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[PRP] Fated To Be Friends...? [Deimos & Frendo]

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artificial bones

Sexy Goat

PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 9:10 pm
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Frendo startles a Deimos!

in the forest, near one of Dei's stargazing spots!
PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 9:54 pm
Frendo was making his weekly visit to the forest. He had collected some fascinating little flowers that bloomed each evening under the moons, and had a soft bioluminscent glow to them, on his last visit out, but sadly only one of six blooms had survived. So he was back, because Frendo couldn't let that one little plant live by itself(even plants need friends!), and ready to collect some more. He had his tank pack(an old aquarium filled with dirt and strapped to his back with ropes) on his back, and was gently singing in a wobbly voice as he wandered through the woods.

"Alotta flowers start from seeds so small
Ya gotta look close or ya can't see'm at all
It's hard ta believe dat flowers grow so tall
From seeds dats start so small

Well, da moons come up
And da rain comes down
And da seeds get planted in da fertile ground
An'if ya listen really closely ya can hear da sound
Of flowers
Startin' ta grow

As he sang, he skipped through the trees, with Laughdads padding behind him at a lazy pace, and just as he finished the song he picked a little flower and bounced up to Laughdads. He stuck the flower on Leftdad's head, and ruffled Rightdad affectionately. Both heads responded to the love and affection with a crescendoing laugh that pierced the night. Frendo even joined in, his own high pitched laugh nearly matching that of his lusus. After a couple more giggles, the orange blood turned to continue his search for those little glowing flowers.

Hmm, which direction had he gone last time to find them? He had been so busy singing and fooling around he wasn't even sure he was going the right way any more! Oh well!


artificial bones

Sexy Goat


Malevolent Mage

PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 10:13 pm

Deimos had come out to observe the sky again. As the seasons continued to change slightly, new stars were becoming more visible overhead, so it was prime time to start mapping them out. He'd gotten himself all set up in a small clearing not far from his hive- papers strewn out, makeshift table in place... astrolabe at the ready. Everything was going perfectly- even if he could hear something strange faintly in the distance. The forest made weird sounds all the time, it was probably nothing.

Or so he told himself until the sound continued to grow in volume, eventually turning into a haunting series of cackles and giggles. He felt his hair raise, skin prickling with anticipation. What was that? Even Thypion looked like he was on alert. Not wanting to be caught unawares, Deimos retrieved his small mace from one of the pouches on Thypion's harness, then set out to figure out where the sound had come from.

Thypion did not seem amused by this, and decided to trail after his small charge. It didn't take long for him to locate the source, the racket was so loud he was easily drawn to it. He carefully positioned himself behind a tree as he approached, then, right as the sound died down he stepped out from behind it- mace raised and ready to attack whatever creature--

No, troll. He stopped, blinking in confusion. He was pretty sure he was the only one that lived around this part of the forest. "Who are you?" He narrowed his eyes, keeping his mace at the ready as he scrutinized the other kid before him.


PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 10:26 pm
Frendo had just bent over to look at a particularly big, cherry red amanita mushroom(hallucinogenic, but also toxic as well) when a voice called out, asking who he was. Frendo did a semi-jump and spin, but there was no worry on his face he made eye contact with the tealblood. It was like he was completely unaware of the other troll's tense tone, or the mace raised threatening in his hand. Nah, those weren't things Frendo cared about!

Instead of reacting defensively, he giggled and absently brushed his always dirty hands on his pants and replied, "I'm Frendo! Frendo Crocut! Do ya live round here? What's yur name! What're ya doin here? Are ya lookin fur plants too!" he shifted the tankpack, as the ropes were rubbing into his shoulders, and reached out and patted Leftdad's head as the lusus came to stand closer by his side-being much more aware of potential threat then their charge was.


artificial bones

Sexy Goat


Malevolent Mage

PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 10:32 pm

Oh jeez. Deimos scrunched his face a little as his one question was answered, and then returned several times over. This wasn't how he'd planned to spend his night, he should've just turned around and gone back to what he was doing rather than asking this troll who they were. Thypion edged closer to them, both heads sniffing curiously as they worked out their own thoughts on the matter.

"Deimos Somnus. Yes. I'm star mapping, so no." He kept his responses short- to the point, he rather preferred that. Slowly he lowered his mace to his side as Thypion's right head nudged him with a snout. Right, he didn't need to hold that up anymore. "If you keep makin' noise like that you're gonna attract animals y'know. Did you make that weird.... cackly sound?"


PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 10:59 pm
Frendo's eyes sparkled with interest and he clapped his hands together, "WOW! Star mappin'? DAT SOUNDS SO COOL!" before grinning and giving Laughdads another pat, "Dat's how Laughdads laughs, is all! An' I ain't too worried about beasts! Laughdads is good at scarin' things off!" his eyes then trailed from Deimos's to his lusus, and the little orangeblood made an odd noise that probably was out of excitement, and pointed at Thypion.

