User ImageNAME: Elidae Bonbon

    just look at her

    Elidae Bonbon has acquired a reputation of lighthearted friendliness and

    Despite her small stature and relatively benign demeanor, underestimating her in the heat of battle would be a mistake. She is particularly skilled with dexterity, especially with a pair of sharp scissors and other melee weapons, and isn't half bad with firearms either. Since her promotion to Sergeant, she has continuously worked on her abilities and progressing her skills. Elidae has no qualms with throwing down and cutting another troll to protect herself and others. She'll get her hands dirty to get the job done- and with a smile.

    After sweeps of mumbling and adopting the opinions of those around her, Elidae finally learned to trust her own instincts and not be afraid of disagreement and voicing her opinions. She still may find it difficult to hold her ground and not fall prey to intimidation, however, but she will always stand up for what she believes is right and question when needed if something doesn't sit right with her. Kindly, of course. Elidae knows how to word things to make them sound less aggressive as they could be. Either that, or she might lead others on to believing she knows less than she does.

    While still clumsy and amusingly awkward in every day life, she's found her ground and

    Finding that the trolls she idolized as a child have their own dark secrets and weaknesses, Elidae stopped assuming the best in others and instead figures out and focuses on their strengths verses what hinders them. She encourages and highlights another troll's worthwhile assets to boost their morale, while also providing support and understanding for their shortcomings.

    Elidae doesn't think much about the hemospectrum. It's simply the Alternian way of life. Every caste has a role to fulfill and sometimes unique individuals can step out of that role and into a new one if they have the skills for it.


      If there's anything Elidae is absurdly talented at, its pulling a silver lining out of her rumpus and holding on to a positive attitude with an iron grip.


      loyal bark bark
        To her quads, to the empire, to the empress, Elidae is extremely loyal



          Aww, got a boo-boo? No Biggie! Ooh- got a huge, gushing gash across your abdomen? No biggie! Like, it's not a big deal, seriously! Nothing is a big deal if you crack a few lighthearted jokes about it. Except, Elidae thinks this is acceptable behavior in any serious situation and will often wave off anything particularly upsetting or depressing, especially when concerning herself. Perhaps its a selfless, self-deprecating kind of response. Though, it comes off as her not caring with a very thoughtless attitude towards other troll's feelings or shrugging off circumstances that require a bit more sensitivity. However, she is not incapable of showing empathy; Elidae is a very compassionate troll! But she does have very little patience for those who dwell on the sad, unfortunate bits of Alternian life. Everything happens so much, but like, take a chill pill? Why worry so much? Just smile! At least its not you! Shruggies!

          Elidae will literally blurt out her thoughts and questions on a situation, especially if it deals with the internal affairs of other trolls. If she wants to know something, she'll find a way to get that information. A gossip? Perhaps. She just likes to eavesdrop and gets very, very pushy when she wants to know something from another troll. She just wants to know. Her desire to be helpful may get in the way of other's personal space when she attempts to get into another troll's business, believing she is doing it for a good cause. And she enjoys when other trolls lets her gossip about her own life.

          Perhaps unintentionally, she will sometimes pull a few tricks up her sleeve to get what she wants, particularly from those in higher castes. She is well aware that a pitiable face can get you far enough, especially if skilled in combat. She will sugarcoat and oversell if she feels it will benefit anyone involved, though will deny this with excuses of just being a positive influence if it backfires on her and s**t hits the fan. While she usually means flattery and her admirations, her intentions are to butter up a troll and open up to her for whatever reason she might have.

          Much of Elidae's cheerfulness is a facade, and beneath it is a whole lot of layers of snappy judgments, opinions that will never be openly voiced, and, well, a troll that is broken. She can appear half-baked, flaky, and promises much more than she intends, especially for the sake of appealing to the masses. When confronted with negative circumstances, she just laughs or finds a way to avoid it. Her courageousness stems directly from her refusal to acknowledge distress. While she will disagree openly with another troll, she'll at least put them at ease that she sees their side of things, even if she truly doesn't. Elidae has many, many, many trolls she considers 'friends', but it is rare for any of them to be allowed to see her in a light that isn't Alternia's cheerleader.


      LUSUS: A loving but bumbling lusus, Ladydad raised Elidae to be the best, most obedient yellowblood she could be in troll society. She adopted many things from her lusus, such as a positive spirit, making the most out of what she has, and her friendliness. Her relationship with her lusus, while sometimes she would stray, was mostly

      POWERS: This power has yet to manifest in rp, but will soon!

      Psionics that manifest as planes of energy that she can produce and control at will.