Scott Winfield-Kimura


You know that person in the corner of the room at every party? The one drinking can after can of PBR (they have a case of it next to them, of course) and loudly complaining about today's social expectations and the generally shitty state of modern day society as he (occasionally, of course, she) dissolves deeper and deeper into a drunken stupor? (this time, though, it is indeed a he)

Scott is that person. Painfully average, hideously materialistic, and altogether unimpressed- all descriptors that can sum Scott Winfield-Kimura up in a nutshell. Despite having grown up well attended to both emotionally and financially in an upper middle class household run lovingly by his stay-at-home mother and hard-working business man father, Scott has been a youth all too unimpressed by what life has presented him since a very, very young age. Oblivious- or perhaps just uncaring- of his lucky placement in life, Scott rarely finds a reason to not frown or complain. He is pessimistic, by nature or by habit, and extremely judgmental of those around him... almost to the level of a narcissist, but not quite.

As for his hobbies, well, Scott doesn't do much. He's fond of attending local shows and judging the bands that play; occasionally fiddling with his own guitar at home whenever the inspiration- rarely- hits him. He attends classes at the local community college, after having been flunked out of his chosen university and forced to move into the upper level of a townhouse only- to his immense horror- two blocks away from his family home. He's interested in video game design but has yet to dedicate himself to anything in particular.


After failing a few classes at a university in New York and losing his scholarship, Scott was forced to fly home in shame. Since then, he has hit a sort of road block in his young life. He's lost interest in most things and has, upon his mother's request, begun to visit a therapist. Since then, he's been diagnosed with both Bipolar I and Major Depressive Disorder. He's been slowly but surely sifting through medication after medication, with the help of his incredibly well-paid therapist and psychiatrist. He feels immensely guilty for the deterioration of his mental health and struggles daily with having been diagnosed with Bipolar I. Because of his disorders, he finds it extremely difficult to connect with people despite his near constant desire to be able to do so.


Scott has an incredibly advanced sense of smell which- in turn- also influences his sense of taste. He has the ability to recognize most individuals by their smell, and also deals with the day-to-day sense overload of being able to smell and identify just about everything that hits his defenseless nostrils. Incredibly "dense" smells will leave Scott pale and nauseous. He is an extremely picky eater.


24 years old.

He lives in the upper level of a townhouse in a very residential area somewhat close to the community college- the woman living alone beneath him- who also happens to be his landlord- is Edith. She spends the majority of her time baking, gardening, and guzzling down her seemingly endless glass of wine. She's very friendly and quite fond of visitors.

Scott can often found anywhere between his trek from his home to the college. He enjoys going to local shows, bar-hopping on the weekends, browsing randomly through shops, and checking out new restaurants. His most frequent haunts are The Broken Record (a record shop, and venue), Ashdown Community College, and Bennie's (a diner).

His mother, Lin Winfield-Kimura, owns and operates a small flower shop. His father, William Winfield, is the landlord to the property belonging to the majority of the town's local shops. He is also a fairly high-ranking military official that has created multiple training programs and is occasionally asked to travel to undisclosed locations in order to assist training others interested in his field.