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[IC/OOC] Updates and Announcements (20 February 2019)

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Ithambo hlabathi

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 3:44 pm
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This thread will be posted in whenever new OOC or IC updates are available. The title will be changed to reflect the latest time of update. Old updates will be placed under spoiler tags while active updates will not.

Weather changes, herd movements, and important pride movements are updated consistently (every 4-6 months). Please feel free to use this information in your RPs and SRPs. Other IC updates will be posted for events such as metas or extremely important IC events.

Prompts are also updated and you are encouraged to use them for inspiration. While prompts are organized based on age, both include current events in the pride. You may utilize information from both. Remember, these prompts are here for fun and to help inspire you to RP; they don't have to be followed strictly.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 3:45 pm
Current Update

20 February 2019


Going forward, any lions - females included - who are born with predominantly unnatural colors, will be asked to leave the pride at adolescence, not dissimilar to the fate of male cubs. Due to the general Bonelands' stance on unnaturally-colored lions, the discrimination they face as a result, and the low social rank they hold, which makes life for them extremely difficult (not only emotionally but physically, as they get less and pooer quality food), Umkhombo believes they are better off leaving and finding their own place in the world. While it may be difficult for them to leave their family and the only life they've ever known, it's less cruel than allowing them to remain and be subject to derision and exclusion all their lives. [This is not retroactive, so any oddly-colored adult pridemembers are unaffected.]

Inselelo Pahana has been defeated and replaced by Mot, a huria from the Firekin.

Also of note but less impactful to most, a few weeks after the Firekin ambassador, Turiya, brought her cubs by Umkhombo into the pride, the green boy went missing. He was looked for, but not found, but for most of the pride, there is probably little to no upset in this.

13 December 2018


The pride has all been back together now for about a month.  Some of the more lightly-injured might have been back within a few weeks, while others needed more time to recover.  Once the stragglers were all ready, Umkhombo - also now recovered from his own injuries - escorted them back to join the rest of the pride near the Outpost.  When the initial set of Bonelanders returned to to the north, the Outpost had been temporarily abandoned by the Firekin in the wake of the earthquake...but in recent days, it's been occuppied by a foray that the Motoujamii had sent out, but which currently cannot pass back into the desert proper due to an unending sandstorm.

Hunting is and has been lean, as the only herds to hunt from are the small, recovering zebra herd, and what of the wildebeest have regrouped.  It's not a famine by any means, but everyone's probably looking a bit lean, particularly those of lower social rank.

Just prior to when the pride left to start their ill-fated migration, the Cabanga (ambassador) from the Motoujamii, Su, was replaced by a daughter of one of redpelts' new Regents, Turiya...who also happens to be a daughter of Andhaka, from a visit he'd made to the Outpost during the drought.  She's younger and more animated than her predecessor, openly curious and never hesitant to offer an opinion, and spends quite a bit of time with the Qyrhyeshti subgroup.

...and was apparently willing to take her status as ambassador several steps further than Su, as she quickly showed to be pregnant.  A happenstance that proved to be a bit more curious when she delivered her cubs just a couple of weeks after the pride came back together, so either they were early, or conceived before she became Cabanga.  Hmm.  Umkhombo also seems a little more actively interested in this batch than previous litters of his. (And one of the boys is green!  Oh, dear.)

15 September 2018


While the pride was on their southern migration during an unseasonable bout of storms, a vast chasm opened up in the earth, splitting the land from east to west. Crossing it is impossible, and going around it inadvisable: they have neighbors to the east they don't care to antagonize, and though to the west the land is unclaimed, the chasm continues to run for miles that way. The Ithambo'hlabathi territory has been effectively split, with the pride occupying the northern third of the lands.

Nearly half of the wildbeest herd they were following fell into the chasm when it opened, while the rest scattered in every direction. There is, essentially, no more herd to follow, and therefore no reason to migrate after it, even if they could. Umkhombo has decided that the pride should travel back north, closer to the outpost again, where the small zebra herd has lingered as it recovers its numbers. They'll have to be careful not to overhunt it, but it's the only viable alternative until and unless the Aenda and Cinga can locate another huntable herd within reasonable range.

However, Umkhombo was among those injured in the stampede, having shielded the elderly Umama Nenkani from harm. He is in no condition to travel, let alone see to any of his duties, until he has had time to recover. He's sending the bulk of the pride on without him, as there's not sufficient prey to sustain many lions in their current location. Others incapable of travel, as well as a few with the skills to care for the injured and a contingent of some lionesses and Qyrhyeshti (for hunting and defense) will stay behind with him. That he is keeping his position as lead Umholi in spite of his injuries and the time it will take to recover may not sit well with everyone...or maybe the manner in which the injuries were sustained will buy him some sympathy.

