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[SRP] Alone [Fin]

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Vicious Firestarter

PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 12:04 pm
"Alone" - RP
Characters: Blu Drago
Players: Zakiax,
Zakiax || 3168 words | 3 Complete RP's |

PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 11:44 am

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Darkness, that was all that was known, nothing else, then came being and touch. Something under this body, soft and somewhat prickly. It was firm, but not hard a bit squishy in a sense. Ears flicked as sounds began to reach through the darkness. Bringing thought to the small one’s mind. What was that? There it was again. The soft hoot in the distance, it was the weirdest thing he had ever heard, well everything was odd since everything from here on out would be new to him. Ears twitched again searching for different sounds, though all he could really hear was the soft hooting in the distance. No, that was not all, there was something else, something louder, crick-crick, another odd sound it had been.

Now his curiosity had started, what was making these weird noises, where were they coming from. They were gentle and faint but still his sensitive hearing could pick them out in the distance. He focused on them memorizing their sounds so that once he was fully there he would be able to explore and figure out what sort of creatures were making these.

The first breath was taken into his body, the dry cool air entering his lungs and filling them to the brim. He held it for a while before exhaling it. A few more breaths were pulling into the small body and soon it became natural just like the twitching of his ears as they continued to search for sounds around him.

Scent soon followed the intake of air into his body. The scents around him were quite unique. Dry, cold, musty, these were the words that came to mind when he thought of the scents he was smelling. Though they were not really considered scent, more like a feel or a texture to the air just like the texture under his body. Earthy was another word to describe what he was smelling. Still pin pointing the smells was quite difficult as the earthy smell seemed to be quite overpowering.

Tongue moved in the inside of his mouth as his nose twitched at the scents. It too had become quite dry, a sensation he wanted to get rid of. As his tongue moved his mouth became wet, soothing the dry sensation and easing his mind a bit.

What followed all of this was the movement of his eyes. The small one flicked them open to the world but instantly closed them against the light. It was bright, much brighter than the total darkness he was used to. Slowly he raised his head up and opened one of them to the world. When it got used to the brightness he opened the second, fighting the urge to close them both again. He did not like this light, though he would not consider it blinding.

Tilting his head up he began to see what was all around him. The prickling stuff under him that he felt at first was grass, it had a faint color to it in the darkness of the night and in the light of the full moon. Still as his eyes fell upon the brightness of the moon he nearly shut his eyes, the light burned, more so than when he first opened them.

Sound followed, well his own sound as he growled at the moon’s brightness. Scaring himself with the noises he made he jumped to his paws. He was quite unsteady upon them, it took him a while to figure out what he was supposed to do to stay on his paws. Several times he wobbled and nearly fell before he regained his balance once again. He used the long thing behind him to keep him on his feet. Only figuring out just now that he was able to control it the way he was able to control the rest of his limbs.

He tested all the limbs he had at his disposal. These things upon his back were odd as well, though he did not know what they were used for, only that he could also freely control them, like the fluffy thing behind him as his other things below. The small cub had no names for them and only knew that they were there and his.

The hoot from far away came once again causing the small ears to twitch in their direction. Soon the crick-crick followed it. Yes he knew what he had to do, but first.

Another low growl escaped him which then only brought an even bigger smile to his face. Ha! He could make noises too not just randomly, but on purpose! With this new discovery he would soon need to figure out his own unique noise just like the creatures made around him.

A soft giggle escaped the male as he continued making noises with his throat and mouth. It was quite fun, trying to find his own sound that was unique only to him. Little did he know that he could speak with words, it would be much longer until he discovered that aspect of his voice. But for now gurgles and growls were find for the cub to work with. In the end he came up with the perfect noise for him. A soft rumbling that ended up turning into a bit of a roar. Through growth it would probably change.

Now, now he was ready to face this world. Time to find out what these creatures were who made those sounds. Time for exploration, and above all else time to find his purpose in the large world he had awoken to.



Vicious Firestarter


Vicious Firestarter

PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 8:54 am

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A new discovery came first, there was something upon his back, something that he had slight control over. Another set of appendages, unlike his legs that held him up in this wobbly state. They had flopped open and set himself in a balance upon his paws. Steady on the pads of his paws it was time to go.

