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Reply [IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands
[PRP] Fun and Games (Domey x Orhni)

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Tipsy Senshi

PostPosted: Sat Dec 02, 2017 6:12 pm
There was an unusual pep to Domeykite's step that morning. The lion woke up just as the sun was rising over the peek of the cliffs. Normally, he'd be up all night and sleep a good portion of his day away, but he had a guest and he had to make sure she was comfortable. He could also drop his 'good boy' act, which had been a little draining on his psyche. But worth it. So incredibly worth it.

The lion roused himself and readjusted his pelt back around his shoulders. He walked now with more purpose than he had ever in his life right to where he had left her. A lot of the thralls were already up doing the menial work that the rest of the pride couldn't be bothered with. They were mostly warriors, after all. There were far more honorable things to do in life than pick up after oneself.

The night before he had instructed a thrall to keep an eye on his prize. Orhni wouldn't be allowed to leave even if she had woken up before him. The thralls would keep her in place, mostly because they knew better than to get on Domeykite's bad side. He wasn't popular, and the thralls knew him for posessing a mean streak when it came to them. They were just on a level so beneath him that he couldn't help but play around with them. For the most part, he simply ruined their day instead of their lives.

Orhni was the first that he had the pleasure of destroying her previous life.

He approached the den, and saw the thrall he had charged with keeping an eye on Orhni. He smirked at the lioness, and she meekly bowed her head to indicate that his prize was still right where he left it. "Good morning, Orhni," he announced himself smugly.

Truth be told, by the time Domeykite made himself known, Orhni had already begun to suspect that somewhat was.. amiss. Although no one had been unkind to her she thought she saw a strange look in the eyes of those around her - a mix of pity and incredulity. Their words had been short and clipped although not unpleasant and, strangest of all, she was very certain that a lioness had been following her.

When Domeykite finally found his way back to the den she had been residing in she had been at the very first of it almost excited - and then she saw the way the other lioness bowed at him, almost as if she were deferring to him, and the first thread of panic stitched itself across her heart.

"Good morning," she said slowly, tilting her head sideways so that she appeared to be trying to judge some part of his character not entirely visible to the naked eye.

"It seems the storm has passed, no?" Very carefully, she pushed herself up onto her paws from where she had been reclining outside the mouth of the den. "I can just be on my way now. I was only waiting to thank you for the hospitality."

It seemed like the lioness had wisened up a little, though he couldn't be certain that she wasn't just eager to leave. The storm had passed, and the sky was surprisingly clear. In another hour or so the weaher would become overcast again, but the lions that dwelled here were used to unpleasant weather and were hardened by it. In time, he was sure she would become used to living within the storm.

All thralls eventually came to accept their position, and those that couldn't simply waited for the right opportunity to challenge their way to freedom. But, she was knew, and likely wouldn't realize what the breytast vindar was in time to do anything about it. That meant he had plenty of time to play with her.

"I don't think so," he interjected with such a kind tone in his voice that it was clear he was mocking her. He took a step closer to her and squared his shoulders - he was bigger and undoubtedly stronger. The unnamed lioness beside him also seemed willing to back him up. Orhni had walked into the heart of the pride like a little lost cub. She had a whole bunch of lions to go through if she wanted to get out. "You see, I've enjoyed your company so much that I've just decided to keep you. Welcome home."

The emotions that hit Orhni at first were a jumble - anger, confusion, shock, fear. Unable to sort them out from one another properly, she plucked at the strongest and tossed it back in his face, letting the anger fuel her.

"How dare you! Do you think you can just choose to keep a free lion, you fool? Do you know who I am?" A damn Princess, that was what she was, even if she was far, far from the lands of her bloodline. She feigned a gasp, pressing a paw to her chest for a moment before she stamped it into the ground and rose to her feet. She was quite small by comparison though and even she knew it. She was just hoping her incredulous attitude would be enought o convince these other lions that she didn't belong here.

"This is not my home. You are not good company. I just wanted a place to get out of the storm and with that said I am absolutely and completely leaving." Assuming he wouldn't dare do a thing, she shifted and moved to walk past him. She might not know where she was but even she could remember how to get out of this place.