This fragment of the pride will likely be separated from the bulk of the pride for approximately 6-8 weeks (they'll be about a 4-day walk apart), during which time they will keep in contact primarily via birds.


The Joining/Rank Change/New Litter thread is going to be updated with a form for any members who, in the future, want to apply for Ahluke status for their born-in males. The decision of whether or not to apply for this status should be 100% up to the owner of the male in question, and I ask that no one gift out male cubs with the requirement that they stay on as Ehluke. As these characters are prohibited from ever having cubs, I would prefer that the choice be made by the individual who owns the SoA, and that there is a very solid IC reason for the male to want to take up such a rank, because ICly the leading males are very serious about 'screening' Ehluke, as it were.

So, essentially, you can view the form that will posted as the male approaching the Abaholi and pleading their case for why they should be allowed to stay. It is possible that they will be denied, if they're not sufficiently convincing!

28 July 2018


Sorry for the relative silence, RL took over and I haven't had time for much. First, I would like to clarify a couple of things: one is to reiterate that ICly the Abaholi are present and doing their jobs effectively, regardless of whether or not their owners are able to RP regularly (similarly, the pride functions as normal unless otherwise noted in an update); also, just a reminder that Inselelo "terms" are purely an OOC convention, and ICly they are assumed to be fighting off occasional challengers (much as the Abaholi do). Also regarding Inselele, they should not be taking females with them when they leave: in the future, expect such actions to be challenged by the Abaholi. If a female later wishes to leave in pursuit of an Inselelo, however, that is her choice.

An IC update involving the shop meta is pending. In the meantime, you can assume the general weirdness most of the SoA lands are seeing: freak storms, weird lights in the sky, etc.

Also, the pride still does not use dens. It never has and never will.

30 November 2017


Halp was required, so SilverLutz is now co-owner of the pride! ICly, everything remains the same, the pride is stable, etc.

26 April 2017


As most are likely aware by now, Quaji has stepped down from leadership of the Ithambo'hlabathi. Meepfur is, for the time being, sole owner of the pride. The mule is still inaccessible, so please don't PM it if you need anything or have a question.

Also, I'd like to take this opportunity to reiterate/clarify a few relevant elements of the pride that are sometimes glossed over or misunderstood.
  • The Ithambo'hlabathi do not have or use dens.
  • Lions have a gestation period of about 3 months. When an Ithambo lioness is ready to have her cubs, she takes 1-2 companions with her and leaves to give birth. They do not return to the pride until the cubs are 2-5 weeks old (cubs can't really walk until ~4 weeks).
  • The range of the pride's 'territory' (inasmuch as the pride has territory) is very large, and they migrate from one region to the other over the course of the seasons. Therefore, they are not always close to the Firekin Outpost - at present, they are migrating towards it. At the time of the current ORPs, they're about a week's travel away.
  • BL breeding males are hostile to non-pride males. It is their job to keep them away, and there are now four of them (soon to be five). Please do not RP with males who are not current pride members (or a Firekin/Firekin hopeful at or near the Outpost) in the pride's lands, as this implies that the Abaholi and Inselele are not doing their job. If you want to RP an outside male meeting a BL member, you must do so outside the lands; from this point onward, any RP involving an unapproved male in the Ithambo subforum may be interrupted by an Umholi or Inselelo for the purpose of driving out the trespasser.


The lands have mostly recovered from the intense drought that gripped them with an iron fist. The area scorched by the wildfire have (mostly) recovered from the fire thanks to the fertilizer that burned plant matter provided and the rain that fell not too long after. Though the charred remains of the trees that dot the area still stand as a testament to what occurred there, the ground has transformed into a field of soft grass intermixed with wildflowers and insects that hadn't been seen in some time.

The pride is currently migrating north, and when their migration is complete they will be stationed about half a day away from the Firekin Outpost.

Herd Status
With the coming of the rains, a massive wildebeest herd moved in, oblivious to what had occurred there only a month before. Their numbers are large enough to support the pride without worry and to offer relief to the other two strained herds. It is this herd the pride is currently following as it moves north so they can hunt from its plentiful numbers

The zebra herd, whose numbers dropped below four dozen, is showing signs of recovery as their young grow into adolescence. Lionesses must keep in mind that the herd protects one another, from the other mothers to the lead stallions. Additionally, the zebra herd is often seen grazing alongside the wildebeest. While they apparently co-exist and will often alert one another of danger, inter-species aggression does occasionally occur. At this time, the pride prefers to hunt from the wildebeest rather than the recovering zebra herd, unless an individual is clearly sick or injured.

