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Name: Eridia Tsifer


The events of the swamp and the gala have shaken up Eridia perception of the truth. This highblood might look as if everything is ok on the outside, but on the inside; she's not. She blames herself for Gerard's death, she wasn't able to protect him-- Thus she failed. Her emotional state has slowly made her distant towards those she love as she wouldn't want them to end them up the same way because of her.

Not all has been bad in her life though. Little by little, she has begun climbing her way up the social ladder. Getting more acquaintances, more attention and getting her more entertained. She wants her presence to linger in their minds for a long time. For her to get that, Eridia changed her approaches completely. Before she was loud and crass, and expected to make a deep fissure in their minds by pulling mean pranks or disobeying orders. Now she's gentler and soft-spoken and has become a sophisticated young royalist.

It appears that her love of pranks has (merely) toned-down, only to be replaced by more sophisticated activities. After all, a refined troll can't be seen doing pranks nor hiding in bushes! The highblood has developed a interest in calligraphy, literature, the arts, and music! Making her more and more into the refined landed-gentry she ought to be. Though she still observes trolls with more subtle approaches and does fewer pranks. After all, old habits die hard.

Eridia loathes emotional pains, since it can never be healed like an actual wound. She decided it's best to fake it all and filled her bloodpusher with nothing but hypocrisy. Somehow she believes the turn of events have gifted her a hidden skill: one that allows her to ruin things. Just as if it was a darker version of Troll Midas's Touch. Not only that, the recent events have given her self-proclaimed job a purpose: to take off their blindfolds and cut off all trolls ties. This is where her skill comes to use, by trying to ruin the lives of others and satisfying her psychological needs. The highblood only wishes to make them to feel the way she felt that night-- withheld crazy. Why must she be the only one feeling down when there's a whole world at her feet waiting to be messed with?



"Hmmmm.... Footprints... Because of their depth, the subject in question wasn't standing here for long."

Despite being silly, Eridia is smart. Analyzing everyday aspects to remain entertained is tiring. Since this troll is observant to the bone, her attention is directed to everything around her. Picking up body language requires skills, observing skills. Eridia trains to read others's emotions and attempts to make sense of the way they feel. She is emotionally and sensorially overexcitable and is also very sensitive to smells. Not only that, Eridia likes making generalizations of those around her based on what she sees. Precisely those same generalizations make up a story that helps her remember every detail about others, what they looked like, wore, and how they acted. Everything based on that small moment she glanced at them. Another thing she likes is making deductions. Something about finding out the truth really gets her pumped up. She relies solely on her intuition as well as the present information and tries hard not to underestimate nor overlook things. If she does fail to put the picture together, she sticks to her hunches, no matter how absurd they might sound. There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact. The validity of her intuition varies directly with how she interprets the situation.


"We're almost there! I can taste the success already!"

Eridia always strives towards her goal-- You can't expect her to sit around and wait for her goals to just happen! This kid will get up and will even chase after her target if necessary. It’s almost like she posses an inner clock that never stops ticking, always pushing her to move forward. Eridia powers through any mishaps she may have and will fight against setbacks with grit teeth. Unlike the average troll who'd quit when the going gets tough, she perseveres until the end. Settling for an alternative outcome is simply not in her genes. Eridia can't put up with those who are easily satisfied as she believes they don't dream of a better future. Whenever she hits a goal, Eridia sets another right way. Always working towards a higher level, she feels empty if she doesn’t have another target.


"Let's go o'er here."

To live or not to live? That is the question. In life there will come a time to choose between two horrible options. By being decisive, Eridia can make up her mind, staying two steps ahead. Making wild and relatively rational choices keeps her highly entertained. Whether to do something horribly reckless, or just follow Lovedad's orders are some of the things she must decide on a nightly basis. Eridia thinks that being decisive will not only bring her power, but it will also make her one step closer to achieving her only wish: to become the leader of her own life. Eridia fears that relying too much on her lusus will make her grow into a indecisive oaf that will be obliged to depend on others. She hates her lusus's overprotective nature, as it only proves her point. Dependency comes from relying on those who are closer to you. Therefore, Eridia pushes him away, making him resort to observe her at a safe distance. Eridia becomes a bit paranoid as she expects him to appear whenever she's done something potentially wrong.



"You're neck muscles seem tense my dear, you must be stressed."

Eridia is smart. Analyzing everyday aspects to remain entertained is tiring. Since this troll is observant to the bone, her attention is directed to everything around her. Picking up body language requires skills, observing skills. Eridia has trained long enough to read others's emotions and she slowly deduces the way they feel. Something about finding out the truth really gets her pumped up and unmatchmaking allows her to uncover the truth. She relies solely on her intuition as well as the present information and tries hard not to underestimate nor overlook things.


"Nothing great in the world was accomplished without passion.”

Life is filled with things worth doing and things not worth doing. Eridia always strives towards her goals-- You can't expect her to sit around and wait for them to just happen! She will get up and will even chase after her target if necessary. It’s almost like she posses an inner clock that never stops ticking, always pushing her to move forward. Eridia powers through any mishaps she may have and will fight against setbacks with grit teeth. Once she's up for a task, Eridia gets excited about the work ahead of her. Even if the particular project or tasks at hand may not excite her. She plans and set goals but at the same time, she's flexible in her thinking. As she doesn't lock herself into achieving goals that are no longer consistent with her values, beliefs and purpose in life.

