"Care to Travel?" - RP
Characters: Kaito and Stormbird
Players: Zakiax & ~Twilight...Angel~
~Twilight...Angel~ || 0 words | 0 Complete RP's |
Zakiax || 230 words | 0 Complete RP's |
TBA words total

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Kaito was in the middle of pacing along the shore line of the large lake next to the water tribe's territory. Often he would do this when he was lost in though. Now he needed to get a group of others together to travel with him to the different clans. He did not want to let the little one down, and his questions left unanswered so he promised he would try his best to find the answers of Naoki's questions.

But he did not know where he was going to start or how to start. Perhaps he should try to track down Stillwater for advice, but he did not want to bother the magus if he did not have to. Maybe he would be able to figure out the answer to his problem himself. Though in the end he would have to talk to Stillwater, perhaps the magus would know some safe routes for his journey. He wanted to keep everyone as safe as possible. Maybe he could just go up to random b'alam and ask them if they wanted to travel with him? Then again he did not want to seem too rude.

Kaito's paws continued to paw along the shore line taking him back and forth as his thoughts kept raging back and forth. Quite unaware of his surroundings and any of those who could be approaching him.

Finally started this! - Sorry for the double quote