The gazelle herd, whose numbers are in the two-hundreds, has moved off to the west now that their young are grown, and are now out of the range of the pride as it migrates north to follow the wildebeest and zebra.

Important IC Updates
  • With the drought now little more than a bad memory for most, the pride has been stable for the last few months, but with no large boom of cubs to accompany it, just a litter here and there, although some are just now starting to arrive. After the arrival of the rains, they lingered longer in the southern portion of their lands than usual, but after an uneventful Inqina have recently begun to migrate north, following the herds.
  • The Abaholi have been overthrown and replaced. Umkhombo, son of Gakere and Ukuthula, has returned to the lands and brought with him two additional males, Ahlaq sim Sungus and Faust. Each will carry the title of Umholi, but Umkhombo is obviously in charge. They openly admit that Bangizwe and Andhaka were allowed to live, with Umkhombo steadfast in his opinion that there have been more than enough dead Abaholi within memory.
  • All Ehluke will be questioned and required to renew their oaths, this time to the new Abaholi. (This can be assumed to have happened or can be RPed out, let Meep know if you want to RP it.)
  • All adolescent males who are not Ehluke or Aenda must leave (effective the day after the new Abaholi arrive), and this will be the policy going forward. The Abaholi will not tolerate the teenagers bumming around until their manes finish growing in. They're old enough to fend for themselves, so there's no reason for the pride to waste resources on them. OOCly, this means they'll be rogue-certed at adol instead of adult.
  • The Abaholi will not be accepting new Ehluke from outside the pride. Only born-in or pride-raised males can take the rank of Ahluke going forward, though they will be heavily questioned about their choice.
  • No cubs are in danger, but any cubs of Andhaka or Bangizwe born after their overthrow will be Lusizi until such time as they leave or undergo their Ukuzalwa.

So. Much. Gossip. The options are endless!

- The old Abaholi, who came by their positions in very non-traditional manners, are gone (but supposedly still alive somewhere). Towards the end of their reign, after their public disagreement over how to handle the arrival of the Qyrhyeshti, they became almost attached at the hip - save for a gap of nearly two weeks when Andhaka was inexplicably absent - and seemed considerably less interested in the females, though they were still willing to perform their duties if asked. Will they be missed, or is it good riddance? Should they have been allowed to live, or not, or do you even believe the new Abaholi when they say they're not dead?
- Speaking of the new Abaholi, there are three of them! There haven't been that many since Gakere brought in the mysterious Surtak and flea-ridden Kamal. Did it really take three of them to defeat Bangizwe and Andhaka, or does Umkhombo have other reasons for bringing them along? And what's with the scarred-up new Busisa tagging along?
- Umkhombo has taken much more of an interest in the Ehluke than Bangizwe and Andhaka ever did, and has been questioning them individually about why they chose to take such a rank, as well as requiring them to renew their oaths. The lone Inselelo of the pride, Kuhasa, has been permitted to remain with no fuss.
- The new Abaholi have shown no aggression towards the cubs of the pride, but the day after they arrived, began chasing out the adolescent males, exiling them earlier than their predecessors were inclined to.

Ithambo hlabathi

Ithambo hlabathi

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 3:46 pm
Past Updates

Old Thread

2 February 2016
2 February 2016


Nothing huge going on right now OOCly, but the pride will be slowly working into the second half of it's meta in the coming months so keep an eye out for the ORPs that we'll be having! There was also a delay on officially closing the first Mkhulu and Chatter (ORP), to which I apologize for. It hopefully shouldn't get that bad again. I will likely be slowing down on how many ORPs happen due to a multitude of reasons so you'll have more time to do your own RPs to react to those events!

I'm hoping to hold newbie-only pride raffle is likely to take place some time either in late February or March to allow an opportunity to people who want to join, but don't have anyone! These will likely be pre-made characters, all adults, but they may come with (uninheritable) edits to spice things up a bit.



The pride is moving into the dry spell of their rainy season. Showers are infrequent now, but grey or partly-cloudy skies are still common to see. The air is not quite as muggy as it was some months back, making it much more bearable to go on longer hunts or afternoon walks, but the mornings can still drop near freezing. Be wary, the grass is still high enough to hide snakes, spiders and scorpions, and green enough that large herds are still frequenting the Ithambo'hlabathi's territory. Drowning is no longer a major concern for new and older cubs, but slipping into a watering hole or accidentally being trampled are still things to be wary about.

