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Continuation of a rp that takes place during the construction of the Lightseekers Settlement...

Tending to the Flora was a very relaxing task, Calida didn't really have a garden of her own to speak of so this was a very pleasant change of pace from baking! Her mind wandered to the idea of having her own garden for her bakery. It would be a good idea for expansion in the future. The young greenblood let her mind wander for a while as she tended to the garden, it wasn't the best job but it wasn't the worst. She thought about many things from the wish she could feel the leaves to what sorts of plants were growing.

Near the end of her tasks Calida found her gaze fall on a hardworking blueblood. She assumed this troll was a blueblood since her tips were dyed blue and she had a very blue, was that a jacket wrapped around their waist? Curious the young troll quickly walked closer and very suddenly. "What's that around your waist?"

Tsarzi listened to snippets of conversation and going ons as she carefully extracted the small flowering plant from the transplant pot and placed it into the fresh holw that had been dug for it. Each start was given a home of fertile nutrients rich soil from the compost and a healthy watering before moving on to the next. It was a repetitive process, but one that asked for both effort and precision that Tsarzi took too. She only had a few starts left and was finishing up with her current spot when she heard an approach.

Tsarzi gave her curious peer a once over, noting the dirt smeared on metal palms, the style of dress, and notable facial features. Tsarzi filed the profile away as she moved to stand, grabbing the small tray of plants she had left. The clothing choice of the presumable greenblood did not strike Tsarzi as the most appropriate for the kind of work around the settlement, but for the chores, those frilled edges probably wouldn't get frayed. Still, the metal appendages spoke of a troll that moved forward past an accident of some sort. Quite dire to get both arms.

"It's a fabric wrap," Tsarzi answer blandly, giving her free hand scrub over the fabric to rid it of dirt. The fabric has stains here and there, ranging from grass to dried mud to some various hues of blood. Not enough to look awful, but clear places of concentration could be picked out as where Tsarzi often wiped her hands. Given the state of it, she saw little need to expand upon the use of the garment. On the other hand.

"Your clothes look like they won't take well to prolonged wear and tear of physical labor. We have some pads over at the greenhouse for the purpose of keeping your knees from getting dirty and can help avoid getting tears in those leggings," Tsarzi offered. She hadn't seen this particular troll around before and she was just tending the plants, not the most taxing of jobs, but certainly not the cleanest, and likely didn't know about the tools around to help mitigate that kind of damage.