"Ohhhhh my gosh, okay, you can do this Mila, it's fine."

    It was daylight, finally, and there was a lone women standing in the middle of her living room. It would seem normal; girl meanders around recently moved-in flat, is having a little bit of anxiety about it, except there was very little about this situation that was normal. Camila pushed her glasses up on her face as she watched her reflection in the sliding glass door, her face set in staunch determination.

    "You can! Do this!" In her hand was a brandished... flathead screwdriver. Her overly furrowed brow was giving her a headache, but she refused to look away from the sky, the ground, the grass, the trees, the clouds. Nothing seemed to be happening. Was she losing her mind? She was losing her mind!...maybe. Possibly? They don't make specific enough psychology books for this!

    "Okay," Mila backed away from the door, "Okay, maybe it... maybe it'll stop! Maybe it'll go away. Don't some things go away after a while?" No "Well I mean, miracles or something right? Good graces? The reward of decent karma?" She sighed, "God, now I'm talking to myself. I really am a loon..."

    At least her house smelled nice; the wax melts she was using was called Love Letters and it was a ScentSationals™ limited edition. She picked it out because it sounded cute, but the actual integrity of the scent was cederwood vanilla and almond, how posh. Aside from that, the house was a little bare bones—minimalist, she liked to call it—but it was homey all the same. Sort of. She wasn't the one making payments on it, or doing anything with it aside from living in it. Mila sat herself down on the couch with a sigh.

    It happened again. From the treeline she saw her house, saw through the window, saw her.

    "AHHH OH MY GOD NO!" She jumped up and it was gone, "No! No no no no!"

    Like okay; she had heard Ashdown was weird as heck, but she thought it'd help her fit in, because she was weird as heck. Weird as heck didn't mean... didn't mean—!

    "Oh my gosh, I have a stalker." The realization hit her like a freight train. "IIIIIIII have a stalker. I have a stalker! Okay, that's one mystery solved."

    The back door swung open as she waved the screwdriver around; "YOU BETTER LEAVE ME ALONE!!! I-I'm warning you! I'll shank!" wave wave "I-I'll do it!—god but how is he even seeing me." She paused, "Oh geeze, now I'm being presumptuous, they could be a lady stalker too..." Focus Mila! "But why am I seeing myself? Maybe it's not a stalker? Is this what the whole disassociation thing is supposed to feel like?—GASP a-am I having out of body experiences?!"

    No, worse.

    "It's a magical stalker!" She drew in another sharp inhale, shut her door, and locked both of the locks. "It's some pervy magical stalker who—! Who gets off at making the stalked the voyeur! It has to be." She retreated further into her house, towards the bathroom where there were no windows. Nothing could be seen here.

    "Alright." She sat on the sink countertop and drew her legs to her chest, "Alright, we just have to be rational about this Mila... are you supposed to go to the cops? But the only evidence I have is the visions..." She pursed her lips, "B-But the police chief here is super magic! He'd believe me right..." She wilted. "But the news also said he got shot..." She wilted more, and then her voice got rushed and whispered, "What if magic people can't actually die? Oh my god they're prolly immortal."

    She went from having a stalker to having an immortal magical stalker all in the span of ******** six minutes? She already had her smartphone out, 'can someones magic rub off on you like an std if they give you weird visions?' Results said no as many times as they said yes. Maybe she should check the deep web? There was a youtuber she followed that did 'exploration videos' on there, but everything related to 'magic' seemed really cheesy... there weren't pills that could give you powers! And especially not for two-hundred bitcoins!

    ...unless there were.

    She returned to her queries instead, questions like 'what do i do if i'm being followed by someone w/ magic?' Answers included 'nothing u can do' and 'git gud'. ******** it all! This wasn't Overwatch! This was life or death, not some 'gg ez' thing! A thought struck her then. "Isn't the saying fight fire with fire?"

    Clearly, she just had to find her own magical person to deal with the magical stalker.

    The problem with that was locating said magical person, but there had to be ways right? Magic people... there had to be something about them that stood out, it wasn't like they were normal people. But there was still no denying they were meshing in with normal society... maybe she could find a charm or something that could detect them? Or maybe people just weren't looking in the right places for magical presence. There had to be some distinguishing feature...

    "Darwinism says I should be able to tell," Mila mumbled to herself as she dug around one of the drawers, "Or I'm going to really die, because that's how Darwinism works..." From the drawer she produced a bottle of minty green polish. A moment later she set to work painting her toes, because it helped to have something to set her mind to while debating the inevitability of her death. "Maybe I could wear something to try and grab their attention? Like a 'hey hit me up if your magic' t-shirt? Oh but, that's like an undercover cop trying to sell drugs, they'd never bite..." Sigh. She wasn't worried about being counted as magic at least, mostly because if anyone investigated they would find that she wasn't.

    It wasn't like she could be a hermit forever either. She needed to go to the store soon, damn it all. Maybe she could order from Hello Fresh... but it'd still take a few days to get here.

    She wiggled her toes, "No, I just gotta... bulk up I guess 'n do it." She puffed her cheeks out and moved some of her teal hair out of her face. It needed brushed. "Sitting around talking myself up isn't really helping... no time like the present?"

    Except her nails still needed to dry. She had another ten minutes of peace to herself at least.

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