Herd Status

The herds have swelled in size with the growth of the new calves at the beginning of the rainy season. Some are still too young to wander far from their mother's side, The zebra and wildebeest have begun to move on, merging with other smaller herds. Thompson's gazelle have also arrived and are beginning to merge with the other ungulate herds. The elephant herd that had been spotted at the beginning of the first half of the rainy season has been reported to have moved farther from the pride's location and no longer considered a threat to the safety of the pride. Stampedes are still a huge thread to the pride as the smaller herds begin to ready themselves for their mass migration. Lionesses must take care not to set these herds off and all youth of the Ithambo'hlabathi are being watched by more careful eyes than event.

Important Character Movements
- The pride has finished their move. They have settled near the center of the plateau, within view of the riverbanks. They are currently resting near a multi-tiered rock formation that is regularly checked for scorpions and snakes. This spot is quickly becoming a central hub for the pride to gather as the Abaholi frequent the top of it.
- Cubs are an extremely common sight these days. It feels like every lioness is having them and the pride's numbers have swelled by nearly two dozen. All cubs are being watched by the pride to help ensure their survival.
- Andhaka has not sired nearly as many cubs are Bangizwe or Jasiri has. There are rumors going around that he may have questionable fertility or that his red might be turning lionesses away from choosing him as their litter's sire.
- Bangizwe has thirteen cubs currently running around the pride! It is obvious that he is extremely proud of them all by the way he smiles so broadly now. He's currently seen working with his male offspring to ready them for the roguelands. He's also been rather vocal about the Firekin outpost and how the pride isn't getting all that much out of the deal, but how they're taking the pride's water. It seems like he's not happy about it, some rumors are going around that he might even try to break the two pride's unsteady agreement.
- Jasiri has lost his position as an Inselelo, but has left behind ten cubs by Nehanda and Ilanga.
- Gabedi has been seen fighting with males along the border. It is unclear how certain his position as an Inselelo is. As far as the pride knows, he has not been able to sire any litters yet.

Adolescent & Adult Prompts
Sunlight! The last few months have been extremely rainy, off and on, but now it seems like the land is going into the mid-dry spell which means the ground will begin to harden up, making hunting easier and safer too. It also means you're going to have to make sure to keep your guard up while drinking... Normally the pride drinks from a smaller, safer watering hole that's free of predators, but it seems like a couple of hyenas have moved in and keep coming back.

The position of Inselelo seems to be one that the pride just can't seem to keep filled. Jasiri's gone, Gabedi's been fighting, many lionesses are now speculating that he won't last too much longer as an Inselelo. Still, chatter of what kind of lion would likely be taking his spot is quite interesting to hear. All the lionesses seem to have their own idea of the perfect male to take the spot, thought some are downright goofy.

Cub Prompts
All these other animals you've seen wandering after your mother are sooo big! Your mother (or aunt, cousin, etc) tells you that there are animals even bigger ones. You've never seen something bigger! Of course now you have to see them. Do you wander off in search of these larger animals or maybe you're a good cub and ask to see them instead? Oh! Maybe you'll see them on your Inqina! Wouldn't that be exciting?

An older cub tells you that everyone's going on an Inqina soon, but fails to give you any more information about what in the world an Inqina even is! Now you're left wondering what is is. Does your imagination go wild about the possibilities or do you just ask one of the adults about it? Maybe they tell you and that gets you even more excited for it! I wonder what kind of things you'll see...

21 July 2016
21 July 2016


First big thing, Quaji does not currently have access to the pride's mule account. She moved computers recently and in the move, misplaced the external harddrive containing the password. WHOOPS. So if you've PM'd the mule in the last three months or so, please re-send it directly to Quaji instead. Thanks!

Next bit is we're hoping to set up incentives for activity, as well as things for player-run events/ORPs such as the Mkhulu and Inqina were. Neither Meep or Quaji really have the time to run them as often as they should be happening and while we can handle meta related ORPs and events, the normally reoccurring ones will likely fall to users to run.

Final update for the OOC section, you should be seeing a newbie-only raffle soon as well as an RP contest for a rather special feline.



The pride has hardly moved from the place they settled in after the latest migration. However dry spells, a rainy season that ended too early and the unrelenting heat of the African sun have left the ground parched, cracking from the lack of rainfall in the last. Trees are mostly bare now, with only the scattered bushes and trees such as the umbrella thorn trees providing shade.The grass has been eaten low by the migrating herds, making it extremely hard for lionesses to hunt effectively. Additionally, with so few prey animals to pick from, other predators have turned their eyes towards the young of the pride.

Water is now a contested resource as watering holes have begun to dry. Even the nearby river has shrunk significantly, leaving the crocodiles and hippos that inhabit it to congregate in what remains, making it extremely difficult to drink from.