Then came exploration. The small one wanted to know what made these sounds and he was going to find out, no matter what. He was quite determined about it too. Upon wobbly legs he began his search. As he continued to walk his legs became sturdier and stronger. They were no longer wobbly as he took his steps, no they were becoming long strong strides. Ears swiveled once more upon his head as he searched for the two sounds that he wanted to explore. The hoot-hoot and the crick-crick, what made these noises he wanted to know above all else. He had to know.

First came the crick-crick, there seemed to be a lot of them around, not just one that seemed to make that noise. Wherever he went with in these grassy lands he was able to find them, small little creatures that looked very, very odd to the little cub. He felt that if he wanted to he could crush them under a single paw. He called these creatures by the sound that they made. To him, they were Cricks. He gave his rumbling roar to them causing them to spread as he introduced himself. The cub had no notion of a name at the moment, no sound was the only thing that was part of his knowledge, words would have to come later and be introduced to the small cub.

Grinning from ear to ear the cub made his way now searching for the second sound he had awaken to. The hoot-hoot. This was on was quite harder to find. It was hidden from him. From the grasslands he moved to the tree line which was closest to him as he followed the sounds. The large trees caused the cub to pause before he decided to enter. It was quite terrifying staring up at these things that seemed to grow endlessly into the sky. He once again gave his rumbling roar to these things as he introduced himself to them. However they did not respond, they stood still and strong, unyielding to his introduction, unlike the Cricks he had scared off earlier. As the howling wind blew through the trees they made a soft creak sound as they bent slowly bent to the winds will. Creak that is what he would call these slightly terrifying things.

Taking in a deep breath he braved these tall Creaks. Staring up at them with a bit of wonder as he cautiously walked through the spaces in between them. Hooooot-Hooot, there it was again, though unlike the short sounds it made earlier they were a bit longer. Hoots they would be called, but first he wanted to see who exactly made these sounds, what sort of creature hooted into the darkness? The sounds in this place with all the Creaks became quite unsettling to the small cub. The howls of the wind through the long winding fingers of the Creaks. At this time the wind became the thing Howl for the light blue cub.

He stepped on one that had fallen and it made a loud Crack! This caused the small one to jump. His breath became quite heavy as his head began to swivel just as much as his ears had earlier. His blue orbs were constantly looking in all directions as he searched for this Hoot creature as well as watched out for anything that might jump him. No, he would not go on like this, it had to end if he was to continue to explore this place and find what he was looking for.

Another deep breath was taken, but this time he was trying to ease his nerves and the pounding in his chest. No he could do this, he knew he could. Closing his eyes he began to focus his ears upon the sounds the hoot was making. He would find this thing if it was the last thing he did. His determination was quite a thing to be admired, especially at a one so small. With his focus back on his task he pinpointed the direction the creature’s noise came from. Blue orbs snapped open as he located it. That way! Excitement filled him once again and the small cub nearly ran in the direction of the Hoot. Louder, and louder the noise came as he got closer to it. Finally it was so loud that he could have sworn it was in this area, but where was it.

The howls as air brushed up against his fuzzy face and the creaks the Creaks made following it, caused the cub to look upwards. There it came from that thing on that finger up there. But how, how did it get up there? The light blue cub gave his introduction to the creature through his rumbling roar. The Hoot, took flight disappearing into the darkness of the Creaks.

This introduced the cub to flight. He wondered if he could do that, he had somewhat similar appendages like the Hoot did when it left. Turning his head over his shoulder he rustled them on his back gaining control over them. Like the Hoot had done before him he spread them out and gave them a flap, but nothing happened. Unlike the Hoot he did not take to the air. He gave a few more flaps of these appendages but still nothing happened. This was hard, how was he suppose to get up there too if he could not control them like the Hoot had?

Frustration came across the small one's face. He wanted to try it, but he was failing at it. Giving a small huff the cub retraced his steps out of the Creaks and returned back to the grassy lands in which he had awaken into this world at. He wanted to try this thing again, but he wanted to make sure he had enough room to try.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 11:28 am

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Flight was quite hard. Everything he tried he failed at taking to the air like the Hoot. He did not want to give up, not just yet, but something happened that made him. The pit of his being decided to give a gurgle as it seemed to turn on itself. The cub’s ears flattened back, it was quite the unpleasant feeling, something he did not want to feel for much longer. Gurgle is what he called it and now it was time to find a way to cure this unpleasant feeling of his.