Passion makes her laugh, when she feels like crying, makes her think twice, makes her open her mouth and proclaim something, when a whisper will do.


"One should always strive to refine one's contagious shine, and shake the nonsense offered by those who lack the will to polish-up from within."

altered by education, experience, etc., so as to be worldly-wise; not naive




"HAHAHAHAAAA! If you don't like what I say about you, then you'll very much hate what I think of you."

Most realest troll you'll ever meet. Despise the fact that she's a lover of sweets, Eridia doesn't tend to sugarcoat her opinion. She would give no honey, but only hatchet if asked what she thinks. She isn't afraid of any confrontation, or how trolls would react if she asked certain questions. Eridia tends to be totally honest, knowing well that she might hurt those who are exposed to the bitter truth. Beating around the bush will get you nowhere, and indirect approaches are useless. Many find her abrasive. Her lusus always advises her to be gentle when speaking to others. Since many dislike hearing the harsh truth about themselves, Eridia takes this as an excuse to be rude to almost everyone. She can notice the difference between an actual insult and a comeback composed of hurt feelings. She will let all words out before thinking twice it and she wouldn't be even sorry, even if she should’ve. One of the situations in which Eridia shows this trait is when she's about to get in the way of someone's relationship.


"I don't want to and you can't make me do it!"

She is an ambitious one, she has a need to prove her worth to everyone, including her own lusus. Her persistence feeds her stubborn nature. She will drown in obsession, making her choose risky decisions. Eridia would do whatever it takes to achieve her goals. Her focus, if she's into it, is incredible. Once she makes a decision, it is impossible for anyone to change her mind. Eridia resists to any form of change. When forced to do something, she throws a fit. She thinks she's always right, and never admits when she's wrong. Because she's single-minded, Eridia is often consumed by her ambitions. When she's out doing a task that entertains her, everything else turns secondary. She becomes so focused on her objectives that she throws everything else aside. Even when she knows she has failed a task, the purpleblood refuses to give up even when her hunt of her goal becomes destructive. She won't listen to anyone's advice, sacrificing her common sense to obsession. Once she makes a decision, it is impossible for her to change her mind.


"I prefer watching everyone getting horribly eaten alive rather than giving this to you."

Her goals, priorities and needs are always put first before everyone else, even to those who are in need. Eridia feels uneasy when she gives her efforts to other’s, fearing the consequences that may arise. She fears that others will distract her for her work and waste her time. She gets irritated when such distractions gets in the middle of a task, and might wonder if she'll get a chance to finish it. Another one of her selfish quirks would be that she is one fancy hoarder. This grave tendency of hers, makes the young troll keep things to herself. It is difficult for her to part with even the most simplest things. In times of crisis, Eridia would indeed hoard all resources for her own survival. Not considering sharing them, even if they’d go to waste.



"I am afraid that there is a stubbornness about me that never can bear to be frightened at the will of others. My courage always rises at every attempt to intimidate me."

She is an ambitious one, she has a need to prove her worth to everyone, including her own lusus. Her persistence feeds her stubborn nature. She will drown in obsession, making her choose risky decisions. Eridia would do whatever it takes to achieve her goals. Her focus, if she's into it, is incredible. Once she makes a decision, it is impossible for anyone to change her mind. Eridia resists to any form of change. When forced to do something, she throws a fit. She thinks she's always right, and never admits when she's wrong. Because she's single-minded, Eridia is often consumed by her ambitions. When she's out doing a task that entertains her, everything else turns secondary. She becomes so focused on her objectives that she throws everything else aside. Even when she knows she has failed a task, the purpleblood refuses to give up even when her hunt of her goal becomes destructive. She won't listen to anyone's advice, sacrificing her common sense to obsession. Once she makes a decision, it is impossible for her to change her mind.


"If you see me on my own it is not because I enjoy solitude. Well I don't. I have to deal with it, I am forced to embrace it. Because I have tried so hard to blend into the world before, and everyone continues to disappoint me."

- Maliciously Blunt:

"It is quite discouraging to think how many trolls are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit..."

Most realest troll you'll ever meet. Despise the fact that she's a lover of sweets, Eridia doesn't tend to sugarcoat her opinion. She would give no honey, but only hatchet if asked what she thinks. She isn't afraid of any confrontation, or how trolls would react if she asked certain questions. Eridia tends to be totally honest, knowing well that she might hurt those who are exposed to the bitter truth. Beating around the bush will get you nowhere, and indirect approaches are useless. Many find her abrasive. Her lusus always advises her to be gentle when speaking to others. Since many dislike hearing the harsh truth about themselves, Eridia takes this as an excuse to be rude to almost everyone. She can notice the difference between an actual insult and a comeback composed of hurt feelings. She will let all words out before thinking twice it and she wouldn't be even sorry, even if she should’ve. One of the situations in which Eridia shows this trait is when she's about to get in the way of someone's relationship.