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It had been a couple of days since Zedar's faithful meeting with the strange one. He knew her name, of course. On the first day, when he realized she wasn't going to leave him alone, he had asked for it. Better to know the name of the one who was to follow you around all day, every day, right? Would have been more preferable if she'd go away. But the silly nan still had it in her head that he had done something awful to her and was intending on sticking to him like glue until he did it to someone else. Which would have posed a problem with his feeding schedule had she not been so bad at keeping watch on him. It never took long before she fell asleep. The first night, he had stayed by her, unsure if she'd remain asleep if he moved or if she'd wake up soon after. However, that wasn't the case. Once she was asleep, she remained asleep for the whole night. So when the second night rolled around, he merely had to wait for her to be unable to keep her eyes opened and he would take off in search of his own meal, making sure to come right back to sleep so it would look like he had never left. The only problem had been the sun.

This was another thing she hadn't believed him on. He had refused from moving below a heavily shaded tree, protesting that the light hurt his eyes. She would argue it was fine and try to push him out. After a while he became too weak to protest and allowed her to shove him out into the sun. It finally took his quick intake of breath and mad dash for the shade for her to realize he wasn't joking. From than on, she seemed to take more of an interest in his well being. She wouldn't move under the sun without him until he said he was okay to move. She even provided more shade with her own wings. Wings that were fluffier and thicker than his. Better able to shield the sunlight than his own. This whole situation was useful in that regard. Only in that regard.

The sun had finally dipped below the mountains. Zedar moved out from the shade, keeping both wings overlapped above his head to ward off any stray light. Sushila, the name she had said was hers, was not in the area. Out of habit by this time, he went looking for her. He found her some ways away, blocked by a rock, and bending over a river with one paw over the edge.

"What are you doing?"