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It was a rare peaceful day in Gundisalv's life. So far his routine consisted of training, recruiting, patrolling and ensuring that the foundation of the Braves helped the progress of this wonderful Capital of Mirro te Weavia. Another was his swimming lessons with Nerine filled the rest of the time as he oversaw the progress she had been making. Every day she pushed herself to be better and for that the large male was proud.

Yet with Nerine gone off to continue her own life, even if there was a hint of loneliness without her presence, Gundisalv rested in the thick tall grass near the large lake that he called his home. Already the imprint of his body was there so he had the space to simply prowl through the grass and plop down, literally doing such a action, to rest his head on his paws.

Sure Gundisalv had been told, by Nerine anyway, that he needed to rest at some point or else he would become useless from overworking. Yet the male could not simply rest! Such a thing was ridiculous! Resting was for...those who had passive professions and home life. Gundisalv had neither. It seemed to Gundisalv that he might never want a home life. What for? It wasn't that he disliked the idea of having to look after a companion, mate and cubs, it was just that the Braves needed him! Yes he was wholly dedicated to the world of his Braves and that of his Tribe to ensure that all Water Tribers; river, lake and storm minded were protected at all costs. Literally all costs.

Closing his eyes as the soft wind went through the thick curtain of tall grass everything was peaceful. Maybe Nerine's words had value that he needed this time for himself. Yes he needed this time to simply just exist and be.

rustle, rustle, rustle

Gundisalv's ears flickered at the sound coming from his right.

rustle rustle, rustlerustle, rustle

Those ears turned to listen to that rather annoying sound.


Gundisalv's eyes snapped opened with the display of annoyance evident to only himself and nature.


What in the calm waters was bothering his home and solitude?!

Growling low, Gundisalv lifted his chin to watch as the grass to his right moved in every which way. Scowling he moved toward the sound, catching the scent of something there that was strange to him. It had fur that was for sure but smelled of the water. Another triber? Possibly a cub? No that couldn't be right he was scary enough that the others left him alone. It was a good and bad thing.

The Brave growled low in warning which made the rustling stop but the panting continued.

Standing still for several minutes he thought he heard the panting retreating along with a little less rustling this time which Gundisalv nodded curtly in approval. The warning growl was enough that he went back down to his spot, grumbling softly at the warmth lost that he had to regain again.

Just as he was about to lay back down a blur of red, white and blue mass tackled against Gundisalv, knocking the wind out of him with a grunt and this sudden attack of small paws, the slap from a thick tail and wet kisses from a tongue. What in water streams?!

Growling sharply, the Brave leader turned to jump and swatted at the creature that attacked him, if it really could be considered one, and bared his sharp teeth at it. Yet he blinked several times as the creature rolled away to sit up with bright eyes and a very happy expression.

What in the wide waters was that? Gundisalv stared at the panting creature but growled sharply as it began to take a few steps towards him.

The long limbed creature patted its tail against the grass, excitedly with its webbed ears lifting up in alertness then rested against his head relaxed with his first set of forepaws lifted up in a manner of cuteness. At least it was trying to convey that he was cute and wanted to be friends with the large blue feline.

It was an annoying creature. It was also in his territory and getting in the way of much needed relaxation. If he went back to everyone in such a grumpy state....

The multicolored......well he didn't know what to call it. But It was then laying down and rolling over a bit playfully in the grass and bending them down over! Gundisalv groaned softly in annoyance then stood up to look fiercer.

"Get out. Begone from my home and bed, creature. Begone back from where you came from and never come here or I will make minced meat out of you." Gundisalv snapped hoping the creature understood that his tone was threatening and scary.

The creature stopped panting, with its lolling tongue disappearing and his body stopping. Good. That hushed the creature and now he was going to turn around and leave. Yes that was very good. Gundisalv felt triumphant when It went down on all of many legs and seemed to back away. Yes that was the effect he wanted. As soon as the creature disappeared backwards, Gundisalv waited several minutes before relaxing and laying back down on his side to rest his head. Peace. It was finally there for him to enjoy. Closing his eyes slowly he felt a light doze take him away.

The soft rustling of the grass sounded again which made his ears twitch but he didn’t move nor wake up completely to see what it could very well be. Gundisalv felt the heaviness of slumber enter his limbs and this light, warm weigh pressed against his back curling up. Popping one eye open he turned to look and groaned softly at the sight of the creature. Dropping his head back down the Brave male didn’t have the strength to scare off the little brat. It irked him to no end that he was being bothered by this creature. Especially when it seemed that the odd creature was tired himself and going to join him in an afternoon nap. Very well Gundisalv could allow that for now. The creature was going to have to take a hint at some point afterwards.


”No you blasted creature. Stop following me. I go alone on my patrols and need no one especially some brainless thing like you.” Gundisalv grumped at the red, white and blue creature that followed him still several days after their nap at noon. The creature tagged along with its tongue hanging out sniffing about but ever faithful to follow his new friend. At least in its mind Gundisalv was his new friend. The large male on the other paw didn’t think so and was quite annoyed with it.

Gundisalv turned off to head towards the edge of the water and sat there with his eyes overseeing everything from far away. The creature moved to sit right next to him also surveying the area. Seriousness seemed to come over his reluctant companion. It made Gundisalv look down at it and raise a brow in silence but that was enough for something to pass between them when the creature looked up at him.

Blast it all he was liked the creature and the creature obviously liked him. Glowering slightly at the unflinching gold gaze of his new friend, the Brave male turned to think back to the past few days. The Brave male had done all he could think of to scare the creature off such as growling, snarling, swatting at it and literally picking it up to throw it into the lake. However he soon learned that while he caught up with him well enough on land, the creature was brilliant in the water. Perhaps that was why he was impressed but he tried not to be.

Gundisalv would return to his spot in the tall grass and so would his unwelcomed friend to settle down from the night and it was during the night time that his friend would wake up earlier than him to patrol the area before coming back to curl up next to him. The Brave male tilted his head to the side, the glower turning into thoughtfulness and reflection. Maybe this creature was sent to him for a reason. Not just to be a friend but to be a companion to him. Clearly this creature could withstand all his grumpiness. That wasn’t too often.

For another deep down Gundisalv already picked out a name for it but didn’t want to say it out loud. Though he might as well, he reasoned, since calling the creature It and Creature was very exhausting. Sighing deeply he leaned down a bit to grumble at the creature. ”I will call you Vetersalv, my companion. But any trouble from you and I will throw you back into the water.” He warned then received a large, hearty lick from Vetersalv in response as well as a run around him. ”That includes what you just did, Vetersalv.” He growled catching his newly accepted companion by the scruff of its neck and dumped him into the water. The action made his lips twitch in a tingling sensation of amusement as Vetersalv growled back and came out of the water to shake off his fur and large, flipper like tail to wet Gundisalv.

Their eyes met; Vetersalv was smiling at the game and Gundisalv……..

Well Gundisalv gave a small smile of amusement and nodded to his new companion and friend. Together they returned to patrolling.

A Brave's Unexpected Best Friend- SRP
Characters: Gundisalv & Vetersalv
Players: krusnik05
→ krusnik05 || 1,601 words | 1 Complete RP's |