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She wasn't quite sure how long she sat there, just listening to the soft pitter patter of her families paws. Or the hushed voices that signified they were getting farther away. Heading... somewhere. The little female wasn't sure where they were going, as she'd not really been paying attention to what they had said. But instead, she waited patiently until she couldn't hear their steps any longer before she rose to her own tiny paws and started heading in the direction of the breeze. She wasn't sure what direction it actually was, but it was a start.

Her progress was slow going, paws sliding along the ground carefully at first and then pausing to listen and smell. They were her only forms of sight, as the Grand Weaver had chosen to make her unable to see. But it didn't bother her too much. Just made her progress a little slower. And much more cautious then her family.

Dragging her tail along the ground, Luzia hoped that it would give her parents an idea of where to look for her.

More shuffling and pausing. And then she began to pick up her pace just a tiny bit, a spout of confidence taking hold. She hadn't stubbed her paw yet! There also didn't seem to be any obstacles in the way, such as trees or bushes. All thing she had certainly run in to already in her young life.

After a while, she began to feel a small ache in her paws and decided it was time for a rest. She carefully felt around for a place that was hopefully a good spot to rest. And hit her snout into what felt (and smelled) like some sort of tree. But then she bounced back and her foot slid into something cool and liquid and Luzia let out a startled cry, tail raising and ears going alert as she froze where she was and tried not to panic.
