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Reply [ RP Zone ] The Endless Plains
[CHRON PRP] The Sky is Crying [Xero / Prisca / Penny]

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Hoshi Lockhart

Eloquent Muse

PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 4:42 pm
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Another rainy day had followed the first one, striking about a week later. Penn had expressed worry that it would turn into a storm like the first one and had watched the skies constantly for a hour, sitting in the same spot and not moving, until it was clear that this was just your usual rainfall. Just wet and muddy. Not scary in the least. Regardless, Prisca still didn't like the rain. It left her feeling heavy, leafs stuck to her fur, and it created mud pools everywhere she walked. In an attempt to keep her clothing clean, she had worn her leg wraps on the upper parts of her legs, to keep them away from the splashes of mud that unexpectedly would appear from behind a tall patch of grass. Getting her paws and tail muddy was fine. That could be cleaned off easily by dipping them in a body of water. Her clothes were another matter.

Penny, on the other hand, didn't seem to mind the mess. When she realized this was just rain, just water falling from the sky, her attitude changed. Each puddle became a pond that she would splash in and lay down in. She'd run around Prisca in circles, keeping her distance in case she stepped into mud and sent it flying in different directions. She would catch raindrops on her tongue. Jump over smaller puddles. A new game every few minutes, depending on what was thrown in her path.

Easy for her to enjoy herself, the Light was thinking. When she had no extra clothing to clean and dry afterwards.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 12:01 am
The change in weather was a delight to one who could not walk in the sun. Xero had done his best to stalk the nan he had meet his first day awakening, but during the day when he had to hide he would have to find her trail all over again. Why? Xero had convinced himself it was because he wanted to catch her in her own folly so their ordeal would seem minor in comparison.

Aside from tracking, there was the problem of "hunting". Xero had found a b'alam with globes their foreheads and arms. A nan. And with no trouble he forced the nan down to get a drink of her blood. Of course, not to kill, just enough to keep him going.

Xero had found that when the hunger for blood arises his wings become so weak they can no longer carry his weight. Thankfully the light nan was not around to see him crash to the ground as he found that little knowledge nugget. She already had something to hold over his head.

Today Xero was playing catch up. While he altered course to hunt he had once again lost track of the Nan. It had been a while since he had spotted her from a distance. The rain made it almost impossible to spot anything too clearly on the ground in the way of tracks.

At least there was no lightning with this rain...

Xero lazily flapped his wings than stretched them wide to catch the updraft coming from the weather. He hardly had to flap at all while he sailed through the underside of a cloud. His nose angled downward while his gaze shifted here and there, from horizon to horizon. Nothing seemed to stand-

"hmn?" He hummed to himself as something did seem to stand out. A white dot bouncing around in a circle. Xero had never seen anything so small before! It was delightful.

He angled his wings downward and begun his rapid decent. For a moment he forgot that he was even tracking the sour Nan. Whatever the bouncing white dot was, it was small... very small, but alive and so blissful!

Xero flared his wings out and begun to beat them backwards just before his paws crashed into the muddy earth. The water didn't bother him, he was already drenched from flying in the rain. A little mud never bothered him anyways.

Once he had his paws secure on the ground he tucked his wings against his sides and begun to approach the small white dot. 'cub' had bubbled up to the surface of his thoughts. That hidden knowledge that he awoke with that seemed pleasantly content to surface whenever it wished to.

His head lowered while his eyes narrowed in the cub. It was so small and blissful! Xero's shoulders hunched slightly while be made his cautious approach.

Hoshi Lockhart

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

Hoshi Lockhart

Eloquent Muse

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 4:12 pm
Unaware of what was approaching, Penny continued to romp in the rain, making little leaps in the air instead of simply walking like the other B'alam was doing. It was quite obvious to her that Prisca hadn't been woven into this world as a cub. She seemed to take no pleasure in the little things that brought Penny joy. Such as the rain. Or a cooling mud puddle on a hot day. Or chasing the quick-footed bugs on the ground. All the adult wanted to do was look. Watch the bugs. Hide from the rain. Avoid the mud. And any attempts by her to make the Light enjoy those things was met by more avoidance. Or odd looks. Once or twice she was yelled at, which was always quickly taken back. It was like some sort of reflex, some awful kind of reflex that made her so bitter towards others. Penny even asked one day what would bring Prisca some joy. She had stared off into the distance for the longest time before saying she wasn't completely sure. Watching the world around her was an interest. Seeing how all the different animals and plans worked together. Or how different those in their own species was. But that didn't sound like fun to Penny. So she concluded the other just hadn't found anything to call fun.

On one of her turns around Prisca, keeping the circle nice and wide to avoid any sudden splashes, the cub became aware there was another out in the rain. It looked large, far larger than the one with her. Too large. Too large to be impressive, gone way over the border into intimidating. It wasn't like when the white one had found her. She had been scared by the loud noises and Prisca had been like a bright beacon that shielded her from the scary world. Even with her fur darker than normal with the rain. This one had a different aura to the little one's mind. One she didn't think she liked. He came out of the darkness of the rain as if he had been stalking them.

