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Tags: magical, realism, roleplay 

Reply ashdown
[PRP] The Romanciest Ride (Jamie & Shiloh) [FIN]

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Dedicated Bunny

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 1:04 pm
"This place is kinda weird," Jamie said matter-of-factly, but quietly between the two of them, after they'd gotten their tickets for the ride. A tunnel of love was certainly appealing to someone like him, someone new to relationships and still very, very in love with the idea of love. Riding with Shiloh was absolutely what he wanted to do, but it didn't change the fact that something was just a little off about this whole thing.

"It'll be fun though I bet," he continued, everything about him lit up like a metaphorical tree during the holidays. "And, and..." his voice dropped to a whisper, "really romantic."

On cue, he grabbed Shiloh's hand, squeezing it while they waited for a free boat. His own hand was warm, protected by soft pink gloves that matched his equally cozy pink sweater and carmine scarf. If nothing else, he looked dressed for a valentine's occasion. Considering how poorly the holiday had treated him over the years, he hadn't even wanted to go out at first, but it was hard to imagine finally having a boyfriend and not celebrating this particular day.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 1:38 pm
    Thankfully Shiloh had been insanely persistent. He knew how Jamie felt about the date—it had a lot of unfortunate memories tied to it—but he also knew that Jamie would regret it if they didn't do anything. Plus, it was one small step to reclaiming the day for him. Maybe he'd be able to look back and see all the sappy gay s**t rather then being bullied and rejected over and over. Either way.

    Shiloh was far less dolled out in cute s**t, but he actually made an effort to look presentable. Which was to say, he was wearing the exact same s**t, only it was fresh out of the dryer. "It'll be fun." He agreed as he climbed into the boat. "I mean, this is totally the s**t you're into."

    In fact, he already had his arms slung lackadaisically behind the back, almost like he was inviting Jamie to hop in and get all close and whatever. He was smooth okay? The smoothest. Smooth like dark chocolate.



Springtime Teenager

saedusk rolled 1 6-sided dice: 4 Total: 4 (1-6)


Dedicated Bunny

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 1:57 pm

Once you step into the swan boat you immediately realize that one) those are totally real feather and two) that somehow you have traveled down the water to what looks like a romantic garden area.

Soft music plays, you hear the laughter of couples, and there is a table and chairs with a pair sitting across from each other and leaning forward to press their foreheads together and whisper sweet nothings to one another. The scene plays out and the paused swan boat moves forward once more.


4 - stepping forward from the scene (out of nowhere), the something that runs the ticket booth appears and hands over a romantic present (your choice of present to give to your partner or keep for yourself!)


"It is..." Jamie couldn't deny that Shiloh read him like a book and could probably tell, with little effort, that he was actually looking forward to this whole romantic evening thing. Without hesitation, he climbed in and pressed close against his side, one hand sneaking to set on his leg. A nice, dark tunnel ride with his favorite person, the possibility of a smooch or two or three, what more could Jamie ask for?

The first scene they came upon was classic, of course, and Jamie didn't really mind. "This feels kinda silly," he said, but the giggle in his voice told a different tale. It was silly, sure, but he was enjoying it. In fact, look close enough and you might even catch the small blush on his cheeks.

"Oh, huh, what's that?" What he'd thought was just a show for them to watch was apparently interactive, or at least it was the only answer Jamie had as the ticket salesperson walked straight out of the scene with a small, wrapped box in hand. They gave it to Jamie and with something that might've been a wink (maybe, probably) retreated back into the shadows.

Confused, Jamie turned the box over in his hands a few times. It was small but heavy and rattled, inside were way too many hard candies (not that either of them knew it yet). "Um... happy valentine's day?" he said, handing the package to Shiloh with a lopsided smile.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 2:19 pm
    Shiloh meanwhile was already rolling his eyes. "This is so mushy." But he was smiling despite it, obviously enjoying himself. It might be corny, but he enjoyed spending time with Jamie. That is, had he been here alone he would probably be gagging. His relationship with Jamie was still new enough that he was into this sort of s**t though.

    "What is that?" He looked over when Jamie was suddenly gifted a box. Thankfully, Shiloh was also incredibly oblivious to most going-ons (and was busy studying the intricate detail of Romance) and didn't realize the fact that it wasn't Jamie's scheme from the start. For all he knew, his boyfriend was here giving him a lovely gift. "Maaaaan." He took it with a stupid smile, "I was gonna wait till the ride was over for gifts, but this is fine too."

    He reached into his hoodie pocket to produce a much smaller box, one that looked pretty legitimate and not a gift from a weird sketchy shadow stranger. It was light, almost feathery so.



Springtime Teenager

saedusk rolled 1 6-sided dice: 3 Total: 3 (1-6)


Dedicated Bunny

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 2:30 pm

As you come around the bend clouds blow in, hiding the ground and water. Building tops are visible, the moon high in the sky (does it have a face? is it singing?) as a pair dances across the clouds without a care in the world, their eyes only on each other. They dance and eventually have a romantic moment on top of a giant elephant.

It’s a little weird.


