It was dark. It was dark unto death....

Death, yes. That is what this darkness can be likened to. Death, was something that all Light Balam had come to fear. Death, was exactly something that Lhosah'fer was facing right now in this...this cave of dark unseen horror.

Why, was he here?

That was the question wasn't it: 'Why'. Why, was he stuck in his cave all alone?

Hurt and cold, Lhosah'fer's fur was riddled with pebbles. All which he had gathered during his fall and stumbling around in the dark wetness. His paws where rough and raw with scraps. His claws were broken and chipped as he had made a futile attempt to to keep himself from falling helplessly deep into the deep pit.

Trembling paws pushed the b'alam up from his fall. The ground was cold and harsh...unforgiving. Looking past the blinds of his once beautiful white mane, that was now disheveled. Light color eyes opened wide as his head turned to search out some sort of light. It was so dark he wasn't sure if his gaze was even open. A raw blink reassured himself, and to his heart dropping realization, they they where indeed open. Ears flicked, twisted and turned hoping for any reassuring sound, or to his halting breath...danger. The treacherous thought caused an icy touch of fear's paw to stroke along his spine.


"Weaver!" A shaken pitiful lost voice desperately roared. His first instinct was to call to the creator, knowing, trusting-that he would help.

Lhosah'fer was hurt, alone, and in the dark. The frighten Tahtill's white paws clamored and stumbled in damp uneven ground. His pale white frame, it wobbled to and fro with each taken step. His shaky frame looked like some sort of a ghost floating helplessly against a dark curtain. Struggling with it, in a fetal attempt to be free.

A clear pearl orb that the creator himself gave him, one that had perched firmly in a lustrous golden horn.. It had lost it glow, in what felt like hours ago for the B'alam. It had once fixed firmly on his crown, a crown the Weaver had given himself personally; setting it purposely and carefully when he wove him. It's light had faded slowly, with every dimming it allowed for a fear to slowly clinched and strangle at his heart. It was like a welcoming beacon to invite death to grab hold of him at any second.

A Damp and soggy tail, slid slowly on the cold hard earth. Tumble of gravel shifted in it's wake. His golden scales too had faded, the overcast of clouds had made it hard for the natural armor to gather the suns rays.They too had dimmed quickly, just like all his hope.

"Please." Lhosah'fer cracked and pleaded, his words clamored desperately against hard emotionless earth. He should have listened to his 'Brother', the maker had woven them together-he shouldn't have left him.

"Help me!" The Tahtil stumbled backward. What few words that had left him, were growing more desperate. Every single one of them only shuttered back at him in a echo; as if each and every one was tossed back from the earth to mock him.

'Help', 'please' and 'I beg you', such words went unanswered in the dark pit of death..

Slowly, the lost tahtil, lowered his body to the ground. He was too scared to move. Any false step and he could fall into another hole and deeper into the cave as far as he could know. He couldn't see where he was going, Lhosa'fer was helpless.

Ears quickly flicked back, It felt like hours had passed....and as try as he might he couldn't distinguish the sounds around him properly. Calls and pleas had became lost in the unknown caverns of the earth. Ever single one of them unventured. What made it worse was that The Pit only seemed to groan back at him, after ever single one of his calls. It creak with it's annoyance of him being inside of it.


A fair amount of time had passed, before the shivering Tahtil finally found the courage to rise from his crouch. Legs slowly found the shaky strength to rise. He had to escape. This Cave was trying to destroy him, devour him whole. Kill him, alone in the darkness...without a soul to help him. Alone. With out his...

"Brother-!" The Balam whaled out, with a quick taken step. Perhaps, his brother was nearby outside. He had to be looking for him, and maybe the Maker had drawn him to cave where he had fallen? A heavy 'uff' left the fallen Balam as moist paw slipped on slime. All four paws clinched and claws dug into the earth. Not again. He didn't want to fall into another pit. He had just gained enough courage to move once more...


Please, Weaver...not again. The desperate pulsating in his heart, seemed to war with the ground under him as it thumped futilely. The sound almost seemed to over power his careful ears, and pulse with his heightened breath. Tighten and clinched breath, seemed sparse with each hyperventilated heave.

His heart raced as if to try and out run the fear that strangled his soul. As if to Silence him! NO!

This wasn't happening!

Lhosah'fer had only wanted to escape the storm. The Light B'alam wanted to only spare what could have been injury or damage to his cherished horn, and his stunning gold scales. His scales, all of which seemed to stand on end, pulsing with fear, and quivered in uncertainty. Every single gold flake remained in such manner. Time seemed to crawl, as if to stress and show off its uncaring nature to his plight.


The Light B'alam had no idea how much of it had passed...His thoughts were too raced and frightened to even know that it had been actually a substantial amount of it had actually passed.

