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Irritating. It was the one word that Adrian could find when he thought of his own first mate. All in all, it was generally a good thing. It meant that more fights were to be had since the kid would definitely be pissing a lot of people off. Marines, Mercenaries, or other Pirates? It did not matter. The Captain of the Red Veil Pirates already knew that this kid was absolutely the right person to have on his crew when fights were his main concern. "King of everything huh?" His foot began to tap on the ground as his first mate went and displayed his own strength against the guards of the area. The abilities seemed familiar to that of the second person to arrest Adrian but... how in the world could this be the same person? It just did not make any sense. A mental shrug let the pirate brush the thought away. It did not particularly matter. A strong person on his crew only made it so that stronger people would come in this direction. In the end, that was all that mattered.

"Don't beat them up too bad!" There were two reasons for this order like shout. "Just because we are Pirates doesn't mean we have to be bullies." It never sat right with Adrian when people would pick on those who were clearly outclassed. It was different if the weaker individual antagonized the stronger one, but when completely unprovoked? It just seemed.. boring. "I'd also like to have some form of defense when we leave." Turning back on a new area, he once again began to travel to a new place. "Besides, they are a part of The Red Veil now." He waved for his first mate to follow, even though he knew that the kid could most likely lead if he wanted to.

Technique Used ::

583 [ 583 ] Health
740 [ 740 ] Stamina

005 [ +00 ] Strength
100 [ +00 ] Prowess
060 [ +00 ] Defense
060 [ +00 ] Speed
060 [ +00 ] Stamina
003 [ +00 ] Vitality
