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Reply [IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands
[PRP] Shift in the Winds (Domey x Orhni)

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Tipsy Senshi

PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2018 7:19 pm
Around him, others seemed to make a big deal of the changes Ushindi brought to the Myrsky Syntynyt, all the while neglecting the fact that this was the way things had been.

'Well, no matter.' He thought, unable to keep the smirk from his maw. Just because the rules of the game changed, it did not mean one lost.

The pieces on the board were shifting into place, and it was difficult for Domeykite to stifle the joy he experienced. Ushindi's reign would prove to be quite beneficial for him, allowing him the leverage over the prettiest of pets in his possession that he needed. Orhni, for all the stupidity and naivety she had displayed in following him back to his home, was a stubborn creature. No matter how many times he struck at her, or forced her paw in a situation, she resisted. Not outwardly, never now. But he felt it.

It flowed through the veins in her body, that hate. He would not mind it so much if she wasn't so damnably subtle about it - and if she thought he would not notice, then she truly was a fool. A fool and a princess. His princess. His hold on her would not loosen, the claws around her throat pricking her flesh, squeezing until she hardly could gather the air in her lungs to breathe. Domeykite would have to do something about her insubordination.

"Princess," he greeted her as he walked into his den. His thrall was rarely allowed the freedom to move through the pride as she pleased. He would send her on errands, but always expected her to back in a timely fashion. Domeykite seemed to have developed a sense of satisfaction at keeping her locked away, though truly it was paranoia that fueled the action. He would not let another try to lay claim to what was his, and he did not trust the other Stormborn enough to let her walk around freely. Best to keep her shut in with him so that he could become her life and her purpose.

No one was coming to rescue her, enough time had passed to be certain of that.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2018 9:39 am
There was a time when the muses would have sent whispers to her mother, to her father, a time when even the farthest reaching of their members would have been assured a safety through the will of the greater ones. Yet, as each day passed and no one came for her, the reminder was driven home that the muses had abandoned them all. She, their once-princess, was no exception. Perhaps, eons ago, she would have risen with their favor to take her father's place among the Keepers. Perhaps she could have satiated the muses, kept them from leaving. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.

Today, as she heard her former title uttered in mockery and the entrance of the den once more filled with shadow, she knew that none of that hope would ever bring her peace. She knew her place here. Now, as their new leader took the reigns, she knew it even better. Though her wretched master seldom let her intermingle with the other lions of the pride, she still heard the whispers. Some of them were ecstatic that the old ways were returning while others, furious, spoke of treachery and anger in the dark. She had enough fear of Domeykite to know she had no place in those conversations - she had kept her head down even if her ears were open.

"Master," she greeted in return, resting her eyes upon the clean-swept floor of the den she was forced to share with him. She managed to push herself up quickly from her laying position, though she did not rise completely. She was lesser than he and she would commit to that role; the just-healed scar that marred her left brow and cheekbone were enough to make her remember that her survival depended upon playing to the proper pleasures of this wicked male. Sometimes it was hard to know what he wanted most and that was the most terrifying thing about him. Compliance was as likely to earn her his claws as her defiance was.

"Have you need of something?"



Eloquent Lunatic


Tipsy Senshi

PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2018 3:25 pm
"Do I need anything in order to talk with my thrall?" Domeykite answered sharply, annoyed that she thought that his actions had to have meaning behind them. Usually, they did not. His temper shifted quicker than the wind, and he moved passed her transgression. In time she would learn to better mold her words to his desire. It had done wonders to her demeanor; time and a heavy paw. Domeykite was always quick to put her back in her place. He would not let his princess dream anymore. The only thing she could accept was the reality that he owned her, and that he was her world now.

"I suppose you are not wrong, though. I do have need of you," he told her as he crossed the length of her den to stand in front of her. Good, she was playing the demure princess today. He did enjoy seeing her so defeated, it gave him confidence that she would be the perfect thrall for him. She had taken to her training well enough, though he supposed it was the threat of physical violence that motivated her so.

"The old Warlord has fallen, though I am sure you have heard of it. I'm sure, though you are to stay tucked away in this den, that you have heard many things." His tone was chastising, and his suspicions needed no actual proof to take root in his mind. "Zjarri'fol, played the game so remarkably poor that I doubt history will remember her as little more than a fool. I am quite pleased to see a more capable player leading the pride. Perhaps he will not be ousted so quickly as the last one was."

He sat down in front of her, shifting the fur around his shoulders off, allowing it to drop to the cold cavern floor. "With a change of power comes a change in rules. It has the females restless, as well they should be. Their ranks have been stripped and they've been put back in their proper place. They should have never been allowed to leave the pride when they had children to raise." The point seemed too long in coming, but there was a purpose to Domeykite's words despite how much he liked hearing himself talk.