"Yes, I can. And no, I don't, and I don't really care." Domeykite answered her questions in turn promptly. There was an eagerness to his voice, an excitement in his eyes. He was trying to bait her. It was always more fun when thralls put up a fight, and he was hoping for some decent entertainment this morning. This would be the best way for her to learn, quickly putting her down and into her place was better than gently easing her into her captivity.

She was definitely a spitfire of a lioness. He had expected her to try and leave, but to do so when he was right there to stop her was ridiculous. Domeykite put an end to that idea quickly. He unsheathed his claws, and reached out to try and strike his paw across her face as she began to pass him. The dark green lion put his body between her's and the exit, effectively preventing her from leaving. "It is your home now, and I don't care if I'm good enough company for you, my lady. You're going to put up with it anyways."

He stepped towards her, pressuring her to back up further into the den. "Let me tell you where you are. You're in the Myrsky Syntynyt. There is only one direction in which you can leave this pride, and it is heavily guarded. A thrall like you wouldn't be allowed near our borders. So stay put, relax, enjoy your new home here. It's not so bad," he purred.

Whatever Orhni had expected him to do, attacking her outright was most certainly not numbered among her list of top five 'ways reasonable lions behave'. Owing to a childhood growing up among dirty fighters and quickfeet, she managed to duck and scuttle backward quickly so that he didn't scar her pretty face. Immediately, a look of absolute horror widened her eyes to two large saucers and her mouth gaped with intelligble sound.

Then, very slowly, she let him push her back step-by-step into the den she had only hours before been so very thankful to be a part of. With each step, the shock began to wear off of her face, replaced by a growing, intense hatred and loathing. Her eyes cast behind him to the lioness that, she guessed, was also whatever this thrall thing was but she could tell from the distant, dismissive glare that she would find no help there.

She was trapped.

Her teeth clenched and bared in irritation at him and her eyes glared daggers back into his own, displaying her anger to a world that absolutely did not care.

"I'll get out of this, you know. You'll regret it."

"You won't," Domeykite assured her with a pleasant smile and upbeat tone of voice. It took nothing for him to threaten her with violence. There was no anger behind his actions. Instead, they were fueled by the warped desire to play with his new toy. The fact that she was upset with him and refused to accept her fate only made it more enjoyable. In a few months time she would be as broken as the rest. She would do the tasks set to her without complaint or a rebellious attitude.

That meant he only had a few months to really have fun with her, and he was going to make the best out of his new plaything before he became bored with her. "Trust me, it'll be easier if you do the tasks assigned to you without throwing an adorable hissy fit." He reached out to her, slowly so that she knew she wasn't about to get struck, to embrace her cheek. It had been a rather quick move on her part to avoid his last attack - he might have been irritated with it if he wasn't so impressed.

Her true nature was unravelling, in a fight or flight situation Domeykite was almost starting to believe she would fight. Good. "If anyone asks you to do anything, you'll be a good girl and oblige them, whether it's cleaning, getting food, or babysitting. The only time you won't listen to a freeborn lion is when it contradicts something I personally tell you to do. You are mine above all else, understand?"

The longer he spoke and the more words that tumbled out of his dark mug, the darker and stormier her eyes became. To think that this fool of a lion would dare hold a kizingo princess captive apalled her to her very core. Had the muses not abandoned her, had they not turned their backs upon her family, she was certain she could have risen up against such a fool.

Only they had.

For a long moment, she refused to speak, drawing on her silence as only form of rebellion. The storm in her eyes grew darker and angrier, like she might unleash the hell of the gods upon him with only a simple glare. She couldn't, though. She was no storm mistress - she wasn't even a free lioness any longer.

She pulled her head away from the touch of his paw but managed to spit out, "understood", around a mouth full of clenched teeth. Whether or not she truly intended to behave once he was gone remained to be seen. He was certainly fearsome, yes, but what about these others? She would not be able to look at herself in the pond if she did not test her limits a little.

