Name: Daemon (Derived from the word "Pandemonium" and another spelling of the word 'demon') Astaro (Derived from one of the Great Dukes of Hell, a demon known for high levels of vanity and seduction, 'Astaroth')

Blood colour: Redblood (#B50000) - Blood Color

Gender: Male - Technically, often cross dresses as a female. (Comes with the territory when raised by a transgender peacock)

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Profile: Daemon does not like the idea of conforming to the Hemospectrum. As a redblood, he's one of the lowest ranking trolls and doesn't understand how something as simple as blood color can define a person and their value, as if he doesn't have any other skills that are valuable! He thinks this system is rigged and unfair, and that trolls should be valued based on something as shallow as their appearances, or their basic intellectual abilities. Those who do more for society should be favored by the royal families, which he believes are royal for a reason; to protect the planet from Gl'bgolyb. If you're not 'big and loud' you're not worth much, and he's too hot headed to keep quiet about it because he wants to be closer to the top, even if just a part of an entertainer group for the Queen. The closer you are to the Queen, the safer you are from her wrath. Why are the bluebloods so special? In his eyes, a majority of them are "basic bitches", going off to war and becoming soldiers. What makes them more respectable than him; Someone who thinks outside of the box and has real talent.

Daemon is obsessed with physical beauty, appearance and grace. He is the definition of a 'Diva' and as vain as can be. Nothing... ABSOLUTELY nothing comes before make up, hair, and clothes. He won't leave the house until he's perfect, and perfection takes time, honey. He fell in love with the art of tight rope walking and 'flying' acrobatics while watching street and circus performances. He begged his Lusus for the chance to have any sort of a fun/social life. Eventually she agreed to allow him to train for it, as long as it kept him safe and out of trouble. He's normally found practicing his tight rope walking on fences, along walls, benches- anything he can climb on, really. His lusus is extremely protective of him, often yanking him away with her talons when higher tiered trolls appear. Despite his arguing and snapping, he never wins these battles when his lusus flies off with him. Regardless, he loves his lusus and accepts- after much bickering, that she only does it for his safety.

Determined - Giving up is not in Daemon's vocabulary. With persistence and hardwork, he believes that eventually he can achieve a higher status. He's been criticized for his flamboyant behaviors tacking on to the fact he's already ridiculed enough for his blood color. Most criticism falls on deaf ears, because Daemon sees one thing and one thing only- the spotlight. While others in higher blood statuses would think he's crazy for wanting to draw so much attention to himself and his bizarre beliefs, he's aiming straight for the top.

Reliable - When Daemon puts his loyalty and trust in people- they have him for good. He blindly gives himself fully to his friends. It could be something as simple as helping them sew up a tear in their costumes to something as severe as helping them kill another troll. (Not that he has ever been asked to kill another troll, but if his friend asked for it, he'd assist them without question.) As they say in show biz, "The show must go on" and he'll do anything and everything he can to make sure things go according to plan, whether that plan is his or someone else's.

Gullible - Due to his Lusus locking him away and always being so protective of him and keeping him from interacting with too many other trolls, he falls for anything rather easily. He will put his trust in the wrong people and remain loyal to them to the bitter end without realizing it's bad for him until someone points it out to him.

Hot-Headed - Daemon is passionate about his hate for the hemospectrum and he won't restrain himself from making it known, very well. He can build the same skills a higher blood can. He is the embodiment of TNT. The tiniest spark sets him off. It could be something as simple as an insult to how he did his makeup that morning.

Weapon: Double Bladed staff

Appearance: Daemon's hair is what his lusus calls 'a bit long'. Yet it curls and settles at his mid-back. His lusus and him refuse to cut it, claiming it's just more to love. He mostly keeps it in a half-up, half-down style with his curls sitting over his shoulders. The only time he really ties it up, is when he's training so it doesn't get tangled or stuck on him while he practices his tricks and twirls. His lusus puts a lot of pressure on him to always look presentable and to make a statement with what he wears, but not so much that it draws too much negative attention- as if that could actually exist.

His fashion style is more victorianesque-steampunk, in that he prefers to wear high heeled boots with lots of fastens and buckles. The only time he changes out of them is when he's wearing his flat dance shoes for rehearsals. His pinstriped pants tuck into his knee-high boots. His shirt is often tight fitting so as to not accidentally obstruct his hands, with a long tail, that falls to about the back of his knees.

Home: Plains of New Hemisect City - He and his Lusus go into the city for items, and he likes to explore. But she refused to allow him to live in the city when he had first become her charge to look after. He had insisted that a city with bustling people, noise and flashing lights would be a PERFECT set up for him to practice his talents and build an audience. But she would not allow it, claiming it was much too dangerous and they settled for living on the outskirts of the city where he would be safer away from the highbloods, where they could flee to if things ever got too heated and make a clean getaway.

Lusus: Postrie is a strange combination of an Ostrich and a trans Peacock. She's incredibly tall, as a child Daemon only reaches her knobbly knee. Her wings are huge, and have a lot of white, wispy feathers that are soft to the touch so long that it kicks up filth all around her when she lands or takes off. They reach so low to the ground folded against her sides, that they drag across the ground. Her tail feathers are also extremely long, fluffy and white, dragging behind her like the skirt of a gown, mixed with her long wing-feathers, it looks like a full skirt, with only the front open to allow for her feet to step through. With all of the excessive plumage, Postrie is able to hide Daemon efficiently. Her long neck allows for her to pick at him under her wings if he's misbehaving, or to fix his hair if it's a mess. She is as, if not, more of a Diva than he is. Postrie is as obsessive about physical beauty and appearance as he is. When she lifts her tail feathers to ward off danger to protect him, the white and silver feathers fan out beautifully about her, the crest of them on her head stand up and she hisses, her eyes narrowed into slits, the tiny teeth in her beak visible. This allows for Daemon to run and hide while she distracts the enemy before bounding after him with long, powerful legs and sweeping him away. Postrie is all for Daemon being a performer, she wants him to succeed in what he wants, but she doesn't want him to get involved with the highbloods. She'd rather he stay a lowly street performer for the poor plainsfolk around them. She gladly takes him and his equipment from little village to little village of lowbloods and middlebloods to perform, but flees at the sight of anything darker than basic green. Daemon and her argue a lot on the fact that he believes he could win the favor of the highbloods and show them his usefulness and talent to the point where they would be safe if they were to join a prestigious circus or become one of the Queen's own entertainers. The idea of Daemon working for or even meeting the Queen terrifies her to the point where her feathers tremble.

Power: None, currently. Could possibly discover one later on in life.