his tongue. “Come on. I think you look presentable now,” he had managed to pull some tangles from the male’s mane. Otherwise, his coat was clean. “We don’t want to keep your fair maiden waiting now, do we?”

"You know, this day isn't just about romance." Ny spoke up as she continued to fashion her aunt's crown.

"New expectations will come with these vows. You will have to make sure you are able to give him cubs, cubs that can carry on his name and legacy."

"I know..." The pale lioness smiled faintly. The thought of cubs still tasted bitter in her mouth, though now things would be different and the children they bore together would be free from servitude, still though, it was just as freighting as it was exciting.

"I would also suggest you learn to defend yourself, so that someday you may travel with him without the need of protection. Try never to be a burden." It wasn't like Ny to be so serious, but somethings still needed to be said. She cared for her aunt deeply and wanted to see this relationship stable and fruitful. Maybe she was a little envious herself, having not been married yet and without cubs of her own, but Ny was trying to overcome her own emotional issues by being here for Yorshka. Blood was blood after all. This was the future of her own family here.

"Thank you Ny, really, everything you've done means so much." Finally her crown was finished. Ny circled Yorshka once before smirking. "Yep, you look perfect."

- - - - -

Zimran had made her way to Aldan's den before she stopped at the entrance, speaking out softly. "May I enter?" The Goddess wanted to make sure the reaver was all set for tonight. If she could help him in anyway the Goddess would.

"It's just me, checking in." Zimran was unaware of Ciro's presence.

Aldan froze at the new voice at the entrance of the den. That was...

"Ohhh," Ciro purred. "A lovely lady approaches. Good thing you are taken Aldan, leaves this one open," he grinned, stepping towards the entrance of the den to greet the Goddess. "Why, my dear goddess, of course you may enter! Young Aldan here is just finishing getting ready. My, don't you look lovely today. You got to be careful, many eyes will be on you today and not your lovely daughter," Ciro complimented to the deity as he chuckled, beckoning her to enter.

"Smooth, Ciro." Aldan grunted, shaking his head as he glanced at Zimran. "How...How is Yorshka? Is she doing okay?" The male asked her mother. What if she was having second thoughts? Would he be alone waiting all night for her to be there? Aldan took a seat next to his darker captain friend. Someone had to be the barrier between him and the goddess. Who knew what sort of trouble he'd get himself to if Ciro found himself alone with Zimran.

"I just speak the truth," Ciro hummed, eyes upturning in amusement.

"Alright, let's head out." As Ny spoke she nudged Yorshka to the entrance of the den, and with wide eyes she spoke. "Ready??

Yorshka was trembling, from head to toe every muscle in her body was tight and strained. Her stomach felt sick, but it wasn't a sickness the lioness was dreading, rather, it was one that brought her so much excitement her bones could hardly take it. She stood firmly and nodded in silence. This was it.

The two females headed toward the large tree the couple decided on for the wedding ceremony, side by side they walked until Yorshka stopped dead in her tracks. The familiar face of a female she once embarrassed herself in front of came into view and the pale female found herself feeling pretty silly over her past actions, so slowly she moved closer until she stood in front of the golden-dipped priestess. "Thank you for this." Her voice was light as she spoke with a slow bow of the head. "-and I am very sorry, for when we first met, I was being emotional and I hope you can forgive my rudeness."

Yorshka could only hope the other female would be understanding, she was after all the one blessing this ceremony. Everything needed to be perfect.

- - - -

Zimran entered the den with a bright smile as she moved to nuzzle into her soon to be son-in laws neck warmly. "You clean up nicely." The Goddess joked with a soft nod. For a moment she just listened to Ciro speak.

"Is he always so dashing?" The Goddess questioned as she laughed at the darker male's comments. It wasn't everyday she met someone so bold.

"Are you ready? Yorshka should be ready by now, I've come to escort you."