No, no, no. NO! T-This was not happening! Lhosah'fer stressed this fact in thoughts once more, as if the mantle anguish could help plea fortune to smile upon him. The white B'alam whimpered again in turmoil, ears docked as his eyes pinched closed. He couldn't see anyways, and pinching them so tightly seemed to help his fleeting thoughts, in some weak form of comfort. Lhosah'fer felt in some small measure he could at least control the darkness that was behind his eyes. However what was frightening, was that the darkness didn't go away as he opened them. It was like he was dying.....he felt as if he would die, or more so that he already did, and this was death. Was this death? Had he died? No one answered him, and it was cold, like what he could call death. No one answered him, even the weaver seemed to forsake him....

That's right Lhosah'fer was dead, it had to be it...he had died...this was death...

The clamor of rocks, tumbled in response of the Balam's quaking thoughts. In a instant the B'alam lurched to his paws, or what he thought where his paws.


There was a soft, yet sharp glass dropping on stone sound that precluded a tumbling oblong 'rrrrrrrr', that rolled across the uneven cave floor. It continued to roll before it faded off to muffled silence, never to be seen again.

What was that?!

Fur revitalized it's self with more vigor as it stood more predominately on end. Claw's slowly revealed themselves from the goo of the cave in a failed attempt to gain solid pawing. The slippery wetness that seemed to weep from the cave walls, seem to mourn him even being lost in it.

A once spotless white flowing tail was drenched and covered in mud, tucked securely under his body and pitifully between his shaking legs. His once shinning scales, have faded and lost their luster.

A pitiful 'mmmm' murmurer though out the cave as the light b'alam could only 'meow' pitifully. His cries wasn't heard perhaps if he mewed....

"Help..." Left the Adult who felt no more then a cub. The squeak that had left him only seemed to prove such. Lost and stuck, Lhosah'fer didn't know what to do. All that he trusted and kept true to his heart in all understanding meant nothing. None of it-at this moment would help him, except for his own set of paws.

Coward ears, remained unsifted as his back paws moved under him and he trembled into a sit. His body jarred as a worn and weak soft sob moaned though the darkness of the cave. Every uneven breath hiccuped and jolted the pitiful creature in a uneven bounce. In the dark alone, the bright and shinning star of the light tribe, wept like a lost helpless and forgotten cub.

Mewling softly...

"Maker!"The Balam dropped back his head in a desperate sob ridden howl.

White ears rose slowly, maw cracked open hopefully. Sore paws gripped the earth....

Stillness, this time the cave didn't even answer him. Pausing his cry, the fur drenched B'alam's ear's perked attentively. Waiting. Desperately hoping to be answered as if magically in one swift moment he would be plucked out of the cave. Wishing teal eyes would open to great the warm sun around him, and be greeted by the light. Perhaps that time would be now..

Slowly, vary slowly...

Lhosah'fer pulled his careful eyes open. Cautiously optimistic that he would open them to the light. Taking in a slow breath, the Light Triber encouraged himself, to part his sight the rest of the way. The Maker loved him that much, right? Yes. He was caved and molded by the Grand Weaver and crafted with full of purpose in mind.

Like a bad dream this would all go away. The Maker had just been testing him. Yeah, that is right, the Grand Weaver was just testing him, as soon as he succeed with what ever he was suppose to learn. He would be free. Right? Right?!

The thoughts where only so comforting as the dark and the unknowingly mocked his resolve.

How cruel to be tested and not known what for. The Strictest of teachers would even do such to a student.

As Lhosah'fer's sight was open, or what he could tell as he was rather confused to the fact that it was still like death around him. He began to question something that was vary hard for him to tell. Where his eyes open?

Blinking, The Light B'alam was suddenly hit with the realization that he was still in the dark. His maw agape in disbelieving. NO!!

That his face was still wet and ridged by the wetness of tears, because: Yes, the good Grand Weaver in all his power didn't just pluck him from the cave. WHEN HE HAD ALL THE POWER TO DO SO!


The miserable B'alam wailed out once more. Hunching down on stone he felt his body shake, fear raced in his veins. Adrenaline that was suppose to help his plight, was wasted in fear.

The question still continued to haunt him, like barbs slowly taring into flesh. It ate at him.

Slowly, and still no answer ..

Why, didn't The Maker help him?! Sitting there hunched and quaking in the cave, more hours seemed to slip by, as still no help came to him.

The question wreaked havoc on his soul, scraping against his resolve that The Grand Weaver did truly love him and care for him!

If so...

Why, didn't He help him?!!

A anger began to fill the lost void in Lhosah'fer heart, it had to be filled with something after all. And this fear did nothing but make him feel all the more helpless...

Anger. That.. Yes, that-he had gotten the reaction and control he wanted. The feeling he got in return was tantalizing, strong and powerful.

Yes, had gotten what he wanted in the past before. why not now? After all it wasn't his fault, that he was lost in this cave. He didn't cause the storm to suddenly take over the lands, that was the weave who did that. He controlled the weather after all. He in all his knowing knew that Lhosa'fer would seek shelter in the cave. HE KNEW The ground would give way under his paws. IN Knowing that-HE MUST HAVE CAUSED IT!!

