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Drakiabel had risen with the setting of the sun, the time of hunting. At first he hadn’t wished to waken, his body sore and bruised from the challenge of picking berries from thorny bushes the previous night. Picking the berries themselves had been tedious enough of a task, but the fact that those particular bushes had chosen a cliffside to grow against made getting them all the more difficult. He tried not to think about the fact that he nearly fell right off the place he had perched upon, and had it not been for his wings he would have had a very fatal landing. He would do better next time. Be more cautious.

After emerging airborne alongside his fellow dark-kin from the mouth of a great cavern Drakiabel had swooped to a lower altitude almost instantly. He was confident that tonight’s task would be simple and easy enough to complete. It wouldn’t involve a near death fall at least, which was something he was pleased about. No, tonight he was to seek out shells for an ornament display. He imagined it would look amazing once completed, the only problem was Drak had no idea what type of “shells” these were. Snail, turtle? Or was the crafter after something exotic, like sea shells? He really should have asked before leaving…

Mulling over his problem for a moment Drakiabel decided that instead of turning home and clarifying these questions with the crafter he would do something different. Why it would be a far better solution to instead gather one of each kind of shell and bring them all back at once! Then the crafter would have several shells to choose from to make their decorations!

Pleased with his problem-solving abilities Draki descended further, intending to land next to the first pond or pool he could see...

wordcount: 305

Peppermint Coffee