3 - something stalks the area you are in, glowing eyes watching you. you cannot see it, not clearly and it makes your eyes water, but you hear the growls and swear you hear it whisper a name, your name.


"Oh," his expression went quizzical, but then quickly righted itself, "For... me?" Taking the box oh so delicately between both hands, his cradled it. Usually he got little gifts from his parents, but this was the first time he'd gotten a valentine's present from a significant other. This was the first time he'd ever had a significant other, after all. "T-Thank you," he bubbled as he opened it. Inside was a cute plastic clip, a blue shark with a tiny pink bow.

"It's.... it's so cuuuuute," Jamie had tiny tears welling in his eyes, as sentimental and sappy as he was, as their boat rounded the corner into the next room. "I-I love it." He admired the clip before quickly pinning it into his hair. It was his absolute favorite new accessory.

In fact, he was opening his mouth to tell Shiloh this very tidbit when he though he heard someone whispering his name. He turned, he two small glows, and despite the theatrics going on right in front of them, he couldn't look away. "What... is that?"

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 2:54 pm
    "Oh, you put it in crooked." He said after a moment before reaching over, hands fussing with his hair. "What's what?" He wasn't looking around since he was fixated on the hair piece.

    "There, that's better." He smiled. "You look really cute." He added after a moment, cheeks blushing slightly. It was the truth though, so...

    Shiloh never did see the glowing eyes, but he heard the soft whisper of his name. It made the hairs on this back of his head stand on end, but he waved it off. He wasn't about to let some weird fake (probably) intuition get him down. This was going to be a good time with him and his boyfriend dammit.



Springtime Teenager

saedusk rolled 1 6-sided dice: 2 Total: 2 (1-6)


Dedicated Bunny

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 2:55 pm

Leaving the pair of dancers behind, the sound of swords clashing and fighting fills the air. Not all the parts of the ride are apparently for the disgustingly romantic sort and instead, it’s a battle as two people fight back to back, prepared to do whatever it takes to keep the other safe and see them live through the day.

A large beast appears after they’ve knocked down their foes and, with a battle cry, they charge an face it together. The scene fades as the boat is once more pulled forward on its watery path.


2 - flower petals fall from above, showering you in a sweet smell that relaxes you (unless you’ve got an allergy and then it’s little bits of glitter).


"Must've been nothing..." To be fair, Jamie was just as determined to have a good time. Whatever it was, the lights he'd seen were probably just part of the production. Everything was a-ok. Better than okay, honestly. Having Shiloh fiddle with his hair was actually really nice. Having him call him cute was even better.

"Oh my gosh," he whispered, a hand at his cheek. It was at that very moment that flower petals started to rain down on them, a soft, gentle shower that smelled as amazing as it looked. "Wow... it's so pretty." Beautiful, yes, but a stark contrast to the scene they were drawn to next. It was a battle, two lovers back to back. It felt like something they'd lived already. Strange to think that only a year or so ago he was part of camp monsters aren't real and magic doesn't exist.

His hand sneaked back to Shiloh's leg.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 3:11 pm
    Now this was badass.

    "Jamie." He whispered, "Jamie, that's us." He pointed at the people fighting valiantly. His hand ceased pointing to come down and rest on top of Jamie's hand (on top of his leg).

    Suddenly the petals started and it made him look up. "Wow..." A tiny crown of cherry blossoms split around his forehead. "This is kinda nice actually..." It was scenic. Quiet. He squeezed his hand. "How long do you think this thing goes on for?" It was more or less a question of curiosity rather than wanting it to be over and done with.



Springtime Teenager

saedusk rolled 1 6-sided dice: 2 Total: 2 (1-6)


Dedicated Bunny

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 3:33 pm

The lighting dims, the flicker of a fireplace the only thing that illuminates the area. There’s a couple sitting close to one another on a stuffed unicorn. The boat does not linger long in this area, instead only giving you a glimpse as things appear to be getting heated quite quickly.


2 - flower petals fall from above, showering you in a sweet smell that relaxes you (unless you’ve got an allergy and then it’s little bits of glitter).


To keep the record straight, Jamie had been happy this entire ride so far. It wouldn't be incorrect to say he'd been happy this entire day, minus one short second of doubt when Shiloh had invited him out and reminded him just what day it was. Still, it wasn't until the very moment he saw the bright, cheerful cherry blossoms blooming around Shiloh's head that his own flower crown followed suit, sprouting into delicate snowdrops. He looked so happy as he laughed.

"It's really nice. I dunno, though, it feels like it's been going on for a long time already." As he spoke, he set his head against Shiloh's shoulder, relaxing, flipping his hand over and squeezing back. If it never ended, Jamie wouldn't be mad.

"I like the flowers," he sighed, watching them as they continued to fall all the way to the next room. The scene that played out here was short, but obvious to anyone who had eyes. It made Jamie's face hot. "Oh my gosh..." He turned to nuzzle his face against Shiloh's arm, not really that embarrassed, but hiding all the same.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 5:20 pm
    Shiloh's eyes were huge. "Did they just ********?" He was trying to look over his shoulder, but to no avail. The boat had arrived quickly and left just as fast. "Jame, I think those guys were gonna ********. Do you think those are real actors? Holy s**t, could you imagine doing that every time a boat came by?" He was over thinking this, but the idea was absolutely mind boggling. So maybe they didn't ********, but it would still be awkward to pretend to ******** on a giant unicorn countless times throughout the day.

