Name: Cypher Shystr

Blood Color: #44057A

Gender: Male

Symbol: User Image

Profile: Mute from birth, Cypher has been fortunate enough that his purple blood status provides him the to be seen and not heard. However, despite his status, Cypher has incredible insecurities because of his disability. Seeing it as a kind of blemish on his life and worth as a purple blood, the young troll is constantly striving to "compensate" for it and prove he is a legitimate purple blood in spite of his muteness.

This need to reassure himself has led to his overcompensation in both his studies and his hobbies. This includes learning the many ways of communication in Alternia such as ASL, Morse Code, writing, and other mediums. However, these endeavors don't always work resulting in massive but silent emotional breakdowns for Cypher.

Despite his fragile view of himself though, his lusus, Tuskadad often comforts him with physical affection and advice. The bulk of Tuskadad's teachings involve taking action, since he believes that in Cypher's case, actions speak louder than words. This has helped Cypher get back on his feet, sort to say, and reaffirm his determination to "speak".

Now, due to his lack of voice, he almost never uses his mouth except for breathing, eating, and is renowned for his serious, almost soul-penetrating stare. It's not quite perfect but it is useful for stopping conversations when they get uncomfortable for him. However, underneath his icy, deadpan persona lies a skilled, passionate performer who loves his craft and the effect it has on people.

Whether it be one of his adventure mazes, riddle quests or magic shows, Cypher lives for the shine of wonder that enters the eyes of his audience. He has a thing about letting his actions talk for him, so he’s actually really expressive with like his body movements, head tilts, balloon popping, etc. Should someone say “Hello” to him, he would give them an intense stare just long enough for them to feel uncomfortable, before doing something totally unexpected! Like pose, point, blow a bubble that pops in the other troll’s face, or possibly slit someone with his cane sword - of course, only if they deserved it.


Insecurity regarding muteness: Cypher believes his disability to be a "defect" not just in his body but in his existence. Because of this, he feels that his muteness could delegitimize his status as a purple blood due to his incapacity to work as a normal purple blood.
overworking himself:

Weapon: A straight black cane sword whose hilt doubles as a magic wand for his acts.

Appearance: User Image

Home: -coming soon-

Lusus: Tuskadad
User Image

Tuskadad is a large mammalian creature with the face, tusks and size of an elephant, body of a Bengal tiger and ears hind legs of a rabbit. He is a beast who has a sharp sense of hearing, touch and smell, but poor eye sight in regards to small objects (volley ball size or smaller). He is only able to detect small objects when they are moving, since motion is easier for him to see and hear. When startled, he responds by backing up batting whatever startled him with either his trunk or a clawed paw. Although Tuskadad does not eat meat and prefers fruit, various vegetation, and nuts, he is not above impaling threats with his long tusks.

Tuskadad is a fine swimmer and enjoys playing in and with water. With his powerful trunk, he can send out a powerful spray of water. His fur is short, dense and is just as difficult to penetrate as the thick skin beneath it. Tuskadad is also incredibly loud, trumpeting and roaring to express emotion, communicate or scare off potential enemies. He is incredibly protective and supportive of his charge, encouraging Cypher to use his actions as his voice and to trumpet loud and proud!

Power: None