For what it was worth the challenge had kept him on his toes. Stryke pursed his lips as he looked to Etsali as she seemed to need a moment to pull herself up. Give it had been his own item's mishap, he walked to her as he offered out his hand to the other troll. "here." He explained, motioning for her to hurry up as he grabbed a hold of her palm to aid in getting the orangeblood onto her feet.

"well met. i'll keep my gaurd up then. especially not knowing when you'll make your next move. it is part of the...challenge i suppose." Stryke's gaze narrowed slightly as he released the others hand and brushed himself off. His last step was adjusting his rucksack give he'd taken a tumble. "until next time then?" He added after a moment as Stryke took a step back before he gave her a chance for any bright ideas in helping herself.

How serious had Etsali been..? Stryke gave he a wary look as they parted company, a reminder to keep a hold of his things before the thief decided what was his now belonged to her.
