Backstat List

This is where you can see which Soquili have claimed stats, but were not able to get them added for various reasons at the time the request was posted.

Soquili will be removed from this list once their stats have been added.

Username - Soquili Name - Reason on List - No. of Months
Divena - Zora Arachne - Not in teepee - 3 months
Ruler of Everything - Herja - Not in teepee - 1 month
Strifeling - Aldebaran - Not in teepee - 5 months
Strifeling - Castellion - Not in teepee - 3 months
Strifeling - Hades - Not in teepee - 2 month
Strifeling - Percephona - Not in teepee - 2 month
Strifeling - Hokulani na Kai - Not in teepee - 2 month
Strifeling - Sepulchre - Not in teepee - 7 months
Strifeling - Casimir - Not in teepee - 5 months
Strifeling - Caladhiel - Not in teepee - 6 months
Strifeling - Sacrifera - Not in teepee - 1 month
Saint Vis - Locke - Not in Teepee - 2 month
Nyx Queen of Darkness - Tove Erickson - Not in Teepee - 1 month
magnadearel - Antares Astrophel - Not in Teepee - 1 month
magnadearel - Levant - Not in Teepee - 1 month
magnadearel - The Void - Not in Teepee - 2 months
Phail Ninja - Ebony - Not in Teepee - 1 month
Juliette06 - Splendida - Not in Teepee - 1 month