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Not much time had passed since the fire Tahtlil woke to the brilliant sun which had woven into his very being his coat almost glittering in the light. Only half a day had passed since The Great Weaver wove him with such glorious markings upon his pelt. The markings representing the bright orb in the sky. Perhaps the sun was the weaver's eye? Such was part of the meaning of his existence. He should perhaps spread the word of the sun god? Was he to love the sun as it loved him. The other part however remained a mystery there was a reason he was put here, yet he knew very little of that second reason. Ó”rmorgan was still perplexed knowing something very critical to his being was missing. What could it be he wondered?

The golden pelted Tahtlil continued to puzzle as he wander, his ears perked however, what was that? He padded toward the sound of soft breathing. Parting some of the foilage the balam saw three small forms each with a sun on their pelt similar to himself and long fire horns. the children were of the same race as well!

This was it wasn't it? his sign! He would take and raise these helpless cubs as his own. A tug deep within him knew this was what he was meant to do. A soft smile spread across his face, the world and more he would give them. He carefully surrounded the three cubs placing himself in front of whatever danger may be lurking. No one would hurt these children not while he was here.

Hoshi Lockhart


Stawberry Gumi Bunny

((Ó”rmorgan meeting his daughters RP. Sorry for being slow in making this!))