Instantly, Penny ran for the cover of the Light B'alam's legs, making the adult almost trip in her.


"What did I say about walking between my legs?" Prisca was quick to reprimand. It wouldn't have been the first time the cub had been tripped over. She had never suspected it would be the last. She was especially hoping Penny wouldn't try this during a rain storm. She had learned quickly that she had a lack of appreciation for dirt. Everything had been tested during her first day of living. Including mud. Just the tip of one paw had been enough. Mud had an undesirably feel. It was wet and wet felt heavy. When it dried, it caked on and pulled her fur uncomfortably, sometimes a little painfully. Though easy enough to get rid of. Just splash around in some water and it was gone. Dissolved back to where it belonged. So now she avoided it especially, at all costs. Even her steps in this rain were being made carefully. Some small, some large. All with the avoidance of mud in mind.

Only, now, it wasn't just mud on her mind.

A familiar shape had materialized out of the rain. And there weren't too many familiar, moving shapes she would know just yet. She wasn't sure if she should smile in that knowing way of hers, or roll her eyes at the sudden appearance of it. For it was, indeed, as if she had been followed.

"I am going to assume this is not coincidence."

PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 5:44 pm
Xero watched the cub retreat back through the rain curtain to the pray he had been stalking for a while new. His ears perked forward and his head lifted to its normal height. Though, what was she doing with a cub?

His eyes canned around the drenched landscape for any sign of another Tahil. It would be possible for her to have found another in the time he had lost track of her. The mere thought caused his fur to stand on end. At least, what it could wile being soaked. His eyes narrowed upon the nan.

"Assume what you want. I was hungry and saw pray." Xero dismissed the accusation. "However, this one is too small..."

And he could not bring himself to even consider harming a young cub for a mere drink. Their blood as far as he was concerned was off limits. Even if it may have been the spawn of this Nan and some unworthy Tah. One he might just find as a meal if he would reveal himself at any moment.

His eyes shifted from the Nan to the young cub. A smile appeared on his maw while his elbows bent slightly and his belly was brought to the muddy earth.

Hoshi Lockhart

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

Hoshi Lockhart

Eloquent Muse

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 7:05 pm
Prisca merely smiled sweetly as he narrowed his eyes. He could do whatever. Even with the sun hidden behind the dark clouds and he not seeming hindered much by the day, she was not afraid. Nor would she allow herself to be afraid. To feel fear in the face of this one was to admit defeat. He would not win one over on her. Oh, no. The last laugh would always be hers.

"I shall. It has been a week. In a week's time, we could not simply be going the same way." She had certainly not been trying to find him. After seeing him overhead, she had continued on the same trail she had been going and didn't think much else of him. She hadn't seen him since, not even from afar. Not even with her keen eyesight continuously roaming the land in search of new things to discover. For what was life without knowledge? Empty and void.

At his last comment, the nantlil shifted her body so she was facing him, clamping her front legs together to hide the cub from his view. Any trust he had gained with her, if there had been any to begin with, was quickly squashed by that comment. No. Absolutely not.

"Did you come merely for my blood and to banter?" she asked, giving an edge to her voice and lowering her eyebrows to glare. Penny peeked around her legs, curious.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 7:49 pm
Xero watched Prisca's forearms scoot together to block that small bundle of puff. It made him all the more curious to see what it was. He knew it was a cub, instincts had told him that, but he wanted to see it. Especially now that Prisca seemed to covet it so much.

"Neither." Xero responded simply and without turning his attention back to her.

He leaned to the side top get a better look at the young cub. Very carefully he lowered his front half so his chest almost brushed against the mud. His long ears perked forward. If Prisca were making any faces, Xero purposefully did not notice it. There was no interest in what she was doing, no doubt thinking of ways to make him miserable.

"Curious one, arn't you? " He spoke calmly to the cub.

Hoshi Lockhart

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

Hoshi Lockhart

Eloquent Muse

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 7:42 pm
The glare was wiped off Prisca's face at his response. Neither? What did that mean? Why had he even come in the first place if not for one of those? There was no other plausible reason for him to have chased her down. Because she still wasn't convinced this was just a coincidence. After a week, he should have been far away by now. The area they were in was large. It was easy to be spotted, true, but unless one was purposely tracking anther, there should be plenty room for them all to live without seeing each other too much. Especially if they both moved around.

Despite her suspicions that he had been following her, it also appeared that he was ignoring her. He came all the way here and he was only going to say one word in response to her? How rude! What was the point, then?

The Light nantlil's tail flicked back and forth behind her in increasing violence, while she continued to look down at him with one eyebrow raised. With the glare no longer plastered upon her face, her expression was fairly unreadable. Blank. Emotionless. The only way to tell of her agitation was her tail. And the tone of her voice when she spoke.

"Then what do you want?"


