cadence lorens

Still a newbie in the medicine field, Cadence had the benefit of growing with a wealthy family, allowing her to have all the benefits young people her ages didn't have. A sudden, startling surgery malpractice left the woman's life in ruins, both mentally and physically. After being talked down by her family, the now purple haired female has moved very far from her hometown in search of a Fresh Start™.


Ever since childhood, Cadence was praised for her capacity to learn and eagerness in helping others. Graduating from high school early and having the benefit of a rich family, this teen grew up with the world on a silver platter. She received a scholarship into a top school, and afterward graduated with top marks. The world was her oyster.

Or not.

After graduation things began to spiral downhill. A accidental hand cramp in a critical surgery rendered the patient dead. The doctors, feeling indignant and spiteful with such a young charge, told the family of the patient it was deliberate, and Cadence's shiny reputation was suddenly tainted with blood. She lost her renown and the lawsuit on her hands was enough that her family had to change their residence, going from the city to the countryside, where she was raked with depression and a permanent feeling of guilt. It was obvious how much she'd changed, no longer having a jaded view of the world. Months after The Incident left Cadence a wreck, until her family decided enough was enough. They raised her not to be a quitter, and yet the first thing she does after hitting a wall in her life was mope and whine.

They offered her a suggestion-- maybe, if she moved far enough away, no one would know of her failure? It was brilliant, and after extensive research, the cheapest and furthest apartment she could find was a tiny, one bedroom apartment in the city of Ashdown, far, far away from her hometown and any semblance of family relations. She's scared people might know about her terrible reputation, and that one day, she'll mess up again and destroy the life of another group of people.


Every time she opens a book to study, it always opens on the page she needs. Or when she searches for a page online, its conveniently the right page.


• 27 years old! Still a fairly "new" doctor.
• Around 5'9 and weighs 130 pounds. Tall people are tall!
• Born with a sort of mocha skin tone, dark brown hair and dark eyes, Cadence dyes her wavy hair a nice and startling lilac purple since moving to show she's Different and Looking For A Fresh Start™. Also because lilac is her favorite color. Her clothes tend to be either very mori or very bohemian, leaning more on bohemian these days but still lovin' that sweetness from mori.
• No longer the cheerful girl from the past, Cadence doesn't have the same fire she once had as a teen for being a doctor. She's obedient and grew up trusting those who offered help to her, but after her recent fall out, she's a lot less likely to do so.
• Feels deep guilt for mistakes she causes, and is a little self-centered and dramatic. She's awkward when it comes to making friends, simply because she never allowed herself the luxury of having any people close to her in her life. It wasn't practical!
• Doesn't know how to handle people and is somewhat insensitive to the problems of others. Has high standards, and limits herself on the amount of fun or enjoyment she can have almost instinctually, having been brought up with harsh family rules. It took her a while to see this, but she still has a firm belief in that there's always a way if you try hard enough.
• Gets rather passionate when talking about her profession!
• Can't stomach death.
• She has an occasional wrist "cramp" with her left hand when she grabs something. Depending on how she holds it, her hand might automatically let it go.
• Has a pet fish! Since that's all she can really afford and have space for.