Dairah had not forgotten the seadweller whose lusus dragged her away.

The scuffle had destroyed most of the stock that she intended to sell to the seadweller, and she still had her beetles too. Feeling anxious and rather sad about the other girl not getting her money's worth, she made a brave (or perhaps silly) attempt to track her down and give her adequate compensation. The girl had paid quite a bit for Dairah's produce, and she didn't feel right just taking the money and hiding.

So, now she was trundling along the shores near Civisect, looking to see if any seadwellers would surface. She had her cart with her, but there was also a separate bag of fruit set aside for the seadweller. Moomoo did not seem entirely happy with the journey, but did not stop her. Only a few disgruntled snorts indicated her disapproval.

Since seadwellers naturally lived underwater, Dairah had no idea how she would find her customer. All she could do was pace the shore and hope.

quite uneventful
For whenever you're ready!