Penny could sense the irritation coming from the other white B'alam. At times, Prisca's tail would flick so hard her body shook slightly. Still cuddled against one of her legs to peer at the stranger, Penny could feel the sharp gesture. If the adult wasn't happy with this one being close, she shouldn't either, right? An adult knew better than her. He looked threatening enough, compared to the two of them. Though he didn't sound threatening.

"You are strange."

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 10:39 am
Xero continued to ignore Prisca's physical display of irritation. He could hear it so obviously in her voice, but simply chose to ignore it. It wasn't any of her business what he was doing here and he certainly wasn't going to admit to following her all these days. Any response he had to say to Prisca he did not feel it responsible to say in front of a little cub. Why? He wasn't sure where the thought had come from, but he was going to stick with the idea. She seemed aware of Prisca's growing anger and she would pick up on any negativity he would fire back.

"Yes, I have come to notice that too." He responded kindly to the little one. At least she seemed to have a good understanding of manners.

Xero uncurled his wings just slightly so the young cub could get a look at them if she chose to. He had noticed that there were very few b'alam that had wings. Or at least very few that he had personally encountered.

Hoshi Lockhart

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

Hoshi Lockhart

Eloquent Muse

PostPosted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 3:05 pm
Did he just? He did, didn't he? He completely ignored her! Of all the ill-mannered behaviors! And after he spent all that time tracking her down! And for what? Just to ignore her?


Prisca's tail had begun to thump on the ground as she rolled her eyes to the sky. Pointless. Utterly pointless. Waste of time. Irritating.

As her train of thought continued like this, the Light B'alam huffed loudly and positioned her front paws a little ways from each other so she could bend her body down to the ground.

"Excuse me!" she said loudly over the rain, getting her face in his face to force him to look at her. "It is rude to chase someone down just to ignore them!"


Penny had continued to stare, unsure what she was supposed to say and feeling a little bit too afraid to come out from the protection of the older B'alam. If Prisca wasn't happy, she also shouldn't be. Prisca was the elder. She knew better.

Then the ceiling began to lower. Surprised, the cub scuttled out into the rain, despite that the adult had been lowering herself slow enough Penny could have easily moved out at a walk. Now, with both adults down on the ground, Penny moved to jam her tiny body against the wet belly of the one most familiar to her. It was always best to let the experienced elders decide how things were going to go.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 4:26 pm
Xero's long ears twitched with every squishy "thump" the Nan's tail made on the saturated ground. Inwardly he couldn't grin any wider to his accomplishment of frustrating her. Pay back. Outwardly he smiled pleasantly for the cub, trying his best to not pull his upper lip back too much. His longer fangs were already obvious, there was no need to make them even more obvious.

Before he knew it the other Nan was in his face and shouting. Xero's ears flipped backward a moment before perking forward. Aside that, he did not flinch. Every muscle in his body tensed briefly, however, he thought it best not to tear into this loud nuscance with that cub there. Why? He just could not bring himself to. Instead, his eyes narrowed while the pleasant smile melted from his features.

"And it is most rude to interrupt someone else's conversation." Xero retorted coolly. "As well as make assumptions that you have hardly a way to prove to be accurate."

Hoshi Lockhart

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

Hoshi Lockhart

Eloquent Muse

PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 5:06 pm
"I would not have to if you had answered me the first time," the nantlil said through almost grated teeth. She would not allow him the satisfaction of seeing her so riled up. She would not allow him to see how much she was irritated by him. Not when she knew that would just give him the ego boost he was looking for. Was that really all he came all the way out here for? Just to continue their personal war?

A small smile touched her lips, as if she knew far more about this than he thought she did.

"So you just happened to have been going the same winding way I was? With all those other directions open to you? Perhaps if we both had been going in a straight line, but I was not."


Snuggled close to the white one's body, Penny's eyes darted back and forth between the two, really not sure what to make of this encounter. A part of her wanted to leave them alone to it. A part of her said adults did usually know best and little ones were supposed to listen to them. She wasn't so sure anymore. Was this really how adults carried on?

Rising to her paws, Penny stepped across Prisca's front legs to sit near the nantlil's nose, staring at the strange one with curious eyes. With how close Prisca had gotten to him, it wouldn't be difficult for the cub to reach out and touch him. In fact, she did. Raising one paw, she bobbed him on the nose as if scolding a child for having an attitude. She did the same to Prisca, leaning her weight on the stranger so she would end up with one paw each on their muzzle.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 3:02 pm
Hoshi Lockhart

The teeth grinding did not go unnoticed, and it would have been a wonderful sign of victory, had it not been for the smile that came afterward. Her smile caused the fur along his shoulders to bristle. For such a 'small' creature her expressions were unsettling.

Xero, like the Nan stubbornly standing before him, refused to show any sign of being bothered by anything she did.

Once more he offered the least amount of response as possible. His shoulders bobbled a moment before he was immediately distracted by a "boop" on his nose. His eyes widened as he glanced down his snout to see the young cub taking some charge.

A deep chuckle rumbled about in his throat. Why couldn't the bigger one be this amusing?

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ RP Zone ] The Endless Plains

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