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Reply Alternia RP
[PRP] Production Meeting (Aandes + Regina)

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Vice Captain

PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 6:59 pm
Aandes + Regina
Intro post shenanigans here!  
PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 7:01 pm
The weight of the Imperial Palace was not lost on Aandes as he was escorted to a meeting block. For any troll lacking gills the atmosphere of the place was practically thick with imminence and expectation. Tonight, at least, he had plenty on his mind to keep himself from overthinking things. His focus was honed and he was constantly reminded of his mission with each limping step that he took through Regina’s domain. He was slickly dressed in all black, his symbol elegantly presented on the lapel of his suit jacket in silver and mint. Fully covered up, he looked sharp as ever if not for the obvious head wound that no amount of make-up could hide, its mossy blemish blossoming near Aandes’ right eye socket. He’d re-dyed his hair fully jet black to mask the rest of its effects past his temple. The other telling sign of his injury was the hobble to his step, a laborious stride that was aided by a silver-headed cane.

It had been one, maybe two weeks since the kidnapping. Aandes hadn’t been counting nights. His thinkpan was constantly ringing, his body sore and his bum knee was hopeless. But, as sorry of a sort as he was, Aandes was thankful he had his life. Not only his life, but ammunition to boot. Aandes felt for the spent cartridge in his pocket and expelled a sigh of relief as though it might disappear. There was no going back now, but it felt thankfully as though the worst was already over.

The drone attendant escorting Aandes stopped in front of the door and gestured for him to enter. This meeting he’d called with the Queen was as routine as it was opportunistic. A status update on the production, and – oh yeah – one other thing. It was time to play some cards. A last calming breath, and he stepped through.

quotin again

Vice Captain

Vice Captain

Versatile Vermin

PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2016 1:00 pm
"Oooh you look a little rough around the edges, LaMode!" The queen's remark was accompanied by raised eyebrows, though she made the effort not to end with a laugh. The tealblood always seemed to take great pains in their appearance as a cultured, sophisticated troll. Nasty bumps on the face were surely a pride-killer. The limp though, now that was just overacting.

Leaning back in her curved, comfortable meeting chair, she spun around on it's hydraulics. Now that she was out of the throne and into the meeting rooms, she had commissioned it specifically to her size. It was far more comfortable than the high backed gilded monstrosity had ever been. As Aandes was seated, she brought her twirling to a stop, and wiggled her chair up to the table. "So what's the news? How's everything going along?"

/crabwalks in
am...am i late
PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 9:15 pm
Aandes was helped into his seat. He slid down on his cane, and met the Queen’s ever cheeky opening statement with a purse of his lips and raised eyebrows. “Ah. Yes. I’ll actually get to that in a bit, your Majesty. Thank you for meeting with me, by the way.” And with that, it was down to business. He slid a thick envelope out of his jacket and popped open the clasp holding it shut. Crisp paper on thick stock slipped out in a neat stack. Aandes flicked through them, making sure everything was in order, and nodded briefly to Regina.

“Pre-production is going well, and we’re on schedule. I’m currently networking through my talent agency for performers and wanted to double check (on the director’s behalf) with you concerning the casting for scenes with the space bees. There’s some contention between the designers whether this will fall under projection, costuming, or set – the choreographer’s threatening to walk off if he can’t use the “SPACE BEES!” number as a platform to expand his tap portfolio.” Aandes rolled his eyes. “As the writer and visionary I’d love to just clear the smoke on that so we can keep progressing – I do hate to bother you with such an absurd request.”

Aandes slid Regina some of the papers, neatly clipped together. The various designers had each pitched their various ideas via sketches, lengthy vision descriptions and some headshots of possible castings. “That kerfuffle aside, the rest of the acts are piecing together quite well. In that file is the current progress we have on the overall creative direction, including some in progress construction from the shop. One of the other points I wanted to bring to your attention was the budget concerning the set design – we’ll need to do some construction on the theatre to accommodate the size of the stage. Widen and arc the proscenium, install a larger pit and tracks for the set changes, which are fairly massive as you can see. If you’d prefer, I can send draw-overs back to the designers to pare down the vision as needed. But, if the budget allows, we can make this happen. You can see the new numbers at the bottom of that form there and sign off if it looks fine to you.”

He cleared his throat and ran a hand through the hair threatening to loose itself at his temple. He could feel his skin – slightly cold with sweat, repressed anxiety, focus.

“I also must request another addition to the budget – or rather a stipend for myself, as it were. My pace has slowed down recently due to some injuries I received. The cause of which was a kidnapping and assault by Kursha Vidari. He still believed me to be in cahoots with my ex-kismesis, who is currently involved with the anti-authority rebellion group Odette used to be a part of. I'm quite aware of my precarious position between the two. He left me with multiple broken bones, a shattered knee and contusions that I’ve yet to receive proper attention for yet…” Aandes struggled to adjust his posture. He reached shakily into the pocket of his slacks and produced the spent rifle cartridge from Rasali’s hive. With a deliberate sweep of the arm, Aandes reached as far forward as he could and placed the cartridge on end. As he did, his sleeve rode up on his arm, past his wrist. There was the telltale sign of restraints, calling back to mangled flesh. Still stinging and tender green with fresh scars.