    At least he had Jamie on his shoulder and his hand successfully captured. He squeezed it again. "You know, everything up to that point seemed pretty normal..." Even the creepy a** elephant room with the weird voices. Okay maybe that hadn't been normal, but for Ashdown, it was normal to him. "You wanna stop somewhere and get cupcakes on the way home or something?" His eyes lit up, "Oh, actually, there was an overpriced display of these kickass looking strawberries at the store. They were covered in chocolate and caramel and stuff."



Springtime Teenager

saedusk rolled 1 6-sided dice: 6 Total: 6 (1-6)


Dedicated Bunny

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 5:52 pm

As the ride comes to the last area, the path of the boat becomes unclear- water is everywhere. There are small craggy rocks in the water, flowering vines hanging from above, and the drip of what sounds like a deep cave.

Yet that feeling ends as one by one, paper lanterns start floating by and then a few float down from above landing in the water and continuing down the path the boat came from. In the distance you think you see another boat and another pair but look away as you realize they’re just about to kiss.


6 - a slightly chill breeze blows through, making you want to press close to one another (or hug yourself).


Somehow Jamie just knew Shiloh was gonna ask that. What he didn't expect was Shiloh falling all over himself trying to sneak a peek at the scene again as they rounded the corner away from it. "Oh my gosh," he repeated, shoving him back against the seat, but not too roughly. Which is to say Jamie wasn't that strong when he wasn't in were form. "Stop trying to look!" A pause and then, "They totally were..."

His voice cut to silence and next, without missing a beat, Shiloh was asking about cupcakes and strawberries. Jamie couldn't even be mad about this, either, because honestly, he was trying not to laugh. "How about we get both? Might as well go all out." That was one way to make this day even more memorable. That, and the really pretty lanterns that immediately caught Jamie's attention next.

"I think this is my favorite part." He caught sight of another boat in the distance, but didn't pay it much mind, especially as a chill blew through and made him shiver even in his thick sweater. Burrowing further against Shiloh's chest, he huffed, peeking up at him.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 6:38 pm
    "Wow..." The chill didn't seem to bother him much, but he accommodated Jamie smushing up against him all the same. "It is really pretty..." He was transfixed on the flowering vines for a second, letting his shoulders and his pockets blossom. It felt nice letting himself go like this, even if he knew he'd have to brush it all off once the ride was coming to an end.

    "I like the idea of both." He agreed, even if his wallet wouldn't. It was around then that he looked down at the tiny barnacle that was attached to him, his hand reaching up to tuck some stray hairs out of his face. "It's ********' illegal being that cute, y'know?" He kissed his forehead before engulfing him in a full blown bear hug. Rambunctiousloh: 1. Jamie: 0.

    "Oh hey, I think it's over." He noted as they started to see the familiar entrance. He got to work brushing the flowers off of his person. "That was kinda fun though. You enjoy it?"



Springtime Teenager


Dedicated Bunny

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 6:44 pm
Jamie didn't mind losing if the punishment was a big ol' hug. Warm and happy in Shiloh's arms, he did little more than squeak and wrinkle his forehead, looking pleased the whole while. "Hey, I can't help it. You're just gonna have to build up better resistance." It felt nice to be told he was cute despite knowing full well Shiloh thought it. Sort of like hearing 'I love you,' it really lifted his spirits.

"Aw man, too bad." Wiggling one arm free of the grip, he helped brush the flowers away. If nothing else, the fact that they were covered in petals from the ride itself probably masked a lot of the whole people physically blooming thing.

"I really enjoyed it. Um, y'know," he wiggled a little, "thanks for convincing me to go out. I'm really glad we did this..."

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 6:47 pm
    He laughed, "You're dumb." He affectionately nudged him out of the boat whenever they came to a stop, though it was more like a shove. He meant it well all the same. "I knew you were gonna have fun. We're not done yet either."

    Once he got himself out of the boat, he offered a hand out to him. "But I'm happy you had a good time. It was a nice break from..." he waved his hand, "You know. Everything." He smiled, "But that ain't the point. I wanna go get those strawberries before they run out or something dumb." He puffed up.

    "We can even share one." He waggled his eyebrows before snorting back into laughter again.



Springtime Teenager


Dedicated Bunny

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 6:55 pm
It was definitely a nice break from everything, no argument there. "There's no way they'll run out. That would be so messed up." For a second he looked genuinely distraught. Grabbing Shiloh's hand, he hopped out of the boat, prepared to hoof it lightning speed to the store to ensure their romantic evening sharing strawberries and whatever else they decided to share wouldn't be ruined.

"I hope you're planning on sharing more than one," he giggled, knowing full well what Shiloh meant, but teasing nonetheless. "Don't be so stingy." As he nearly ran off, tugging him by the arm, Jamie looked alive. "Let's go!"


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