Profile: Luxara is a troll molded by the need to survive. Life has never been kind to her. To start with, she fell in love with the Four Fronds forest, which set her up to constantly be engaged in constant battles of predator-and-prey with the surrounding wildlife. It also let her see the injustices between trollkind within the hunts. Her early childhood was rather secluded because of the many dangers that came with any efforts to leave. That couldn't stop her forever, though.

Once she started leaving the forest and got the opportunity to make friends, Luxara loved to socialize. With a mute lusus who was borderline neglectful on top of it, Luxara grew up with a lack of tact and a lot of words to make up for so much silence. She could be enthusiastic, but also incredibly annoying.

Although she lived in a forest full of death, Luxara was still rather naive for the longest time. And so, she was willing to become friends with just about anyone, and her concept of faction loyalty was pretty fuzzy. With a pumpbiscuit so soft, she followed it with no hesitation and set herself up to get hurt. She did, and multiple times.

Reality started setting in with frictions with others at OHC until the dead city was blown to smithereens. Still, she opted to want to keep up friendships even when personal sides were started to be harshly set. In her refusal to follow suit, a side was chosen for her. Luxara unwittingly fell into the side of an ignorant and over-forgiving victim.

Luxara's heart was soon broken after letting her blinders stay on for wrong guy, even when all the clues were right in front of her that he was a bad dude. Naivety quickly over-corrected to mistrust for anyone she chose to forgive for past actions, which temporarily created further hostilities with another close friend she had.

Luxara, as such, has learned to build her life back up from the ground up. She has lost friends, as well as her old home, and now has a much more wary view on life. Survival now matters in all parts of her life, and it will always come first.

She still is chipper, but the sincerity of it only appears around people she trusts. And these days, those are few and far in between. Luxara has learned to keep a zero-strike policy for most trolls, and keeps them at arm's length. This goes for most rebels and royalists. The former takes a whole lot of doing to fully trust, if ever, and the latter she expects to screw her over the moment it becomes convenient. She will associate with royalists if she has to, even being chummy here and there, but it's all surface level. Loyalists are to be used then thrown away, and if they become a problem, disposed of.

The greenblood usually comes off as easy-going and amiable, but that doesn't mean she likes someone. With an attitude hard-wired into being perky and optimistic, she can grin and crack jokes whether she's clapping you on the back or taking you down. It's all the same to her anymore. Her outer warmth is a layer hiding a coldness which has taken over her being out of necessity.

This isn't to say that Luxara feels no happiness or can't enjoy anything anymore. She still loves the company of her few close friends, for instance, and loves taking a mentor role for younger rebels. Rebel kids are some of the few things that Luxara will always genuinely care about. Often while at missions or Bloodfest, she will go out of her way while under her aloof alias as Ardais to keep an eye on them.

Luxara also still likes stargazing when she has time for it, since it is a rare way for her to relax a little bit. She also has plenty she likes to do when she's home. Whenever she is at her hive, she takes time to play with her free-roaming gerbils and water her plants. She enjoys taking care of things like that, and having foliage (plus vegetables and herbs...) on-hand reminds her of the self-sufficiency of her old home.

More than anything else, Luxara has become focused on dedicating herself to the rebel cause. Her survival skills come in handy on a nightly basis, as she spends most of her time hunting down food for the swamp, and she is competent at patrolling the perimeter for any problems. She also is intending to use these skills for military infiltration.

Her view on the hemocaste is pretty obvious from her alignment with the rebellion: The system sucks. It sucks and needs to be torn down, as the lower castes are toys for the higher castes to play with and kill, much like mice for cats. She has witnessed this enough growing up around the hunts. Her view admittedly has been skewed more us versus them after the rebel tunnels came down around her, and after a few sweeps as a wanted criminal, the rebellion is all she has left. By now, her need for validation is borderline desperate so everything she has gone through will be for something in the end.

. Genial- Luxara gets along with basically anyone. Anyone. Even awful almost-exes. She can always find something to work off of with another troll, even if she has every reason to hate them otherwise. Having an alias helps with this, because it has taught her how to keep her mouth shut if she has nothing nice to say. Between being able to shrug off most things on a surface level as herself, and biting down any bile as Ardais, her chumminess makes it easier for her to work with whoever she has to.

. Resourceful- She can often take advantage of whatever situation she finds herself in. Luxara is most at home in the wooded areas, but can easily adjust from climbing trees to climbing poles if she needs to, among other things. On the social side, Luxara can usually try to find ways to save conversations and relationships. It may take time and energy and a lot of humble pie, but rarely does she let anything slip through her fingers if she considers it worthwhile.

. Prioritized- The girl's priorities are painfully, painfully set straight, and they're what are getting her through adulthood in one piece. In rough situations, she can be looked to to know what needs to be taken care of because she won't make questionable or irresponsible decisions. On a more personal level, even if she has a vendetta, she knows when to put it aside for more important matters at hand. Grudges take a back seat for the cause every time.

. Paranoid- Life has been hard. Very hard. Luxara never truly recovered from being betrayed by Kursha and having her entire life thrown out of alignment. Now she always looks over her shoulder and will not let any royalist get near her emotions. She is also very sure that they have no good intentions unless they are rebel-sympathetic (and even then, she's always ready to be betrayed.) Otherwise, they go right in the dumpster, so they can't turn on her to hurt her or anyone she cares about. Nothing can convince her that that is not exactly what they will do if given half the chance.

. Unforgiving- Once willing to forgive so much, Luxara now will forgive very little. Minor mistakes are allowed, of course, like when kids mess up. But now if someone compromises everyone's safety, or hurts one of her friends, she will never let it go. If a troll messes up with her, they do not get second chances or an opportunity to apologize. It is so, so easy to get hurt, and plenty of troll are willing to abuse second chances. Even if everyone else is willing to forgive someone, she likely won't be on board. She will always abide by senior officer decisions, but anyone she sees in the wrong better watch their backs.

. Distant- Luxara's ability to get along and cope comes from her internalizing her experiences to the point where she is not quite emotionally there most of the time. She may care about something, but how she projects may be way more than how she actually feels. And her ability to care at all is a bit skewed. The best way to stay safe is to let few trolls close to her, and so most are treated the same way. She can be warm, she can be fun, but the lack of sincerity gives her room to turn on people on a moment's notice, or otherwise not be emotionally available when needed to be. Everyone gets the same face, so personal relationships drift farther into the wayside.

Lusus: The ever-silent and judging Stagdad! Luxara's lusus is still around, as much a survivor as she is. In her youth, Luxara always could depend on his presence, even if he tended to take the unseen-Prince-of-the-Forest route. But, rarely did he ever listen to her or show much in the way of emotion. As far as he is concerned he did his job: Luxara learned how to live in the wilderness and be capable of independence from a young age. Emotional attachment always took a backseat, and still does.

She still wears the trench coat he gave her, the one item of possible affection Luxara ever received from her lusus. And, importantly, he has saved her life, and she is grateful that Stagdad has not been caught or perished during the rough rebel times, but he is usually in the back of her mind these days. Stagdad himself has given her less and less of his time as she has grown older, and sometimes the only way she knows he's still around is when she finds more bark rubbed off of her tree hive. Luxara wouldn't call the relationship 'strained', but she wouldn't call it 'warm', either.