
Celest Tsukuu

Suh-lesst Sue-koo

Blood colour:

teal (#008060)




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Celest Tsukuu is a very timid troll.

She has trouble meeting the lookstubs of other trolls around her and will stare at the ground, bashful, whenever approached. Her words are soft and- more often than not- they are mumbled. She is asked to repeat herself during many conversations, and will often fidget nervously whenever anything too serious is brought up.

She's superstitious, and has a tender cowardice that keeps her from fighting the fears that build up inside her. She is scared of many, many things. Insects, monsters, daytime, other trolls, most sounds... the list goes on and on; thus, Celest is often left cowering beneath the mounds of robes she wears atop her small form.

She is especially fond of haikus.



boop u/c


beep u/c



brrrrp u/c


pffff u/c


Starkind- throwing stars



Four Fronds




A giant tortoise-shaped lusus, often accompanied by two small pixie-like creatures that tend to the small forest-garden upon her large, armor-like shell. O'ma is gentle, quiet, and caring. She is inspired every day by her young troll, and is happy to teach her charge about the world. The two are especially fond of star-gazing, as O'ma knows many names and stories behind the trollstelations that light up the universe. Celest is especially fond of O'ma's imaginative and quite compelling story-telling. The tortisus is a patient mother, a faithful navigator, and a dear friend to Celest. The two are very close.