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Staring across the great blue lake with the glorious tribe to his right and the forest to his left; the large, blue magus warrior sat under the warmth of the sun with the slightly grey clouds flitting overhead. The breeze was slightly dry but it would cool once it kicked off the dark bluish-grey depths of the lake that sparkled under the sun or it would lose it's shine once the clouds moved over the sunny face above.

With his eyes closed the large body sat in the spot he had claimed as his home after he had awakened into this world and claimed this spot as a makeshift home. The tall grass had been thick and tall enough to cover him form when he was much smaller than the large, muscular build of his fully awakened state. Yet while he couldn't quite be covered he never let this territory go as he marked it to be the mediation site for himself and for others in the Braves Army.

To Gundisalv, it was important to have all aspects of the self to be nurtured not just the physical, mental and emotional training that he put them all through and himself, for the spirit needed to be nourished just as much as the rest of the aspects needed to be defined. After all it was through the blessing of the most beloved and kind Grand Weaver that touched his soul to awaken it fully into this new form with a gift of an ability he had been working to contain, control and use every day.

The male would often pushed himself to the limits to the point of exhaustion or pain. But Gundisalv didn't know when to quit or when to pace himself. He was still a student of this world yet because he wanted to be the best for his tribe and Brave recruits, he pushed himself hard always. The warrior couldn't give two Vetersalv's, since one familiar like that little creature was enough for Gundisalv to handle at one time, about the fame, the glory and the power. Those were meaningless if one couldn't use them for the purposes of good.

He thanked the Grand Weaver with his whole heart to have the opportunities he was given and from Stillwater, the ArchMagi. He thanked his fellow tribers who felt the call of duty to join the cause of protecting the tribe even with the cost of their lives at some point, though hopefully that should never come to pass.

Yet in this mediation, Gundisalv felt there needed to be more recruits at least those with specialized skills to be able to teach others that would benefit. Not everything was about the physcial combat.....for another and this was absolutely hard to admit......Gundisalv felt lonely for the first time. It wasn't a pleasant sensation to feel lonely yet he didn't know how to interact with others on a friendly level to so called "hang out" in enjoying the entertainments with friends. Honestly the only friend he had was Vetersalv and Nerine, but the lovely female was off living her own life now that she had courted a male to settle down with.

It was spring of course and with that came the season of love....a season he avoided at all costs. Thus mediating was another good excuse to come away from all that activity to know whom to approach to join the Braves or to seek out others that have specialized talents that could benefit as a whole. Of course, it would take him to observe or for another fellow triber to have the courage to approach him. After all Gundisalv looked even more fierce and intense as a magus with longer braid tuffs and a grumpier expression. This definitely couldn't take a lot of work for him.

Sorry it took so long and that it's a long post and that it's kind of lame. I started and it flowed right out of my fingers. >__< I will do the word counts in a separate post after the rp finishes if that is okay