Engrav was stunned with how this meeting had gone. He remembered Polair from when she was young, full of energy and confidence. Now, it seemed like a lot of that confidence had gone, but had been replaced with... what? Wisdom? He'd been expecting to find a troll that had been reservedly onboard with his plans, though in a business sense. Instead, it seemed like she was genuinely concerned about him. A highblood, concerned with what he was doing. The idea was simultaniously exciting and disconcerting. Engrav cleared his ignorance chute, trying his best to clear his thinkpan at the same time. Didn't seem to work. He couldn't explain why it was so difficult to think clearly when trying to communicate clearly with the seadweller, but it certainly warrented further investigation.

"I appreciate the invite."
Engrav replied, "And if you have anyone else in mind, please don't hesitate to let me know. I'm working on a system to vet possible recruits once we're established, but I'm more than willing to take a look at any trolls you'd like to recommend." Too professional? He flushed a little, glad Polair couldn't see it. "Also, I've got a card I'd like to give you as well." He pressed his card into the seadweller's prong, careful to not surprise her.

"I'm really looking forward to working with you." And he meant it, much to his surprise. It wasn't that he didn't look forward to working with most trolls, it was that when he thought of getting to work with the seadweller, he actually felt excited. Giddy, even. He pushed that back down a bit, tried to focus. He had plans to enact. "Plus, hopefully we'll end up in a group or two before all this excitement is over! I'm looking forward to it."

Engrav smiled. This time, he wasn't faking.

It felt kind of good.

Time to get to work.

Think that just about wraps it up! Let me know what you think and I'll toss a [complete] in the title.