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Yurei, while a soldier to the Phoenix Army, tended to act more like a scout these days. She spent more time on the outskirts of the Fire Tribe, far away from the capital or any other encampments where soldiers would be held. Her little act that she had developed early on would do her no good if she was killed in some epic battle. On the other paw, if she managed to kill off any Dragon Army members who were slacking off, or steal their supplies or information, then that was well worth her time.

So she navigated across the mountain terrain, the shimmering rock beneath her claws, slick to the touch. She spent a great deal of her time pretending to stumble, for she never knew who could be watching her. Upon her back, she carried a small pack with food inside. That was her lure to entice others who may hunger to her. With her faded eyes, by all accounts, she could seem like a frail, blind Nan, trying to make her way out of the war zone.

Perhaps she would come across a b'alam foolish or greedy enough to try and take advantage of her situation. She hoped so.

WC: 202
