Special Weapon: Allows ability for another special weapon like Nora's grenade launcher and Ruby's Scythe. 500 credits

Transmutation Portal: Small Digital portal that allows for the user to call upon their weapon of choice on the spot. Popular with hunters that have more than one Special Weapon. Can be damaged easily 100 credits

Technique Slot:
Gives ability to add one technique or create a technique of the user's choice. 100 Credits

Rank up Trial:
If don't wanna wait till you accumulate the amount of Experience points needed or be recognized, you can purchase a rank up trial ticket. This grants access to take a rank up test. If pass, you earn the rank up. However, these tests have a 5%-25%% pass rate and only the best of the best should attempt these tests. These tests can be lethal. Trials rotate each time a person participates and rarely are the same. An example of a C rank trial would be pyrrah soloing a whole team. Price range by rank. C rank: 100 B rank: 200 A Rank: 350 S rank: 500 credits

Stat Boost: Allows ability to add a + to any stat of your choosing. 1000 credits.

Aura Boost Gauge: An extra gauge that can be purchased. while your overall damage has a maximum cap, the amount of aura one has can be endless. This gauge is independent of the stats and doesn't add extra damage or control. For example, a speed type, physical semblance user, while may not have better semblance control than a semblance type user, they will have more aura available which allows for more use. For example, a D rank with a boost gauge has twice the amount of aura than a regular D rank. initial gauge: 500 credits. Add a + to gauge. 250 credits. ++++= next rank.