He waited, excitement hanging in the area as he saw the dark look in her eyes. Domeykite would love nothing more for her to try and lash out at him. Let the little princess try to take him on, just so he had the opportunity to put her back down again. It was the best part of playing with new thralls. Most of them were stupid enough to challenge their position once or twice, and he lived for those moments. If only she would cave into her anger and come at him with all the fury of a raging storm.

But her demeanor was tempered, as if she had wisened up to his game. It was so utterly disappointing that Domeykite wanted to push her just to get a rise out of her. He should be rewarding her good behavior, but instead he wanted to drag the worst out of her. "What a good little lady," he cooed at her as he took a step closer. He kept the pressure on her and refused to let her feel at ease.

There was no chance of being comfortable around him, because at his best Domeykite was unpredictable. "Now how about you follow me back to my den, away from all these prying eyes?" His eyes glinted with clear malice, a smirk striking across his smug face. It was becoming less and less clear if he was just insinuating such things to get a rise out of her, or if there was actual intent behind his words.

If only he could get that temper to crash into him like waves breaking against a rocky shore.

At first, she seemed as if she might weather the storm that was this wicked soul. It felt absolutely like she was being pressured but knowing such a thing and being able to remain apathetic in the face of it were two entirely different concepts. She tried to shift backwards away from him but he only pressed forward, until at last she leveled that fiery gaze on him again.

"Absolutely not, you disgusting furbag," well, she was at least done being prim and proper.

She stood and took a few steps back and to the side, trying to put him in a position to lunge at her if he wanted to continue being bothersome. It didn't appear that she was going to be willing to strike first - she wasn't a fighter, her pride had been one of taking advantage of the weak and running before they could be caught. She didn't think for a single moment that any part of her would be able to stand up to a seasoned jerk like this one.

"Tell me what pointless chores you'd like me to do and get out of my face."

Her spunk was enjoyable, and laughter rumbled deep in his chest and echoed throughout the den. Most stormborn wouldn't have taken the insult well, but for Domeykite the fight was half the fun. It wasn't nearly so enjoyable to have a toy that didn't fight back. He let her get away with the petty name calling. Orhni at least had managed to call him something that was fairly accurate.

He stalked closer to her, that smug smirk plastered over his face, "You really can't deny me. You can call me names and tell me no, but in the end I get what I want, thrall." He decided not to press her further - there was a time and a place for that, and he had messed around with his toy enough for the day. If he didn't take it slowly, the enjoyment he got out of her would diminish too soon.

He wanted to keep her and torment her for as long as possible, so he wouldn't have to bother with going out to get himself a new toy again. "I'll have someone show you to where we keep the herds, you'll slaughter one for me, and they'll instruct you what to do with the extra meat and then escort you to my den." The dark green lion glanced over his shoulder and to the lioness seated at the entrance of the den.

"And I do expect you to be quick about it." That warning wasn't just for Orhni, but also for the lioness who had the misfortune to be tasked with teaching the new thrall the way of life here in the Stormborn.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 2:23 pm
There was nothing to be done or said in that moment - even Orhni with all her foolish, grandiose hopes and dreams could see that there would be no savior for her here, at least not right now. The other thralls (as he called them) seemed so beat down into their rank that there wasn't an ounce of thought towards disobedience. It would have made her ancestors sad, she thought, to have seen so many souls unaware of the art of cunning.

It took everything in her power not to sink back and away from him, to stop herself from cowering out of pure instinct. The adrenaline that was storming through her veins at first was very much beginning to wear off and now there was only the overwhelming sense of dread at this new, unwelcome life. Still, she planted her feet firmly and raised her chin just a fraction in the face of his smirk - she would not break. She was determined.

At the very least, this first chore did not seem too degrading. Hunting was hunting, was it not?

"Yes sir," her voice was firm, if sharp. It might have eluded to a fraction of obedience but it certainly did not reach those still-storming eyes. Orhni had no intention of not trying to escape, even if it was going to mean employing every ounce of craftiness her forefathers had bestowed upon her. There was a way out of this pride, she just had to find it.

"I'll go get started," she dared, pushing herself up to her feet and sliding past him, if pointedly toward the other lioness. She wanted to be as far away from him for as long as she could manage.  


Eloquent Lunatic

[IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands

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