That was it!

Fear turned into anger, as suddenly bruised and torn paws moved to stand. The weave did this, he did this all up. It was his fault. All his doing, after all if he didn't want it to happen he would have saved him, Right?! RIGHT?!

Why though? Why...The confusion of his thoughts only fueled more anger. The scales that rose out of fear and isolation rose with a hot fury.

"WEAVER!" The creation now, demanded from the creator. Answers, it was all he wanted now. It was pretty obvious that he wasn't going to grant him freedom from the cave. So, Lhosah'fer deemed that he at least deserved answers. His tail whipped around behind him in a fit of boldness.

"WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKE ME!?" The B'alam roared! He demanded an answer, he found that he at vary least deserved one. After all, he didn't ask to be put in this cave...

"I Didn't ask for this!" The Tahtill claimed, his voice raised. He paused, his once flattened ear's stood upright and at careful attention. Waiting for an answer. It was so dark, and so silent except for the subtle of water dripping on wet rock.

"ANSWER ME!" The Light B'alam roared out in desperation. Demanding a answer. "I have followed you since you woven me. I have defended you!" He demanded.

There was a pause, ears flicked and perked. Waiting for a answer.


The only answer that came was the soft clicking of water slapping on stone. Lhosa'fer felt his heart race desperately and pound loudly in his chest. His tail whipped about more.

" Your silence is how you dare to answer me?!" The Tahtill roared. His passion caused him to take a few steps back. White and once spotless tail, pressed against rock with hind quarters. With a larch forward, Lhosa'fer whipped his body around. Making a complete turn of his body, his upper half hunkered down. Hind quarters raised, a roar belted loudly from the Tahtil. Anger rattled through his scales.

As nothing happened, a huff left the B'alam and he turned blindly away from the wall he scolded.

No one was to come to his aid, what did he do to deserve it? When had done nothing! He only boasted of The Weaver's greatness, boasted of how much he himself loved and claimed praise for the Weaver. How he was great in all his ways to show his greatness to The Weaver. The Great one, knew of this-of all of Lhosa'fer's wondrous works and praise. He had proven so, but granting the glow of his own orb.

"It's because you favor Li, Isn't it!" Lohsa'fer roared. His paws pounded on the cave floor. Timid steps became bold as they dared to venture further in the darkness. A few extra steps. Tail uncurled and straightened, as he dared to challenge the Maker and air around him.

A snarl left the white b'alam. The sound rattled though the darkness angerly. That was it, asking didn't work, so perhaps...

"I'll be better!" The once proud B'alam bargained, "I promise you, I'll be better then him!" Lhosa'fer cried out to the darkness. his foot steps shifted and turned himself. As he did, gold scales hit and grabbed onto the wall and lining of cave. Feeling the unknown presser on his body, Lhosa'fer jumped! It was as if the cave was trying to grab him and drown him in the darkness.

A roar left the started b'alam. All scales and fur stood on end. Turning his head eyes remained agape as they still desperately tried to see in the dark.

It was just the cave wall...It was just a cave wall...

Lhosa'fer chanted softly to himself. Relaxing. Just a little, the light b'alam's paws slowly shifted together. Touching each other, each toe gripped the earth under him. Slowly, vary slowly the Tahtill lowered himself to the cold earth. White and dirty tail shifted to tightly curl around his sore paws.

His body trembled in a mixture of fear, and cold. Mostly fear...

Fear that over powered the fit of anger, fear the chilled his body colder then death.

Eyes tightly closed, and mutter prayers to be saved turned into a soft mewling. He was never going to be free from this cave...this pit of death. Nothing seemed to work, he was hurt, he was cold, he was lost, and what was worse-he still could not see. Why was the point of having eyes if one couldn't always see.

Lhosa'fer couldn't give up though. It was as if the Maker, wanted him to. He did after all do nothing to help him, he liked Li better....

Perhaps, he was just trying to remove Lhosa'fer out of the picture.

That was it....

Well, if the creator was going to just let him die, Lhosa'fer wasn't going to make it easy. As sure as the darkness around him, Lhosa'fer was going to make it out of this pit of darkness.

White steps, still traveled in the darkness. Cautiously and timidly they still pulled Lhosa'fer closer.

Just then, painfully something pierced his sight causing his teal eyes to snap shut. They burned in a blight flash of light. His maw didn't hurt, he hadn't walked into anythings solid...

What was that...

Suddenly, a flick of hope, shot across his mind. Something he had worked for...

Slowly, Lhosa'fer pulled his eyes open. Slowly, his gaze peaked open to a welcome glow a faint glow that passed though what must have been a crack in the cave ceiling....

It was a light, a light that had been cast by a single morning star. A stubborn light that had remained in the night that remained to be the last star of the night, and to be spotted in even the day.