Herd Status

The migratory herds have since moved on, leaving only the few resident herds behind. The numbers in these remaining herds are smaller than normal due to other predators hunting from them as well. Prey such as zebra and Thompson's gazelle are becoming increasingly hard to hunt as the old and sick have long been picked off, leaving only the wary and the healthy behind. Lionesses must also be careful to not over-hunt and risk the herds leaving, or wandering too far away from where the pride currently is.

Important Character Movements
- The pride has not moved much from where they settled. While some are calling for a secondary migration to better lands, the Cinga and Aenda both agree that the pride would have to travel too far to make moving worthwhile as the land looks mostly the same.
- Cubs, while still being born from time to time, are becoming rarer while the Abaholi's previous litters being to reach adulthood. What cubs are born though are being protected extremely heavily by the lionesses.
- Grown males have now been kicked out, this includes both of Ukushisa's sons, as well as Musa'wenkosi; Bangizwe's son.
- Bangizwe has been acting strange since Simosihle began showing signs of pregnancy. He appears to be more irritable, lashing out easily at the slightest thing. Some whisper that he may be becoming paranoid of his position since he now has blood wandering the rogue lands.
- Emrys has been defeated after several months following his victory over Gabedi. Leaving no known cubs behind, most believe he will not be remembered long.
- Tawa'shilah has defeated Emrys and taken his place as Inselelo in the pride. Some may recognize him from the borders as he had previously challenged Gabedi twice prior to Emrys' win.

Adolescent & Adult Prompts
#1: Umholi Bangizwe has been acting...off. He is constantly seen with his eyes turned towards the direction of the borders as if he's watching, or even waiting, for something. However with his strange behavior comes an irritable nature that is so much unlike the normally bright and gleeful male. Some rumors have begun circulating that it's his son and grandsons in the rogue lands that are causing him stress or that he may be secretly ill. Of course there are also more extravagant rumors that border on ridiculous.

#2: So hot! The dark clouds have since left, ending their rainy season early. Water is something everything needs, but something that has become increasingly harder to find. Conflicts at the remaining watering holes and the drying river are frequent now. Even the threat of possibly running out water is possible...

Cub Prompts
#1: With the need to conserve energy at an all-time high, most of the prides just lazes around in the afternoon. This leads to them having plenty of time to just tank. Most of the lionesses take to talking about things like old droughts, the herds (or the lack of them) and other things that most cubs don't really understand fully. However some of the lionesses seem very stern when they talk about the hyena clan that shares the land with them and how they've been stealing kills again. One of the lionesses even talks about how they were attacked by one!

23 November 2016
23 November 2016


A reminder that Meepfur and Quaji do not have access to the mule. While we are staff and can edit posts made by the mule, we cannot read any PMs directed towards it. If you need to contact one of us and cannot reach us through quotes or need to remain private, PM Quaji or Meepfur.

Another update, the Community-Run ORPs has gotten their host rewards added. You should also see prizes start to trickle in so keep an eye out if you're interested!

A bit of a timeline of what happened during the drought. These dates are all IC. All of the information in the updates can be found logged in the Drought Updates.

Beginning (three months ago) - Update #1 and #2
Middle (two months ago) - Updates #3 and #4
Near-End (one month ago) - Update #5
End (one week ago) - Update #6


The lands are recovering from the intense drought that gripped it with an iron fist. With it, the pride has not moved from its previous location, choosing to remain where they have shelter and access to water which has begun collecting and refilling the previously bone dry rivers and watering holes. Scattered showers are mixed in with partly cloudy weather and sporadic days of sunshine. There is a south wind blowing over the newly greened plains most days. It is a gentle breeze, doing little more than ruffling fur a little, though a stray gust here and there has been reported.

The scorched lands to the north have (mostly) recovered from the fire thanks to the fertilizer that burned plant matter provided and the rain that fell not too long after. Though the charred remains of the trees that dot the area still stand as a testament to what occurred there, the ground has transformed into a field of soft grass intermixed with wildflowers and insects that hadn't been seen in some time.

Herd Status
With the coming of the rains, a massive wildebeest herd has moved in and is currently grazing in the grasslands to the north, oblivious to what had occurred there only a month before. Their numbers are large enough to support the pride without worry and to offer relief to the other two strained herds.

The zebra herd, whose numbers dropped below four dozen, is beginning to recover as the mares begin to foal. Lionesses must keep in mind that the herd protects one another, from the other mothers to the lead stallions. Additionally, the zebra herd is often seen grazing alongside the wildebeest. While they apparently co-exist and will often alert one another of danger, inter-species aggression does occasionally occur.