K'i-lin stood amongst the small group of lions, waiting for the two guests of honor. She had a smile on her maw, laughing at something one of the lioness's in the crowd had said. Her purple eyes turned towards Yorshka as she approached. The party standing from their resting position. They were just missing the male. Surely Aldan would be here soon.

K'i smiled towards the pale female as she was thanked, as well as the other apologized. "You had every right to be how you were, given the circumstances." K'i found herself saying. "Your apology is accepted, even though I don't think it is even warranted!" The young priestess voice was soft. "You look beautiful, by the way," She found herself cooing, violet eyes turning from her, to the crowd, and then to the three figures walking towards them from the west.

"Looks like your Prince is here," K'i whispered to Yorshka, nodding her head towards the other.

It was so different. To think, less than a few weeks ago, Aldan had an argument with the goddess now nuzzling his neck. He never would have thought he'd actually have her approval to marry her daughter, and would he be doing that so soon.

"See Ciro, at least someone thinks I clean up nicely." Aldan joked with a small purr, before eyeing Zimran. "Don't encourage him. It will only get worse." He whispered, quirking an eyebrow as the oogly eyes Ciro seemed to be giving Zimran.

"Dashing?" Ciro had managed to hear the other's comment. "I can be more than dashing. You know, perhaps after this ceremony I can show you around the pride a bit. I know some of the best spots to enjoy the sights and sounds of nature. Perhaps we could get to know each other a bit more~ I am sure Aldan and Yorshka will want their alone time and it wouldn't be very Captainly of me if I didn't show a beautiful lady like yourself around, right?" Ciro seemed to think, humming slightly as his golden eyes traveled up (and down) Zimran.

"Yes, very much so." Aldan find him saying quickly, standing in Ciro's eyesight, blocking him from Zimran. He took a deep breath, gaining his composure as he nodded to Zimran. It was time!

As they got closer to the grounds, Aldan's heart began to pound in his chest. As soon as he saw Yorshka, the pounding he was sure was loud enough for everyone to hear. Here we go.

Zimran found a place off to the side and motioned for Ciro to join her, they could sit together during the ceremony. The company was welcomed, how could she say no to such charming lion? Her bright blue eyes sparkled with excited as the Goddess waved a white paw at her daughter.

This was it.

Slowly Yorshka's eyes moved to meet Aldan as the embellished lioness smiled under a tender embrace, moving in as she gave her mate a deep nuzzle before pulling back to look him over once. "You look nice." Her voice was faint so that only he could hear the words she spoke, tiny exchanges like this brought her that much closer to her wing marked lion. The black around her eyes made them haunting, like waves pushing against the darkness, they never left his face. Yorshka would remember him like this for as long as she lived. Aldan was her life now.

"Are you ready?" Another whisper escaped her as her body moved to stand before K'i-lin. She hoped he remembered the vows.

Ciro nodded, not able to resist sitting next to a pretty lady (and a goddess to boot!). When the festivities were over, he would need to speak with Zimran alone, perhaps show her around the pride, and get more...acquainted. How could someone resist his charm after all? The females of this pride loved him. (Or, so Ciro thought).

Aldan felt his nerves down to the hair in his tail tuft. As Yorshka spoke to him, he focused just on her. No one else was around him, just her. "You look....." His voice drifted as his eyes scanned the lioness. "Beautiful," he finished in a whisper. He couldn't believe he was doing this! Just months previously he had been a freeborn, ready to go on his first mission. Now, stood a reaver, ready to marry, ready to officially become a man.

He took a deep breath, giving the female a smile. "I am so ready." He chuckled quietly, a lopsided grin appearing on his maw. A cough from K'i-lin caused him to focus. Her bright purple eyes where shining with unshed tears of happiness for her friend.

" Friends, Family of the Stormborn! We are gathered here today to join these two lions as one. Aldan, son of Captain Vidar, to be bonded forever to Yorshka, who, while not of blood from this pride, shares the blood of the gods. She will forever be welcomed to our ranks, as Aldan's wife." K'i-lin flashed a smile to the small crowd, before focusing on the two before her.