"Did I not make a promise to you before?" he flipped his paw in the air, as if his memory had suddenly faltered. It had not.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 11:16 am
That was a question that he did not mean for her to answer. Instead, she simply grimaced at her own foolish words and let a small, almost undetectable shake of her head suffice to show that she was acknowledging the anger in his tone. She hated the way her existence with him felt like she was walking on eggshells; what pleased him one day was just as likely to infuriate him the next. The once-princess had yet to decide if it was his nature or if he simply enjoyed making her second guess every breath she made.

Probably both.

"I have heard the whispers," she dared to agree, "but it has little to do with me."

As he shrugged the pelt off of his shoulders, she stood and grabbed it gingerly with her teeth without being told to do so. She did not move far from him as she pulled it gently across their clean swept floor, just enough that she could spread it out and lay the hide flat against the cool stone. She was busy straightening it with as much tenderness as she could manage when he mentioned a promise - she paused as she considered it, still not looking up to meet his eyes. What answer could she have for that? She finished smoothing out his cloak and then turned back to him, sitting exactly where she had been before so that he could not complain of the distance she wished she could place between them.

"I'm afraid I don't remember, sir. There are a great many things you have promised me if I did not behave," she dared, trying to school her voice to as demure and gentle as she could manage, "behaving has seemed a better option thus far."



Eloquent Lunatic


Tipsy Senshi

PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 2:57 pm
"Normally, it would have nothing to do with you," he agreed, which was likely the greatest miracle the Stormlords could have blessed her with. "But there are new rules to the game, and to get what I want I must bend to it." Domeykite was content to talk to himself for a moment as she picked his pelt up off the floor and placed it where it belonged. Orhni was learning, and it hadn't taken too much effort to break her in. There was nothing that a heavy paw could not fix, and he was glad he did not have to permanently mar her beautiful face. Domeykite would not stand to have his prize ruined.

When she returned her place, Domeykite continued with his explanation. He had been a little concerned that she would see too much freedom in the demand he was about to give her, but her occasional obedience gave him hope that she would be agreeable. If not, he would have plenty of pawns in the future to keep her in her place. "I suppose I will speak plainly with you, since this now so deeply involves you. It must be nice, to be so oblivious up until now what the change in the winds meant for you."

He extended a paw, cupping her pale cheek. Domeykite had always found the mask-like marking upon her face fascinating, and to him there was no greater treasure than the creature in front of him. Unfortunately, he did not show affection well, since he valued obedience far above all other things he expected from her. "I promised you that I would have cubs by you that would rise far above your station. Now, though, any cubs I beget with a thrall are doomed to be tainted by your status and I will not have that.

You will wed me and be wife in title, but thrall in purpose. It would be foolish of you to expect anything more, and I will be keeping a watchful eye on you, Princess." He wrapped his paw around her shoulder and pulled her into an embrace that he knew she would hate. "I will have cubs by you," he whispered against her ear, "and if they are born thralls I will sell them to the highest bidder as such. You know how well a price your daughters would fetch." The words were not mere threat, but another promise he would make to her and uphold if she did not bend to the rules of his game.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 6:21 pm
It took everything in her power not to wrench her face away from him as he cupped a paw against her cheek. His touch always filled her with unease and revulsion but she had learned, more than once, that resistance was the fastest way to earn herself punishment. The reminder dampened her spirits enough that she did not act brashly but she could not completely eradicate the fire within herself; her jaw clenched beneath his touch and she shut her eyes so that he would not see it reflected in the depths of her eyes.

Domey, she knew, was a lion that wanted the buzz of a fight whether it was in his den or on the battlefield. Though she feared his anger, she too feared how much he loved it when she was not compliant. It was a dangerous addiction that always left her with the disadvantage. Most of the time, like now, she wasn't sure if he wanted her to bite back or cry.

But she would do neither.

Orhni's teeth grit so hard that she was sure they would crack but she did not resist it as he pulled her into his chest and whispered the most vile, wretched words he could think of. She wished that she felt he were bluffing, that this was something he was simply saying to shock her, but she knew he was speaking the truth - he would sell his own children if he felt they were worth more than their status to him. It made her stomach roll and for a moment, with his breath hot on her ear and her shoulder crushed against the thick fur of his chest, she did feel the hot sting of tears in the corners of her eyes.

"Wh-whatever you wish," she cursed herself instantly for the stutter, biting down on her tongue in an attempt to shock herself into calm. It hurt, but the spark of adrenaline was enough to prevent her from crying over a combination of her frustration and his absolutely repulsive behavior. "I don't understand, though. Would it not be better to just find a reputable wife among the Stormborn?"

She cracked her eyes open but stared at her own paws, furious and confused.



Eloquent Lunatic


Tipsy Senshi

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 6:04 am
"I will find a proper wife someday, but right now I have no desire to." Despite being from an old bloodline, Domeykite had hardly made a name for himself that would make him worthy enough for a decent wife. Besides, he hardly wanted one when he had his prize right here. His foreign princess was more than enough for him, and it was her differences and his hold on her that made Orhni all the more enticing to the male. He was curious to see how long it took until he could find no trace of the naive lioness that had followed him home etched into the features of his face.