The gazelle herd, whose numbers are in the two-hundrends has begun congregating to the west with the males setting up breeding territories throughout the west and south. While the females still have their fawns and will still care for them for at least another month, the pride can expect the typically non-violent displays of males meeting on the borders of their territories. The gazelle, for whatever reason, seem absolutely keen on ignoring the other two herds and have not been seen neat them post-rainfall.

Important Character Movements
- The Abaholi, relieved by the new rains, have opted to keep the pride where it currently and make use of the luck the pride is enjoying at the moment.
- The dead; first Nolaka-gored by a water buffalo, then Umthunzi-snuffed out by a fire, and lastly Inkinga who succumbed to milk fever.
- Tawa'shilah stepped down as Inselelo after Umthunzi's death, leaving the pride with only Kuhasa as an Inselelo.
- Cubs, there are eight cubs in the pride currently that lack a mother, but they are not alone. None of the cubs, aside from the one male, are Lusizi and the pride quickly swooped in to help raise these survivors of the drought.
- An Inqina is in the works as many of the cubs born before the drought are now coming into early adolescence and the cubs born during the drought have grown up in a world that suddenly changed so dramatically. Umthunzi had been planning on hosting one when her cubs were old enough, but sadly died before the drought ended. Currently the lionesses are looking to one another for a host.
- A nest has been spotted with eggs in it and a vulture, likely the mother, circling overhead. The Cinga are keeping an eye on it for signs of them hatching in hopes of having the chicks bond with a cub.

Adolescent & Adult Prompts
#1: Three dead, eight cubs without their mothers. At least the rains are back? The pride is a bag of mixed feelings, but at least there's time to reflect on what happened and how in the end it (hopefully) mad the pride stronger.

#2: No one has decided who would host the Inqina now that Umthunzi's dead. There's some chatter about who might be a good choice. With so many cubs and nearly grown adolescents, the pride needs an Inqina sooner rather than later. Who is your pick?

Cub Prompts
#1: The world has changed! Everything is greenp instead of the dusty tan color that you had known. It's weird, but the adults don't let you explore. They talk about something called a...snack? And this weird Inqina thing that no one seems to properly explain. >:C

#2: A BUTTERFLY! Those haven't been seen in quite some time and you happened to see one though it seems to flutter juuust out of your reach. However thanks to your ~amazing~ imagination and ingenuity I bet you can figure this out.

26 April 2017 to 20 February 2019
20 February 2019


Going forward, any lions - females included - who are born with predominantly unnatural colors, will be asked to leave the pride at adolescence, not dissimilar to the fate of male cubs. Due to the general Bonelands' stance on unnaturally-colored lions, the discrimination they face as a result, and the low social rank they hold, which makes life for them extremely difficult (not only emotionally but physically, as they get less and pooer quality food), Umkhombo believes they are better off leaving and finding their own place in the world. While it may be difficult for them to leave their family and the only life they've ever known, it's less cruel than allowing them to remain and be subject to derision and exclusion all their lives. [This is not retroactive, so any oddly-colored adult pridemembers are unaffected.]

Inselelo Pahana has been defeated and replaced by Mot, a huria from the Firekin.

Also of note but less impactful to most, a few weeks after the Firekin ambassador, Turiya, brought her cubs by Umkhombo into the pride, the green boy went missing. He was looked for, but not found, but for most of the pride, there is probably little to no upset in this.

13 December 2018


The pride has all been back together now for about a month.  Some of the more lightly-injured might have been back within a few weeks, while others needed more time to recover.  Once the stragglers were all ready, Umkhombo - also now recovered from his own injuries - escorted them back to join the rest of the pride near the Outpost.  When the initial set of Bonelanders returned to to the north, the Outpost had been temporarily abandoned by the Firekin in the wake of the earthquake...but in recent days, it's been occuppied by a foray that the Motoujamii had sent out, but which currently cannot pass back into the desert proper due to an unending sandstorm.

Hunting is and has been lean, as the only herds to hunt from are the small, recovering zebra herd, and what of the wildebeest have regrouped.  It's not a famine by any means, but everyone's probably looking a bit lean, particularly those of lower social rank.

Just prior to when the pride left to start their ill-fated migration, the Cabanga (ambassador) from the Motoujamii, Su, was replaced by a daughter of one of redpelts' new Regents, Turiya...who also happens to be a daughter of Andhaka, from a visit he'd made to the Outpost during the drought.  She's younger and more animated than her predecessor, openly curious and never hesitant to offer an opinion, and spends quite a bit of time with the Qyrhyeshti subgroup.

...and was apparently willing to take her status as ambassador several steps further than Su, as she quickly showed to be pregnant.  A happenstance that proved to be a bit more curious when she delivered her cubs just a couple of weeks after the pride came back together, so either they were early, or conceived before she became Cabanga.  Hmm.  Umkhombo also seems a little more actively interested in this batch than previous litters of his. (And one of the boys is green!  Oh, dear.)