"In the sight of the Gods, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. Look upon one another and say the words." K'i-lin instructed.

Aldan had notated the words earlier, going over and over them in his mind, all leading up to this point. His dark eyes stared into Yorshka's lighter one as his voice spoke, echoing hers in complete unison. "Father. Smith. Warrior. Mother. Maiden. Crone. Stranger. I am hers. She is mine. From this day, until the end of my days."

This was it, it was really happening.

Yorshka's elation at this very moment was palpable, hearing him speak the words almost brought the pale beauty to tears, however she did her best to refrain as much as possible, her mother would be disappointed if her eyes smeared midway through the vows, the lioness wanted this moment to be perfect, every moment as important as the one before. Slowly the lioness turned to face her betrothed, smiling brightly as she nodded and spoke, reciting the old words:

"Father. Smith. Warrior. Mother. Maiden. Crone. Stranger. I am His. He is mine. From this day, until the end of my days."

Silence filled the air as anticipation and excitement started to sink it. K'i-lin's next words couldn't come soon enough. Yorshka's lean frame fell into Aldan's as she stood beside him once more, facing the prestress with wide eyes. She would need to figure out a way to thank K'i for her efforts here tonight.

Zimran sat in silence and smiled softly to herself, life had been good to her lately, Gwen (Nara) was home, safe and sound in the Pridelands, and Yorshka was not only alive and well but getting married right here before her very eyes. For the longest time the Goddess struggled with happiness and loss, so... having this, even if only for the night, meant everything to her.

She only wished all of her children would find joy like Yorshka had.

K'i-lin's smile only widened as the perfect unison.

"Truly a match made for each other. From here on out, your souls will be bound as one. Only one thing remains. Seal your bind with a show of love. Aldan, kiss your bride. Cement your vows. Yorshka, kiss your groom.

Aldan didn't bother to glance at K'i-lin as she spoke. It was him and Yorshka in this moment, nothing more. For a lion who disliked the touch of another, here he was, about to make the vows permanent. He cared not who was around. To him, the only one that matter was the pale female before him.

"Seal the vows with a kiss. The part I've been waiting for," Aldan purred quietly, leaning forward so his muzzle connected with Yorshka's. His world was black. The only light he could see was that of Yorshka's illuminating. She would forever be his light in the darkness.

Aldan didn't even realize the small cheers of K'i-lin announced the two as husband and wife. This was it. They did it. They were one.

This was it, the final step. With this kiss everything was sealed. They were now married and she was no longer this thrall by title. From this point on Aldan was her husband and she was his wife. Her bright blue eyes closed as she nuzzled herself into her now husband, purring softly. It was okay to cry now, right? Because boy was she ready to ugly cry.

"I love you." The lioness whispered under a soft smile as she looked up from her place beside him. "I am so glad you all could be here with us. I will always be thankful for the family I have, and I am so very pleased to welcome Aldan in it, from this point on... we are a family." The seer was beaming. This day had gone off without a hitch, honestly she couldn't have asked for a better evening. What now? What would they do now?

The ceremony went on well into the night. They served enough meat to fill the bellies of every lion that attended and offered the joining families to share stories about the bride and groom. As guests started to leave Zimran withdrew herself for the evening, heading back to Ny's den so that the newly weds could enjoy their honeymoon night in peace.

Yorshka's masked face blushed as the lioness nudged Aldan. "...Are you ready to... excuse ourselves?" Her intentions were pretty clear, she was craving alone time with her husband.

Into the evening, the pair was congratulated by their attendees. Well wishes were given, and Aldan found himself nodding and giving his appreciation to them. He was seeing their party members beginning to leave, the dark captain seeming to have disappeared earlier in the evening. At the nudge, and her words, Aldan felt his cheeks heating up slightly.

"I am more than ready," He purred into her ear. It had been a while since the two had shared an intimate moment. With a flick of his tail against her hind leg, he beckoned for her to follow as he excused themselves from the remaining guests.

Now, they could really consecrate their union by truly becoming one