Domeykite could feel her stiff against his chest, but her obedience was satisfactory. "You are the prettiest lioness here out of the whole lot of 'em." The compliment was genuine, but meant little from a lion who's only goal was absolute control over Orhni. "Why would I want any other when I can have you?" He already had her, sure, but becoming his wife was technically not something he could force her to agree to. The blackmail was necessary. Even if there were no cubs yet, there would be one day, and Domeykite knew she'd have to keep their fate in mind.

He was banking on a motherly instinct that did not always appear. She was not so broken yet that she would not care for her own children, even if they were born in the eye of the storm. "I am willing to burden myself with the mockery from marrying a thrall, so I am glad you understand." What others thought of him meant something, but in the grand scheme of the game he believed victory could not be achieved without a little sacrifice. His reputation would recover in time, and he would have all he ever wanted out of Orhni.

"I will be a good husband to you, if you are a good wife to me." The words could be either taken as a promise or a threat, and were likely both.

With a reluctant sigh he released her from his grip. Domeykite knew better than to press her too much, lest she start to fight back against him. He would have to put her back in her place, and that would risk breaking her enough that she lost the little spark of fight that was so intriguing about her. Domeykite would give her some space, but he would not give up his demands or desires.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 6:12 pm
You are the prettiest lioness here out of the whole lot of 'em.

As he breathed the words, hot and gentle again her ear, Orhni felt the lump form in her throat and the tears behind her eyelids threaten to swell above her cheekbones again. This time, though, it was not because of the hopelessness that he inspired within her or the fear that hovered above her head at every moment of every day. It was because, honestly, that his words were the most beautiful compliment that she had ever received and they were no better than dripping acid from the mouth of a serpent.

She had never felt more miserable in all of her existence. For a brief moment she wanted to tell him to simply kill her so that she did not have to continue living this joke of a life but she held her tongue. He would not give up his prize and it would only make him watch her more closely, threaten her with more vile blackmail. The only thing she could do, she knew, was to bite her tongue and marry him.

"You should not make promises we both know you won't keep," she mumbled, breathing easier now that she had been released from his grasp. She knew that he might strike her for the comment but she wanted him to know that her expectations of him being good to her were very, very low. Her eyes rose to meet his and this time she did not bother to hide the tears that stained the patchwork fur beneath her eyes or the sadness that swell within her like a gathering storm. "You are what you are and I am yours to do with as you wish. I've learned your lessons Domey, do not taunt me with a promise that there will be anything good for me in my future."

She drew a deep, shakey breath and let her fire gutter. He would punish her for it if she stepped too far out of line and said too much to disrespect him.

"I will give you your cubs," even if she knew she never had a choice in the matter, "and I will raise them to make you proud. Stormborn of a foreign royal line, it should be enough to end whatever mockery you might have to endure here."

Even if it would not end hers.



Eloquent Lunatic


Tipsy Senshi

PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 2:29 pm
He smiled, unable to determine if her words were meant to make a mockery of the promise he made or a simple truth of his nature. In the end, he decided not to be offended by it. "I did not intend to taunt you this time," Domeykite told her honestly, though he was not sure she would believe his words. After all, she had little reason to. A thrall, Orhni would be no longer. Her name would not be so terribly tainted, and perhaps she could find some dignity in the facade of being a wife. In Domeykite's opinion, this was quite the step up for his pet. She would bear his cubs, and his name was that of an acknowledged Reaver. Through him, they would all obtain some level of infamy.

The young male was not terribly concerned with the slander to his own name. In time his reputation would recover, and few would concern themselves with who he decided to wed. Her exotic bloodline would not be appealing to only him, but to the rest of the pride. It made Domeykite confident that he would not suffer from this decision. He would have all he wanted and more.

"Good," and his soft smile twisted into a familiar smirk. They both knew she had no real choice. "I am relieved you made the correct decision. I will meet with a Lawmaker in the morning, and we will be wed." He was not a patient lion, and he would not wait an eternity for a proper ceremony to be put together. All he needed was Orhni as his wife.

"I trust that you will make a fine wife and mother to our sons and daughters." His voice was rough, the laugh that followed clearly taunting. He was enjoying himself more than ever. Domeykite would have never thought he'd have found such an enjoyable toy out in the rogue lands. But, Orhni had so naively put herself into his paws, and he would take care of her.

"Rest well, Princess. You will have a long day tomorrow." It would be her last night as a thrall. Tomorrow, she would be completely his, a prisoner despite her title as 'wife'.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 3:35 pm
Orhni, the lost princess, said nothing else on the matter of marriages or thralls or honor; she simply lay down and tucked her tail around her paws, trying her damnedest not to wretch.



Eloquent Lunatic

[IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands

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