Small teeth sunk into the green blades of soft stuff below him. It held back the gurgle but the taste was horrible. It was something that he did not want to taste again, ever again. Earthy, stringy, bland were only a few words to describe this. No he itched for something more than this, much more. No it was more like craved for something more. He licked his lips after spitting out the green stuff.

Perhaps he could eat the cricks. Would they taste better than the stuff that grew on the land. He could only try to see. But first to find some. Ears twitched once more as searched for the sound, crick-crick, however the world had become silent around him. There was very little noise as the darkest of night had approached.

The Gurgle returned. The small blueish cub nearly gave a whimper as this happened. It did not want to have this feeling anymore, it was quite uncomfortable, but what ever he tried he could not find anything to sooth it. Wandering about he ended up back in the world among the Creaks. Cautiously he searched for something to eat, something that would satisfy this thirst he was beginning to have. The dry of his maw was becoming quite irritating as well.

At first life had begun out as all fun and games, the curiosity the small cub had towards everything, but now for the first time since he had woke he felt very alone. There was no one to guide him, or help him. No it was just him and the Creaks. Even the Hoots and the Cricks were gone. A sense of dread filled the small one, wishing that something familiar would show itself to him, but alas his wish did not come true. He was filled with concern as he now felt lost.

Finally he found something, some clear liquid in a small puddle. It was cold to the touch, as he tried it with his paw. Sniffing it, it held no scent. Odd, as the rest of the world around him had some sort of scent. Investigating it once more he licked it with his tongue. Still cold to the touch it slide down his throat. Soothing the Gurgle for a while he began to gulp a bit more until he felt like his insides were going to burst. Although he now felt satisfied, there was still a craving near the back of his soul. There was much more he wanted then just this cold liquid. Something else, that is what he wanted but he could not put a paw on it.

His search began once again as he looked for this new sensation that he desired. However it was no where to be seen, although he had no clue what he was looking for. With each passing minute that he searched the sun began to rise above the horizon. Bearing itself to the world. The light that was cast over the Creaks was blinding, but the small cub was fine as long as he did not look straight up into it. His small form kept to the shadows as he searched.

Exhaustion began to settle with in the small cub, by now the light was fully over head and it was getting harder and harder to see where he was going. The light blinded him, burning his eyes. If only he had something to cover them. He used his wings but it did not help much as the reflections only seemed to find its way through his shield. He ran head first into a few creaks as he traveled, searching for a place that he could rest with out being blinded.

It was one thing after another, the blueish cub could not get a break, not from all of these things that seemed to happen simultaneously around him. Suffering, that's what it was. Was he really put here just to do that? He wanted to explore, but he could not because first the Gurgle, then the light and now his body was feeling very heavy and it was getting harder to keep his eyes open. No he had to press on, to find a place that he could be safe while he rested.

The teal cub finally found one, only after running into several Creaks. A small rocky place in the ground void of all light. Here, here he would rest until the darkness returned and he was no longer blinded. The cub squeezed himself into the rocky hole in the ground and collapsed. His tired limbs could no longer keep him up. Eyes slipped closed as he was once again embraced by the darkness. Once the darkness returned out of this place he would search again.

Sleep soon took the small one, but only was disturbed through out the day as the Gurgle returned. The uncomfortable feeling woke the small one. Light still trickled into the mouth of the cave so he curled himself up on top of his being. Trying to ignore the feeling he closed his teal eyes once more, trying to fall back into the darkness that had embraced him before. The darkness had been quite a comfort, however the Gurgle was ruining his sleep. It was not allowing him to return to it. A growl of frustration escaped him.

He just wanted to return, return to how he was before the Gurgle, before the Light showed itself. Back to where he could just explore without a care in the world. How was he suppose to do that if he kept getting interrupted? He also wanted to figure out how the Hoot had taken to the air. It would make traveling so much more easier, but no, everything had to come crumbling on him at once. He was kept awake with these thoughts as day turned into night.

Tiredly he left his place of comfort and returned to the world of the Creaks. Searching began but in utter despair he had no clue how he was suppose to live in this world. The same thing happened day to day, which soon then turned to a week. He was weak tired and nearly at a loss. He hardly had the energy to move. Each night he did make his way to the small bit of water that he had found. Filling his stomach with it only to return to his cave.

Over the week he had resorted to eating the yucky green bladed soft stuff, it sustained him enough, but as the days past he was becoming quite skinny.



Vicious Firestarter

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