"Haruhi...?" A small voice asked from behind, nudging the darker sister. "Haru..hi...what's wrong?" Enkeli pushed on the female again, trying to rouse her. The attempts were proving futile at dark cub just wouldn't budge. Her only response was a small groan.

The parents of the cubs had been out on a viking, leaving the children in what should have been the capable paws of the thralls in the pride. However, no one could have guessed this would have come about with them again.

Enkeli had started feeling the hunger a few days ago, though she watched her movements to conserve energy.

Her sister on the other hand, was still bouncing all over the place, it wasn't a shock that she seem to get sick faster.

The white cub wished her mom was here. She would know what to do! "Come on Haru..wake up." she said before turning to the thrall in the den. "She's not moving!"

The thrall looked up, frowning at the comment. She too had be hit with the hunger pains that the cubs were going through, although she couldn't do much to satiate the feeling either. "I can get her more food." Luamei said with a frown, really unsure what to do at this point. "Maybe she will feel better once she eats some more."

It was an offer, but Lua knew it wasn't the best one. The food was plentiful here, yet the feeling of hunger never let up. "Maybe she just misses her mom." Lua tried to reason quietly. This only seemed to fluster the white cub more, to the point the normally subdued female was bristling at the thrall.

"What?!" She growled out. "Haruhi just wouldn't push over and wait for mom to get home! Don't you know any better?!" She all but shouted.

Her tail thrashed behind her as she stood over her sister, a paw wiping at the braided fetlock, pushing it away. "Fine. If you won't help her I will find someone who will! If she dies, you will too." The freeborn warned the thrall. The cub couldn't do anything, but maybe their Captain father could, or even their soon to be reaver mother. If a freeborn died under the watch of a thrall, would that tear the pride up?

Without waiting for an answer, the white and purple female fled from the den. She didn't care what the starry female did or if she chased after her. She needed to get help; she wasn't about ready to let her sister die.

Seeing a group of adults before her, the female quickened her pace. "Please help. My sister, she's not moving." The lioness pleaded.

There was no answer from the adults. Just groans as they lay on the ground.

Enkeli frowned. "Didn't you hear me?! Please!" She screamed again.

Silence returned her call. Scoffing, the female turned her back towards the group, trying another not too far.

This new group was about the age of Luamei, maybe older or younger by a week or two. "I need help." Enkeli pleaded again. "My sister, she's...she's..."

"She's like all of us." The male said solemnly. "Hopefully it will pass whatever has gotten a hold of us. We can only hope." Muuno lay down, his tail curling around his back legs.

Near him, an adult stood with kind, yet sad eyes. "Please ignore my grandson," Astrid said quietly. "What is wrong with her?"

Enkeli glanced at the adult, shaking now. "She's not moving and...and the thrall isn't helping! I can't even get her to eat...mom and dad are gone. I..I don't know what to do."

Astrid shook her head, sighing. "I am not sure there is much we can do, but take me to her. Muuno, stay with your sisters," Astrid said, following the white cub in a slow pace. Her stomach grumbled. Instead of giving in, the thrall decided to ignore it. She needed to help the other.

"She's just up here. The stupid thrall doesn't know what she is doing!" Enkeli cried out, tears beginning to stream from her eyes.

Astrid frowned at how the female spoke. "I am sure she is trying everything to get her better." Astrid's eyes settled on the purple marking on the shoulder. "Is your father Ciro'mekaitso?" Astrid asked, causing the cub to nod.

"Mhmm. Mom is Njia."

"Hmm." Astrid hummed, approaching the den entrance. She held her tongue.

"Over there, get out of the way!" Enkeli pushed passed the starry female, approaching her fallen sister. "See, she's not getting up."

Astrid glanced apologetically at the adolescent thrall, who looked quite fearful as the adult entered. "My name is Astrid," she said quietly in introduction, settling on Haruhi.

"What is her name?"

"Haruhi," a tone in the back said, pink eyes focused on the adolescent with a nod.

"And how long has she been like this?"

"...She seemed to be okay last night. All the kids were complaining about being hungry, so I went to get them a klipspringer from the food pile. They ate it... Maybe it was tainted?" Lua said shaking her head. "It smelled okay though, so I don't know."

"Whatever is going on is affecting everyone..." Astrid said sadly. "The cubs probably just have it worse off, being how small they are." She thought for a moment, wondering if the lion currently sharing her den might be able to offer some suggestion of help to take care of the youth. "When will their parents be home?" Astrid asked the adolescent, who seemed to shrug lightly.

"They left about five days ago. I think their mom mentioned something about being away for two weeks." The starry pelt female said quietly. "With this going on, I am not sure I can handle them."

Astrid nodded. "I will take this one home with me. I will send my daughter over. She can help watch over the children while their parents are away. I don't think this will be an overnight fixed." The thrall stated, grabbing the small cub by the nape of her neck, lifting her up.

Haruhi groaned, by eyes remained closed.

"Don'tchu wery" Astrid said with her mouthful, she turned to leave, hearing the cries of her sister behind her.

"Wait! Where are you taking her! You can't just leave! I won't allow it!" Enkeli growled, but tears flowed from her eyes.

Lua stopped the cub before she could run out. "We will go visit her tomorrow. Let the adult help her. She will be fine...I promise."

Oh, how she hoped that cub would be okay.


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