"WOOOOOOW, ya gotta lusus just like me!" okay, well at least they both had double heads, but still! That was totally cool! And interested Frendo even more then he already was, "Wouldja show me yur star stuff!?" it was obvious that Frendo's brain ran a million miles a minute. Very obvious, "I could help ya if ya need an extra hand! Or two!" he giggled and wiggled his fingers, like 'see, two hands'.

Laughdads gave a snort and a look in Deimos direction, with an expressive look that said 'I'm sorry for my wild child'. Or maybe it said 'I deal with this every day'.


artificial bones

Sexy Goat


Malevolent Mage

PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 8:41 am

"Well you should be worried about beasts." He retorted, rolling his eyes. It wasn't that along ago that he'd stumbled upon a bear and had to make a run for it while Thypion fended it off- and even then, Thypion hadn't been able to do it alone! Still, despite Frendo's disregard for the obvious danger in the forest, the interest in star mapping caught Dei's attention. He probably didn't know anything about it, but....

"Huh? Oh--" He blinked, as if finally noticing that Frendo's lusus also had two heads. What were the odds? He hadn't met anyone else with a two-headed lusus. Thypion's two heads tilted in opposite directions- either in interest or confusion, who knew. "Okay, I can show you, but you gotta be quiet. I don't want any... bears... or somethin' coming." He hoped that would quiet the kid down, or something. Maybe. At least get him to lower his voice at least a little.

He motioned for Frendo to follow as he turned and started back toward the clearing. "There's new stars comin' into view 'cause the planet's shifting so I'm just marking them down on my map of this part of the sky. I dunno if there's gonna be a lot for you to do though..." He shrugged- mapping was more of a solo activity... "What kinda plants were you lookin' for anyway?"


PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 11:27 am
Frendo giggled at Thypion as the lusus tilted it's heads, that was something Laughdads did too! Wow! Of course, his giggles stopped quickly as Deimos told him to be quiet. It was actually shocking how quick he went from loud to quiet with the request. But that was how Frendo worked, when asked to do something he became determined to prove he could DO IT THE BEST.

Being quiet? Wigglers play. Maybe.

He quickly followed the tealblood, Laughdads trailing behind and pausing to sniff at Thypion in curiosity, and gasped in amazement, "WOW--" oops, quiet time!, "Wow, that's really interestin'. I didn' even know da stars changed like dat," Frendo spent a lot more time looking at the ground than he did the skies, but boy, maybe he should be looking up more! When Deimos asked what he had been looking for, it was hard to hold back the squeal of joy. Someone wanted to know about him! It made the little orangeblood feel a moment of small pride in his chest, "It'sa moonbloom! Dey curl up all during the day to hide der sensitive petals, but as soon as night falls, dey uncurl to reveal petals that glow in the dark! No real big uses, but dey sure are pretty...kinda like ground stars! I already got one at home, but it needsa friend, cuz no one should be withouta friend, even flowers" while he spoke it was obvious he was trying to be quiet, tho his voice continued to fluctuate between slightly to loud and whisper status. BUT HE WAS TRYING.


artificial bones

Sexy Goat


Malevolent Mage

PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2017 6:31 am

Thankfully the other kid seemed to take the request to be quiet seriously. Very... seriously... It was a little strange but... welcome. "Well of course they do- we're movin' and I think they're movin' too." He replied, as if it were the most obvious thing ever. Never mind that he'd only learned about it a few perigees prior... but it made him look smart, so why not play it up.

He strolled on over to his supplies, but paused before sitting down as Frendo explained what he was doing out traipsing through the forest so loudly. Moonbloom... He squinted, trying to remember if he'd ever seen any. "Oh. I've never seen 'em around here." The idea of a glowing flower that looked like a star was definitely intriguing... He had a knack for collecting everything star-related "Sooo you're a gardener then?" He tilted his head as he started to find a paper for Frendo to use.


PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2017 11:41 pm
Frendo's eyes lit up at Deimos interest in the flowers. The little orangeblood clapped his hands together and eagerly announced, "I'll getcha sum, once I've got'm growin' in my garden!" already planning further playdates, like it was his job. He was always eager to plan more visits with every troll he came across; little determined orangeblood, out for friends.

He bent down and plucked some grass, fiddling with it as he mulled over Deimos's question, "I 'spose ya could say imma gardener, though I'm sure there are much more pruhficent ones out der! I jus enjoy plants, really. Dey can do amazin' things, ya know!" he placed a longer blade of grass in his mouth, shewing it like a toothpick as he watched Deimos search for...well whatever he was looking for. Of course, as Frendo watched, he absentmindly leaned in, slowly invading Deimos's personal space in his pursuit to see what he was looking for.


artificial bones

Sexy Goat


Malevolent Mage

PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2017 10:01 am

He'd.. get him some. Didn't that mean that this kid would be coming back here later? Or maybe... his hive. Dei mentally frowned at that. He wasn't sure he wanted Friendo to know where he lived. He seemed like the sort that would mess up his hive. Not that it wasn't already a mess. "I guess so. I don't know a lot about plants." He shrugged, then... slowly stiffened as he noticed that Friendo was very... very much in his space.