15 September 2018


While the pride was on their southern migration during an unseasonable bout of storms, a vast chasm opened up in the earth, splitting the land from east to west. Crossing it is impossible, and going around it inadvisable: they have neighbors to the east they don't care to antagonize, and though to the west the land is unclaimed, the chasm continues to run for miles that way. The Ithambo'hlabathi territory has been effectively split, with the pride occupying the northern third of the lands.

Nearly half of the wildbeest herd they were following fell into the chasm when it opened, while the rest scattered in every direction. There is, essentially, no more herd to follow, and therefore no reason to migrate after it, even if they could. Umkhombo has decided that the pride should travel back north, closer to the outpost again, where the small zebra herd has lingered as it recovers its numbers. They'll have to be careful not to overhunt it, but it's the only viable alternative until and unless the Aenda and Cinga can locate another huntable herd within reasonable range.

However, Umkhombo was among those injured in the stampede, having shielded the elderly Umama Nenkani from harm. He is in no condition to travel, let alone see to any of his duties, until he has had time to recover. He's sending the bulk of the pride on without him, as there's not sufficient prey to sustain many lions in their current location. Others incapable of travel, as well as a few with the skills to care for the injured and a contingent of some lionesses and Qyrhyeshti (for hunting and defense) will stay behind with him. That he is keeping his position as lead Umholi in spite of his injuries and the time it will take to recover may not sit well with everyone...or maybe the manner in which the injuries were sustained will buy him some sympathy.

This fragment of the pride will likely be separated from the bulk of the pride for approximately 6-8 weeks (they'll be about a 4-day walk apart), during which time they will keep in contact primarily via birds.


The Joining/Rank Change/New Litter thread is going to be updated with a form for any members who, in the future, want to apply for Ahluke status for their born-in males. The decision of whether or not to apply for this status should be 100% up to the owner of the male in question, and I ask that no one gift out male cubs with the requirement that they stay on as Ehluke. As these characters are prohibited from ever having cubs, I would prefer that the choice be made by the individual who owns the SoA, and that there is a very solid IC reason for the male to want to take up such a rank, because ICly the leading males are very serious about 'screening' Ehluke, as it were.

So, essentially, you can view the form that will posted as the male approaching the Abaholi and pleading their case for why they should be allowed to stay. It is possible that they will be denied, if they're not sufficiently convincing!

28 July 2018


Sorry for the relative silence, RL took over and I haven't had time for much. First, I would like to clarify a couple of things: one is to reiterate that ICly the Abaholi are present and doing their jobs effectively, regardless of whether or not their owners are able to RP regularly (similarly, the pride functions as normal unless otherwise noted in an update); also, just a reminder that Inselelo "terms" are purely an OOC convention, and ICly they are assumed to be fighting off occasional challengers (much as the Abaholi do). Also regarding Inselele, they should not be taking females with them when they leave: in the future, expect such actions to be challenged by the Abaholi. If a female later wishes to leave in pursuit of an Inselelo, however, that is her choice.

An IC update involving the shop meta is pending. In the meantime, you can assume the general weirdness most of the SoA lands are seeing: freak storms, weird lights in the sky, etc.

Also, the pride still does not use dens. It never has and never will.

30 November 2017


Halp was required, so SilverLutz is now co-owner of the pride! ICly, everything remains the same, the pride is stable, etc.

26 April 2017


As most are likely aware by now, Quaji has stepped down from leadership of the Ithambo'hlabathi. Meepfur is, for the time being, sole owner of the pride. The mule is still inaccessible, so please don't PM it if you need anything or have a question.

Also, I'd like to take this opportunity to reiterate/clarify a few relevant elements of the pride that are sometimes glossed over or misunderstood.
  • The Ithambo'hlabathi do not have or use dens.
  • Lions have a gestation period of about 3 months. When an Ithambo lioness is ready to have her cubs, she takes 1-2 companions with her and leaves to give birth. They do not return to the pride until the cubs are 2-5 weeks old (cubs can't really walk until ~4 weeks).
  • The range of the pride's 'territory' (inasmuch as the pride has territory) is very large, and they migrate from one region to the other over the course of the seasons. Therefore, they are not always close to the Firekin Outpost - at present, they are migrating towards it. At the time of the current ORPs, they're about a week's travel away.
  • BL breeding males are hostile to non-pride males. It is their job to keep them away, and there are now four of them (soon to be five). Please do not RP with males who are not current pride members (or a Firekin/Firekin hopeful at or near the Outpost) in the pride's lands, as this implies that the Abaholi and Inselele are not doing their job. If you want to RP an outside male meeting a BL member, you must do so outside the lands; from this point onward, any RP involving an unapproved male in the Ithambo subforum may be interrupted by an Umholi or Inselelo for the purpose of driving out the trespasser.


