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Gwenyth Catigern

What's that? Did you hear that noise? Gwen is a big-hearted spirit of inquiry, driven by a sense of adventure found in the discovery of new things. Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, the thrill of discovery is a real and addicting sensation that drags her headlong into new and exciting places. No fence is too tall, no alley too dark and intimidating, not when it comes to finding out the truth! Gwen is supremely optimistic, fueled by a candy-coated view of the world, and sees nearly everything as a new opportunity to learn.


Gwen thinks of herself as a serious investigator, and her hobby as a serious one that provides real results. But no one else seems to take her seriously! They always call her too young, too foolhardy, they tell her that her claims are outlandish and stupid, but they're wrong. More than anything, Gwen wants to be acknowledged as the peer in the scientific community that she feels she is, and to have her efforts acknowledged on a scale larger than her mother's fridge.

She doesn't think it strange that all her charts are made with crayon, why do you ask?


When Gwen is climbing, she always manages to find sturdy footing on which to make her ascent. Tree branches tend to hold her weight just fine, and no fence she's ever attempted to scale has fallen over mid-climb. She still has to do all the heavy lifting herself, and all bets are off once she hops off whatever she's climbing ((so falls are very likely)) but at least while she's got her hands on the surface she's safe.

It makes her a boss at rock-climbing, as long as she doesn't tucker herself out first.


- Gwen is 17, and a rising senior in high school. Her mother urges her to start working on college applications, but she's far more interested in spending the summer looking for clues to the apparent mystery of the town.
- Gwen is an active tumblrite, keeping both a personal blog as well as an aesthetic blog. Her personal blog tells the story of her encounters with the pseudo-paranormal ((but also doubles as a diary to vent her frustrations)), while her aesthetic blog is mostly blurry greyed-out photos of the beach and old houses with splashes of color.
- Gwen has ADHD, but her parents are very anti-medication, preferring to try and calm her with behavioral therapy when possible. She's generally well-behaved in a classroom, but once she feels like she's on the chase of a clue, she is incorrigible.