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                                                                  Impel Down is a large submerged tower-like structure whose foundation is at the very bottom of the sea bed. Due to it being built within the Calm Belt, the entire structure is constantly surrounded by gigantic Sea Kings swimming below the water. Along with these beasts, the prison is guarded by a force of Marine battleships.

                                                                  Within the dark confines of the prison are various cells and torture chambers that are used for the prisoners. The cells are all made from seastone to keep those with Devil Fruit powers from escaping. The torture chambers are used for all sorts of brutal, unspeakable acts. Among these include continuous whipping, brutal beating to death, boiling cauldrons for burning and drowning, and spiked pits used for impaling.

                                                                  The prison is carefully monitored all around by a Surveillance Den Den Mushi. Tiny versions of them are found in specific locations throughout Impel Down. Whatever they see is transferred to a larger version that sends video feeds to monitors connected to it, allowing the guards to keep surveillance. Each of the smaller versions has an alarm beeper connected to the shells. The large Surveillance Den Den Mushi is kept in a monitor room somewhere within the fortress.

                                                                  There is also what appears to be a medical laboratory stationed somewhere within the great jail, with doctors and a variety of medical equipment for immediate treatments of anyone within the prison, both prisoner and staff alike. They have their limits, however, of how far they'll go to help an inmate.

                                                                  Being sent here means your character has done either repeated dubious deeds or caused a singular act so horrendous they are deemed a national threat to the world as we know it.

                                                                  Depending on their bounty will dictate which level they're sent to, with Level 1 being the least terrible all the way to Level 6, which is only theorized to exist, holding the most vile criminals known the world over. Anytime a marine is sounded it will be treated as an alarm going off, meaning the prisoner must wait [ 12 ] hours before being able to exit to allow a marine to respond.

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