Name: Epslon - Epsilon the fifth number in the greek alphabet
Castle - a fortified building or buildings. A fortress.

Blood colour:▆▆▆▆Teal blood
Gender: Male

Symbol:A rook

Epslon is a confident troll, confident to the point of arrogance. This attitude is very much encouraged by his lusus who prompts him to be confident in his choices. Captain flowers values a troll that can make their own decisions and takes Epslon's take charge attitude to be a very good thing. Though. the Captain uses subtle prods, comments and actions to guide Epslon in his choices but tries to ensure that Epslon thinks his choices are his own and not prompted by Captain Flowers at all. The only time true force is used is when Epsilon's choices get him in trouble that could possibly kill him or ostracized by society. The problem with this method is that Epslon has come to believe that he makes no mistakes. He often believes that he is right and is resistant to being persuaded otherwise, even if his logic is faulty. If proven wrong, he has a hard time accepting the fact and either begins to take an aggresive debating stand point until he cannot argue anymore. If he absolutely cannot argue people into agreeing with him he tends to lose his temper, shout a lot and then avoid the subject later, pretending it never happened. This goes along the same lines for mistakes he makes against other people.

Epslon does not actually stay in his hive very often, Flowers takes him traveling around Alternia as he looks for prey. Epsilon owns a mobile hive to protect against daywalkers and other such dangers, carried by his giant lusus. While they travel, Epsilon does not bathe often, he does shower once in a while, but more often than not Flowers will groom him to keep him clean. This is a bonding time for the two of them as they will trade stories or talk about things of particular interest. Flowers is careful to pay attention to Epslon's ravings about whatever is on his mind and craft guidance or offer helpful information.

Epslon knows about the hemospecturm and what it affords him, he's very conscious of the effect his words can have, but his temper does get the better of him and he will impulsively argue with anyone, even against his better judgement. Just short of a fear and a death threat will get him to calm his jets for a second and possibly back away from a situation. This doesn't mean he's wholly unfriendly, he does try to emulate his lusus' patient and seemingly unbiased nature by opening conversation and trying to give trolls the benefit of the doubt until they prove to be more trouble or more irritating to him than they are worth.

He tends to pick up random trivia type information rather than anything really useful. Unless it's something based things that move fast, wind speed and flying. Epslon is fascinated by things that go fast or creates great gusts of wind in his face, so things such as fast moving vehicles flight and explosions fascinate him. This also leads into an interest in energy and engines, which he studies whenever he can. His goal is to either become an engineer that works on ships, someone who works with explosives or a pilot and he's all for talking about his fascination with anyone that will take five minutes to listen.


tab - Amiable
Epslon is talkative and willing to start a chat with anyone. He withholds judgement until he gets to know someone for himself, often giving people the benefit of the doubt rather than blindly accepting rumors or stories told by other people. This provides him the opportunity to meet allies and expand his friend circle.

tab - Confident
Epslon is confident that he has what it takes to lead

tab -
tab - hotheaded
Epslon is quick to irritation, impulse and anger. His temper tends to cloud his judgement and he will act in a bullheaded and impulsive way in an attempt to prove his point or prove someone wrong. He will not rest until he has accomplished being right. This leads to a lot of trouble as he tends to do things without actually thinking could get him hurt, or worse.

tab - Arrogant
He believes himself to be the most supreme, smartest and best troll out there and as such he will probably mouth a bit about his greatness and superiority. He often assumes he's the smartest troll in the room, despite being a kid. When he gets too arrogant, Flowers will step in and chill his charge out before things turn into verbal aggression.

Weapon: A modified paintballgun that shoots tiny balls of a conductive slime followed by a bb sized electric charge. The charge is enough to kill small animals, stun medium sized animals and probably only annoy large creatures.


Epslon is a little taller than average for a kid, His hair is an unstyled mess most of the time since he flies a lot, though his lusus takes great care to make sure that he at least keeps it mostly untagled and groomed. His horns hang down to his neck and the ends create a wide circle around his lower jaw down about four inches or so down his neck, sort of like a barrier. He has five moles decorating his face. His clothes consists of anything that has a zipper or buttons and doesn't need to go over his head. Commonly, he wears a dress shirt and slacks with suspenders, all underneath an overlarge black sweatervest with his Symbol on it. His shoes are generally sneakers or boots for traveling and hiking in. The last article of his attire would be a pair of goggles with an adjustable strap that hangs around his neck

Home: New hemisect city in a re-purposed two level bunker. The top is a rounded cone like building Large enough for his enormous lusus to hide in comfortably, within this half cone there is an elevator that leads down into the living area of the bunker. off to the side of the cone, out of the way but still accessible, Is there is a slot in the wall where the large portable hive dwells.The underbelly of the bunker contains about 4 large rooms, one of these rooms is his sleeping chamber, one holds a ton of books that he barely touches and the other three are generally left empty. There is a food block refurbished with state of the art cooking and cooling technology so it's more like a somewhat classy hive and less like a military compound, a dining block and an entertainment center off in a smaller theater block that sits in the very back of the bunker where there is a blast door that cuts off a portion of the rest of the hive. Epslon has not figured out how to open this door and it remains a mystery.

The portable hive isn't that big and really only just barely fits Epslon comfortable with the basic needs such as a load gaper, recuperation, a basic shower. There are 4 cabinets, one for dishes, one for books he finds interesting, one for food and the last one for his weapon. The walls and entrance of the portable hive are thick enough to keep most dangers out and it is completely windowless.

Lusus: Captain Flowers is a praying mantis that paints himself to blend in with his surroundings, his legs are flexible and look more like three fingered hands ending in claws rather than general bug feet. These odd feet him the ability to pick things up or decorate himself as needed. He is a connoisseur of foods and likes to sample foods from all over alternia, though trolls are off the menu.

Captain Flowers is a very supportive guardian, taking an optimistic and engaged role in his child's learning and growth. Though, in order to guide Epslon Flowers tends to use underhanded and manipulative actions to persuade rather than to force Epslon to do things he wants his charge to do. He prefers it if Epslon thinks his choices are his own so that he remains confident in his decisions and actions, being even more proud if Epslon proves himself to be a good fighter. His vision for what he wishes Epslon to become requires Flowers to be very close behind. Flowers is very careful who he lets Epslon associate with and although Flowers would prefer epsilon to choose appropriate company for himself, is not averse to use force to remove Epslon from the acquaintance of any unacceptable trolls or circumstances.