This is a man made giant ice fishing hole it has been used for years by the residence of Drum Island as a source of food, and is considered a neutral zone. No one disrupts the calmness of this area because it is essential to the entire country. Many fish can be found here.

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In order to fish and make money, you will require a Grand Fishing Kit, which can be bought from shops within the Grand Line. The hunting process is simple, but you may only do so once a day, in this spot.

Make a post rolling [1] 10-sided die. The outcome of the roll determines what fish is snagged on your line, as seen on the list below. The number in the entry is how much beli you make for catching it.

You may only do 1 money maker thing once a day, no matter where you do it.

  1. Seaweed - It may feel like a small fish but its just worthless trash.
    Sell For: 11,500 Beli

  2. Small Bass - A baby bass; it's too small to be worth a lot.
    Sell For: 14,000 Beli

  3. String Fish - A long but skinny fish that is several inches long. These fish are purple with white stripes across its body, and usually travel in large packs.
    Sell For: 16,500 Beli

  4. Sparkling Tuna - The reflection of the sun on its scales makes it sparkle, it isn't worth much Beli though.
    Sell For: 19,000 Beli

  5. Steel Head Trout - A large, grey-ish fish that can range from between 20-30 inches in length. These fish are popular because they can lay hundreds of eggs at a time. .
    Sell For: 21,500 Beli

  6. Lemon Eel - A nasty-looking eel with a sickly yellow tint to it, the meat is high in protein so it is desirable to sell to health freaks.
    Sell For: 24,000 Beli

  7. Big Puff - A seemingly small fish but it can expand its size to become rather large. It fetches a fair price.
    Sell For: 26,500 Beli

  8. Tarpon - A rather huge fish that weighs around 280 pounds. These are valued in markets due to their size and all the meat you can get from them.
    Sell For: 29,000 Beli

  9. Red Lobster - A moderately sized lobster. Very delicious but has very little meat on its bones.
    Sell For: 31,500 Beli

  10. King Fin - Weighing 100 pounds is the King Fin. The meat on this fish is considered a delicacy and so people are willing to pay lots for it.
    Sell For: 34,000 Beli

When you fish, please use the following form in your post.

Editing the post and filling this out makes it significantly easier on mods who update.

This is a fishing zone. Please, no fighting or roleplay.

[b]Gained:[/b] (bug, part, animal, fish)
[b]Payout:[/b] (money gained for it)[/size][/align]