"Can... you move back like, two steps." He slowly turned to look at the orangeblood as he held up a piece of paper, something to write on, and a pencil. "You can use these. I have my own stuff. I got a spare protractor so you can use that, too. You gotta draw the sky on the paper, and everythin' has to be spaced correctly." He wasn't sure Friendo had the uh... attention span... to do this, but if he wanted he might as well try. Dei wasn't about to turn away a potential fellow stargazer, even if he did need to learn what a space bubble was.

its all good!

PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 7:01 pm
Frendo gave a small laugh and quickly made room between the two of them at Deimos' reasonable request, showing the same casual foolishness that had saturated the evening so far, and plopped down within viewing distance of the other troll's work. Her grasped eagerly at the tools handed to him, and listened very carefully to what Deimos had to say before announcing, "Jus' ya watch, imma be da second best starmapper out der!" obviously, Deimos would be the BEST starmapper(seeing as he was the only one he knew), but Frendo was okay with taking second, it suited him better. So with tools in hand and paper at the ready, the little orangeblood dove head first into his studious work with vigor.

The silence was almost immediate as Frendo focused in on his task, while taking glances in Deimos' direction occasionally so as to attempt mimic the other trolls actions- he didn't want to bother his new friend with stupid questions after all- before scribbling a bit on the blank paper before him. This sort of action went on for a bit, with Frendo only becoming more and more confused as moments dragged on, and feeling less and less certain about how good a starmapper he was gunna be as he squinted at the stars once more.

What was he evening thinking, trying to do this? He didn't understand the first thing about stars after all, and here he was acting like he could learn this, when he knew it was far beyond him. Stars and prototactors or whatever they were called were best left to smarter trolls. But he couldn't leave his page semi blank, so to make up for his lack of mapping skills, the orangeblood decided to draw something as an apology. A nice moonbloom flower- which he could easily draw from memory- would do the trick, even if he didn't have the finesse to draw more then a kids scribble.

Frendo glanced at Deimos as the other troll continued to work before deciding to rub some grass on his picture to stain the sheet and give it a little color(who cared if it crinkled the page) as he waited for the other troll to finish up his work. It couldn't take too long to map some stars, especially when you know what your doing, right? He was happy to idly work on his apology drawing and wait patiently for his friend to finish, either way, and Laughdads was already snoozing away near by, with naught a care in the world.

Of course, there was only so much he could do to spruce up a childish scrawling on a crumpled piece of paper, and after a bit he began to feel awkward, sitting there while the other troll worked dilligently on his actual map, so he piped up, eager to bring some noise back into the equation, "Hey uh, I dun' think I got dis down very well, but I did draw ya somethin, ta say sorry fur wastin' ya paper an' stuff. Dis way ya don' gotta throw it away!" before thrusting his doodle towards the other troll.

One could see the started attempts of his mapping in the corner, though it was no more then some random dots and some questionable curving lines made with the protactorer, but the majority of the page was a pretty five point flower opened wide with tendril-like stamen curling out from its center. It was drawn with the heavy awkward hand of a child, but with much enthusiasm and care as well. The grass stains smeared the crumpled paper, probably not helping the quality of his art, but hopefully his new friend liked it!

"See, itsa moonbloom, like I wus talkin' bout before, ya can keep dis until I can bring ya a real one!" yup, he was still determined to make a second playdate a thing, there was no way he was giving up on that, even if he wasn't as good starmapper a starmapper as he had hoped.


artificial bones

Sexy Goat


Malevolent Mage

PostPosted: Fri Nov 17, 2017 2:57 pm

"Right..." Deimos squinted at Frendo, wondering why anyone would ever shoot for second best willingly but... he wasn't going to ask about it, not when he'd gotten the other kid to sit down and maybe be quiet for a bit. He set to work on his own map, pulling one out that he'd been working on before. Things were pretty much the same- they usually were- but he wasn't totally finished with this one. After a while he heard some crinkling of paper over where Frendo was sitting and spared a glance his way- what...

What was he doing?

"Oh. Uh." He stared at the crumpled paper, looking from the attempted map to the crudely drawn flower, then looked to Frendo. "...It's fine, its just paper." He shrugged, and reached out to take it from Frendo. "How are you gonna bring me one if you don't know where I live?" He quirked one brow as he attempted to roll the picture up. It'd be easier to transport that way...

"I guess I can meet you here, or somethin'. My hive's not safe to go to unless y'know what you're doin' 'n stuff." He answered the question before even really giving Frendo a chance to do so himself. "Just gotta know when to come back here."

i think we're p close to being done ! maybe 1 more post from frendo?

Alternia RP

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