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Death. I'm surrounded by it. I live it, breathe it, and some even say I am Death itself. My duty is to ensure the dead stay dead. It is a position I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. Though these days, she happens to squawk at me quite often since her banishment to my realm. I was chosen. No, I was traded and forced into this position. But it is who I am now. I must fulfill my duties. Or face the consequences.

But it is lonely here.

The girls, my Furies, are around from time to time, but they have their own duties to perform. And they also have mortals to dish justice upon.

It was about 14 seasons ago when I first saw him. He was hunting on Dolandor, the home of the Gods. I concealed myself in the shadows, but I watched him for a time. His golden hair bounced around his shoulders as he moved. His skill was only matched by the Goddess Artemis. The way his sculpted muscles moved was like a beautiful work of art. Adonis, sweet Adonis, is perfect. There exists only one flaw. And while it does keep his affections from me, I wouldn't change it for the world. He is betrothed to the Goddess of Love. That is hard to compete with. Love or Death?

I spent many a night and day hiding in the shadows, just watching. I was content on just having this beautiful man as a vision. I was happy and thankful that he was even in my life in that capacity. I did nothing to change that. He belonged to Venus. And she is the one he chose to give his heart and affection to.

Until the fateful day 11 seasons ago. During a Venus Day celebration where the mortals come to celebrate Venus, the Goddess of Love. It was also a party. To celebrate their engagement. I once again kept myself in the shadows, away from curious eyes and eyes that belonged to our common enemy.

I am surprised, frankly, that no one did see me. Even my Furies perched atop the columns to watch the mortals make fools of themselves while the gods laughed at them. Silly mortals.

I did not know how or who was responsible, but my heart was ripped out my chest when I saw Adonis' blood pooling on the floor. It took all of my will power to keep from crying out. I yearned to jump from hiding to hold his body and comfort him to the afterlife. Venus' beautiful anenomies that grew from his blood were a perfect, sorrowful tribute for the love of her life.

As his body lay dying on a cold slab of polished marble, I removed his body and brought him back here, to the Underworld. I wanted to save him, not keep him as a prisoner, or even keep his soul for eternity. I know they say that once a soul, even a god's soul goes to the Underworld there is no return. That isn't entirely true. There are ways out. Psyche, for example, had a visit during her trial to prove her love for Eros to his mother Venus. She remains bitter about that to this day. But with Adonis, it was different. I brought his whole body, which still contained his soul. I am the sole entity that can allow or disallow exit from the underworld.

I spent a season helping to heal him. And another getting to know him. He loves Venus with all his heart. He'd never be untrue. And he missed her. But his presence, and the company he provided for me filled my heart. We'd spend all of our time together talking and enjoying what each other brought to the friendship. Not once was he ever unfaithful to the love of his life.

I loved him enough to let him go back to her. He never pleaded with me, never even asked. It was only how he'd talk about Venus and the adoration and genuine love that his soul radiated and how his eyes sparkled at the mention of her name. On one condition I let him return to her: he must spend the dead seasons with me. He can spend the living seasons with his adoring betrothed.

Every Venus Day, He would go home. And every Autumn equinox I would arrive to escort him to our home. I call it our home, as it isn't the same without him there anymore. I have a small, humble palace. Nothing flashy like Venus. It's dark, somber and can be dreary. There is life in the Underworld when he is there. There is life in me. I feel renewed each time he returns.

As the seasons passed, Venus didn't seem to be as enamored with the beautiful God of Desire as she once was. What happened to her love for him? He stayed true, never faltering for his love for Venus. He had a fondness for me, yes, but our relationship was not intimate. I yearned for it, but I respect Adonis's heart. I wouldn't want to break it or injure it in any way.

Today, as we prepare to enter the mortal world for our 15th season apart for the entirety of the living season, there is a sadness in Adonis' eyes. I do not know why, but this is the first time I have witnessed that there is little excitement to return to his real home.

"My love, are you ready to go home?"