The lands have mostly recovered from the intense drought that gripped them with an iron fist. The area scorched by the wildfire have (mostly) recovered from the fire thanks to the fertilizer that burned plant matter provided and the rain that fell not too long after. Though the charred remains of the trees that dot the area still stand as a testament to what occurred there, the ground has transformed into a field of soft grass intermixed with wildflowers and insects that hadn't been seen in some time.

The pride is currently migrating north, and when their migration is complete they will be stationed about half a day away from the Firekin Outpost.

Herd Status
With the coming of the rains, a massive wildebeest herd moved in, oblivious to what had occurred there only a month before. Their numbers are large enough to support the pride without worry and to offer relief to the other two strained herds. It is this herd the pride is currently following as it moves north so they can hunt from its plentiful numbers

The zebra herd, whose numbers dropped below four dozen, is showing signs of recovery as their young grow into adolescence. Lionesses must keep in mind that the herd protects one another, from the other mothers to the lead stallions. Additionally, the zebra herd is often seen grazing alongside the wildebeest. While they apparently co-exist and will often alert one another of danger, inter-species aggression does occasionally occur. At this time, the pride prefers to hunt from the wildebeest rather than the recovering zebra herd, unless an individual is clearly sick or injured.

The gazelle herd, whose numbers are in the two-hundreds, has moved off to the west now that their young are grown, and are now out of the range of the pride as it migrates north to follow the wildebeest and zebra.

Important IC Updates
  • With the drought now little more than a bad memory for most, the pride has been stable for the last few months, but with no large boom of cubs to accompany it, just a litter here and there, although some are just now starting to arrive. After the arrival of the rains, they lingered longer in the southern portion of their lands than usual, but after an uneventful Inqina have recently begun to migrate north, following the herds.
  • The Abaholi have been overthrown and replaced. Umkhombo, son of Gakere and Ukuthula, has returned to the lands and brought with him two additional males, Ahlaq sim Sungus and Faust. Each will carry the title of Umholi, but Umkhombo is obviously in charge. They openly admit that Bangizwe and Andhaka were allowed to live, with Umkhombo steadfast in his opinion that there have been more than enough dead Abaholi within memory.
  • All Ehluke will be questioned and required to renew their oaths, this time to the new Abaholi. (This can be assumed to have happened or can be RPed out, let Meep know if you want to RP it.)
  • All adolescent males who are not Ehluke or Aenda must leave (effective the day after the new Abaholi arrive), and this will be the policy going forward. The Abaholi will not tolerate the teenagers bumming around until their manes finish growing in. They're old enough to fend for themselves, so there's no reason for the pride to waste resources on them. OOCly, this means they'll be rogue-certed at adol instead of adult.
  • The Abaholi will not be accepting new Ehluke from outside the pride. Only born-in or pride-raised males can take the rank of Ahluke going forward, though they will be heavily questioned about their choice.
  • No cubs are in danger, but any cubs of Andhaka or Bangizwe born after their overthrow will be Lusizi until such time as they leave or undergo their Ukuzalwa.

So. Much. Gossip. The options are endless!

- The old Abaholi, who came by their positions in very non-traditional manners, are gone (but supposedly still alive somewhere). Towards the end of their reign, after their public disagreement over how to handle the arrival of the Qyrhyeshti, they became almost attached at the hip - save for a gap of nearly two weeks when Andhaka was inexplicably absent - and seemed considerably less interested in the females, though they were still willing to perform their duties if asked. Will they be missed, or is it good riddance? Should they have been allowed to live, or not, or do you even believe the new Abaholi when they say they're not dead?
- Speaking of the new Abaholi, there are three of them! There haven't been that many since Gakere brought in the mysterious Surtak and flea-ridden Kamal. Did it really take three of them to defeat Bangizwe and Andhaka, or does Umkhombo have other reasons for bringing them along? And what's with the scarred-up new Busisa tagging along?
- Umkhombo has taken much more of an interest in the Ehluke than Bangizwe and Andhaka ever did, and has been questioning them individually about why they chose to take such a rank, as well as requiring them to renew their oaths. The lone Inselelo of the pride, Kuhasa, has been permitted to remain with no fuss.
- The new Abaholi have shown no aggression towards the cubs of the pride, but the day after they arrived, began chasing out the adolescent males, exiling them earlier than their predecessors were inclined to.
[IC] Ithambo'hlabathi Lands

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