
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.Ragna could see her beginning to sway back and forth, his face stopped blushing the moment he saw the massive scar on her before she fell asleep onto the bed. The length of which it went was surprising as she started to snore. He calmed down before Andrea pushed her off, instinctively catching her before he moved to be between Andrea and Davina. "Andrea, I know you don't like her... but treating her like that may cause her to harm you..." He told her softly before snuggling Andrea as she was on the verge of passing out, with Davina on his other side, doing his best to keep all three of them on the bed as he closed his eyes to rest. "Please... kindness will go along way for all five of us." He whispered as he fell asleep.


Youroka Kage