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                                                                  Comply?! DID HE JUST UTTER---HEHAHAHAHA
                                                                  HERESY IS ALL IT WAS!

                                                                  Those poisonous words were but dirty rainwater sprinkling at God's feet. It was nothing in face of what her faith will do for the world. The assurance of his words disturbed her, he wasn't phased enough to speak such words of ludicrous disbelief.

                                                                  So...this was how it was going to be.

                                                                  The righteous will trump the wrongs. So shall it be since before the days of sound.

                                                                  Her eyes narrowing into sharp bags of disregard. Walking up to the head of the beast, arms raised from behind.

                                                                  "Silly little monster, what do you know?! YOU ARE NOT JUST A MERE BEAST BUT AN ANIMAL UNINVITED TO THE WORLD OF GOD! GO OFF AND PATROL THESE LANDS THEN, CONTINUE BEING LOST!"

Avedis Angelus