Helega's Tuber Shack
You find an unlabeled box with a picture of a dancing root vegetable on it. The vegetable looks happy, so you figure it's a good sign.
1 medium present / Lose 3 hp

      Taking one last happy vegetable box and tucking it in her now extremely large bag, the yellowblood chuckled at the cozies she held in her hand and swiped them, keeping them away from her child eyes. Why would they even sell those?! "I'm glad you think so! I completely enjoy them. And hey-- I'm sure we could take them!" She said eagerly, winking at Rianon before offering her a hand and together, they went hand in hand to the store.

      HP: 1 - 3 = 0 HP

WE DONE DID IT BOI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!