“You’re not helping,” Ichta said as Aurinkoth told her for the 4th time in a row that her attempt at putting words on paper was….well- Perfect! Wonderful! He’ll definitely understand!. Except Ichta wasn’t certain what there was to understand. Or rather, if she was certain of what it was she was trying to say.

She tapped her writing tool on the edge of the hide idly, the little brown flitter perched at the edge of the table chirruping at it and watching it with transfixed eyes. Ichta looked at him and narrowed her eyes slightly. “And you,” she nudged her newest boy with the tool and he immediately latched to it with teeth and tiny claws, attempting to fiercely to battle with it, “are really not helping. You’re so naughty.” Naughty Boy lifted his head and chirruped in recognition of his name having been said, then continued to bite the writing tool.

Ichta relinquished it to him as Aurinkoth leaned in to watch, eyes whirling with fascination at the tiny brown. He was dark and brown, just like Elzebuth was and it was most fascinating. At least until the firelizard tried to attack his face and he went reeling back with concern. Ichta bapped the brown on the nose. “No,” she said firmly in a way she was picking up from G’ran. Which reminded her that now that Naughty Boy had her writing tool...she needed to find where the last had gone.

Having a private weyr was nice - though Ichta waited for any day when she’d be settled up with a roommate for more than just shared facilities such as wash rooms - but it also gave Naughty Boy plenty of space to hide things in. Love, did you see where Naughty Boy hid- ah, there it is. Nevermind! The blue had nudged his head under Ichta’s bed, trilling at the tool just out of reach. Ichta crawled under to retrieve it before returning to her desk.

“One of these days you’re going to hide this somewhere I can’t find it,” she nudged the brown firelizard again and he cheeped up at her as though he wasn’t the naughtiest creature she’d ever known. Maybe Elzebuth was, but Elzebuth at least had a tether. A...very….G’ran shaped tether.

She tried to not think about it too hard, but she also thought about it a lot. Aurinkoth bugled with amusement, watching as his perfect chosen settled again at her desk. Was his lovely, sweet Ichta both of those things by Human standards? Oh, Elzebuth and he both knew both she and G’ran were absolute fools but perhaps not so silly as to notice each other, but did other humans notice them as well?

Some of their other siblings had hinted that perhaps that was not the case - as theirs had already noticed that Ichta was pretending wasn’t obvious at all.

But away she went, writing a fifth attempt.

Tell him that he’s big and strong like Elzebuth and could probably have all the ladies just like him! Ichta sputtered at Aurinkoth’s suggestion and turned to look at her bonded with a flustered look on her face. “That is not going to help...but thank you for trying,” she added. Aurinkoth kept it to himself that he’d thought of that solely because his brother thought it clearly of himself anyways. And if Elzebuth was so certain of it, it clearly was the truth - and Elzebuth would have never been so silly as to lie, right?

Well...maybe just a little bit. But Aurinkoth didn’t see the harm in Elzebuth’s little lies.

“Here, how’s this one sound?” Ichta had barely written a handful of sentences, and to be fair, she expected the same resoundingly positive ‘you could never do poorly at this’ response she’d gotten to the others before it.


I have no simple words I can write for my feelings. I’ve tried hard to find them and while it’s simple, the words aren’t.
I really enjoy your company but have struggled with the rules set in place by Weyrlinghood. Now that such rules have been lifted I guess I’d really like to spend more time with you but you’re too good for me. I hope you understand.

Aurinkoth thrummed with concern. Too good for you? Never. I don’t think he’d see it that way at all. he insisted as Ichta sighed and rolled up the hide, tying it off with some braided string from her many projects spread out on her bed.

“That’s not up to me, Aurinkoth,” Ichta sighed. There would be many who thought otherwise, after all. She offered the bundled letter to Naughty Boy who looked at it in consideration. “Take that to your sister, please,” she said, flashing an image of the green into his mind. The brown chirruped and with a loud CRACK of Between was gone.

Naughty boy would be found having chewed one corner of the letter off and attempted to make a nest of it and any other pieces of hide it could find in the brownrider’s weyr before having to be fought with to actually take it from him before he’d return to his human. Naughty Boy was a Naughty Boy indeed.