“To be brief… It’s slowed down the production alarmingly. I have no intention of half-assing or leaving this project. Any medical assistance available would be greatly appreciated if we can fit it into the schedule.”


Vice Captain

Vice Captain

Versatile Vermin

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 1:14 pm
As the tealblood launched into his notes, Regina slowly slumped back down in her chair. The worst part about being a hands-off dictator was how there were always half a dozen trolls trying to get in the way of your vision. And once you culled one, you had to cull them all, didn't you? Still, as long as this was the version of Schrad's life that the public successfully remembered, she didn't give a damn if the space bees were an underwater synchronized swimming team.

Yawning her way through the rest of the pages, she nodded and waved her hand at the lists of Things That Needed Money being listed out to her. Beetles were obviously not an issue. Sure, LaMode could be skimming off the top with all these expenses, but she had trolls responsible for making sure that any money he did syphon* would be thoroughly tracked. Leaving one of the casting headshots slightly sticking out the side as a marker, she put the pages down and straightened up in her seat. The tealblood was fussing with his hair, and she raised an eyebrow.

It wasn't what Regina had been expecting, but ever since the discussion at bloodfest, Vidari had been quiet. Sure, he had obeyed her orders to leave Odette alone, but he had swiped out at her handler. There was no way he was stupid enough to think that it wasn't the same thing. Maybe Odette would strike out on her own later, but right now she and the tealblood were linked at the hip. More importantly, right now if she was working with Odette, she was working with LaMode. And the most importantly, Kursha had gone against her. Sooner than she had expected. Crossing her arms, she sighed in annoyance. "Damn. I was hoping he'd keep it in his pants. Sorry about that, I'll take care of things."

Pushing her chair back, she spun slightly in it, frowning with concentration. She could use this immediate situation to kill two birds with one stone, and considering the trouble Vidari had dumped in front of her, Regina would grab every upside she could from this situation. Looking over at the tealblood again, she stood up abruptly. "Let me send a message about that right away. I'll just be back in a minute."

Striding to the door, she paused in the entrance. "Oh, and really? You haven't gotten looked at for your bumps? If you're going to pass out on the rug, it's alright to send a message and miss an appointment LaMode. For future reference."

*ha he ha ho hi ha ho huh hah hee giggles and wiggles fingers
PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 6:54 pm
“Thank you.” Aandes gave Regina a dry nod. Now that he had been given permission and funds for his own health support, the weight dissolved from his shoulders. He’d make an appointment the moment he stepped out the door. “I understand.”

No further commentary was necessary. Aandes straightened the papers out as Regina left him alone. Other than the Kursha situation, this meeting was going as blandly and without hitch as he had suspected. Knuckles cracked idly – Aandes put his chin over laced fingers.

He didn’t have the intel to quite understand the depth of the situation. However, a rogue agent in the military was a liability – that much was obvious. With repeated offenses and no façade of mirth to speak of, Kursha’s lack of allegiance was in Aandes’ favor. Mentally, Aandes ticked off a box of his mental list. Next was simple dramaturgy – Schrad’s papers, perhaps the scouring of the script. Then the examination of his fellow production trolls, namely those Regina had hired. He would have to look into his own castings… Perhaps he could pawn that job off on V. Sharp plans turned to fuzzy abstractions as Aandes kneaded some pain out of his wrists.

toot toot

Vice Captain

Vice Captain

Versatile Vermin

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 7:54 pm
Taking the stairs two at a time, Regina skipped into her private, private blocks. There was no message to send, of course. She'd give Vidari the courtesy of a few hours of consideration before she moved to deal with him. Instead, she jotted a quick note to herself - who's the ex? - and signed a few documents to allow for a long enough period of time to pass. Then, standing up from her chair, she pulled out a folder from among the windfall on her desk. Countless photos of trolls spilled out, and she tossed them aside to select the right one. The redblood, what's his face. Regina didn't know how well his quest was fairing in his attempt to get into production, but she slid the photo into a pocket and skittered back down the stairs to where the tealblood was waiting.

Sliding back into the room, the empress was quick to take her seat. As she did, she picked up the folder again, appearing to give it another quick read through as she slipped Zindel's photo in with the other glossies. Then, pulling out a pen she had brought with her, she closed the portfolio and scribbled a quick 'yes' on the cover. Signing individual sheets was not going to happen - she was suffering from enough hand cramp as it was. Sniffing, Regina slid the envelope back across the table to Aandes, who she eyed curiously. "So. How'd Vidari do it?"

PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 12:56 am
Aandes smiled as Regina returned the envelope to him, and flipped through the edges of the files in a quick and unceremonious count. He wouldn’t be wasting her time with any more paperwork, clearly.

“He broke into my hive and struck me from behind, nothing fancy.” Aandes began. He raised a hand up to gently touch where the welt was healing, under the dark swath of hair that he’d so carefully dyed to obscure it. “Knocked me out, bound my wrists and ankles. Took me to Rasali’s old burnt out hive. Figure I was the bait, given that she refused to believe I was done with her, so Kursha did a good number on me while we were waiting. Based on my cursory medical examination I’m riddled with knife wounds, contusions, and of course the damage to my head, torso and knee from the butt of his gun. After she showed up, they fought. I was out cold through the most of it, woke up to green covering just about every surface. No bodies, figured she ate lead. That’d at least save me some trouble,” he muttered. Brows furrowed, lip twisted with disgust.

The chair creaked quietly. Aandes had pushed himself back, adjusted his posture. “I’ve worked damn hard to get where I am, and I’m not going to stop. I’m honored that you’ve given me this opportunity and there’s no way on Alternia I’ll be jeopardizing my life and my goals over petty nonsense,” He asserted. His tone was level – even lying through his teeth, he could always draw on the truth of his experiences. The comment was two-pronged, skewering Rasali and Kursha, but the latter was the source of his seething. No half-wit trigger-happy vigilante-wannabe was anywhere close to his level. Aandes rapped his fingers on the envelope and then folded his hands in front of him. “In any case, I can’t say I wish the kidnapping was more elaborate but that’s all there is to it. At least, what I endured.”

business formal aandes with a side of angst

Vice Captain

Vice Captain

Versatile Vermin

PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2017 12:31 pm
"Hm. That's just insulting, that is." Leaning back in her seat, she scoured Aandes's honest, serious, and trustworthy face. It was unfortunate, but right now he was more valuable, and useful to her than Kursha. And she was willing to bet that he knew damn well. She had hoped, as stupid as that hope seemed in retrospect, that Kursha had been able to come to the same realization.
"Y'know, if I were you, I'd look into getting myself some kind of bodyguard. While Kursha's something I'll take care of, I can't say the same of any other trolls who might ... resent your past connections."

Leaning forwards, she smiled benevolently.
"Odette as well. How 'bout we get you two both fitted up with a nice military escort?"

PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2017 9:17 pm
Perfection. Aandes tapped a finger against his lip and nodded. “You’re right. I’ve got t least one connection already lined up for my own guard, but Odette will need an assignment. Both of us will likely need additional coverage in public – Odette especially. She’s made plenty of enemies since coming clean in the rebellion, and it’s obvious her face-turn won’t be met kindly by some royal-leaning trolls like Kursha. I don’t blame them for the suspicion, but I can’t say I enjoy the consequences of flirting with rebels.” Aandes growled – honest mutterings. Denying military guard would be absolutely idiotic, but there was no doubt Regina would pile on even more obedient meddlers to keep an eye on them. It would certainly be harder for Odette, but she could be smarter than Aandes gave her credit for.

Plus, if she failed and got herself culled, Aandes could swing it. He just needed to remain an astute asset so that he could hold a tactical position. Having Sascha as a bodyguard was a fantastic cover, especially considering how equally royalist and “up for anything” the telekinetic troll was. He would have to solidify their contract soon, and this was the perfect opportunity. Coming fresh off of hard work during the Space Race and having a prominent testing position in the advancement of space flight technology of Chittentown, Sascha could easily be crown-approved. And hey, there was nothing wrong with Imperial cronies taking various bullets at Aandes’ whim.

Aandes commented, polite but conversational. “I hope to pay your kindness back as best I can with the musical and other services I can provide, including the services of my talent.” His smile had an edge as his snaggletooth made an appearance. The master of selling out.

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Vice Captain

Vice Captain

Versatile Vermin

PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2017 1:07 pm
"A connection? Hm hm hm! I'mma have to snag their name from you then, some time." Wiggling her eyebrows, she stood up to accompany Aandes to the door - she now had quite a few errands of her own to run. Well if Aandes's idea was a one on one bodyguard, she had options for that as well.

"If you're after some sorta specialized guard for Cygnet that'll blend well, you might wanna hit up Eostre Dizzai. Don't imagine you need more than a name to track a person down." Shooting the greenblood a short look of sly approval, she stepped ahead of him. "If ya do, she lives out here in Four Fronds an' should be pretty easy to find. I can personally vouch she'll keep things classy, and stay vigilant." She wasn't sure if Dizzai would be interested in the offer, but if she was then that would be a nice reliable troll who would get along perfectly with Odette, if Regina was any judge. Stopping at the door, she even made the extra gesture of pushing it open for Aandes, hands full as they were with paper and a walking stick.

"Stop by soon, right? If you disappear I'mma think Vidari managed to finish you off."

the end!!! if that's good for you!
Alternia RP

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