Not sure how much I'm going to end up changing as of yet, so I'm just gonna put all of his personality and strengths/flaws here for posterity.



        Didero Salons really likes trolls. Trolls are pretty much the greatest species in the entire galaxy. Didero, personally, aspires to one day pen the great Alternian novel--chronicling every nuance of troll culture in a single, beautiful epic. The Empress herself will shed a single tear of pride for her people, and then distribute his novel as an informational pamphlet to alien civilizations when the Alternian military comes to conquer their planets.

        All Didero has to do is write it. And acquire some life experiences in the department of troll culture. He's only like, what, three, four solar-sweeps-old? Regardless, the sooner Didero can start compiling research material for his magnum opus, the better.

        (Not<3 to s<3lf: Magnum is a GR<3AT nam<3 for a protagonist!!)

        Unfortunately, Didero isn't particularly well-versed in matters of tact or social grace. He's enthusiastic about making friends and expanding his horizons, but he approaches the whole endeavor with the methodical mindset of someone playing a dating sim. Didero seems to think there's a right and wrong answer to everything. He does his best to hang back and people-watch silently from the sidelines like a proper student, but will get frustrated and potentially interfere if circumstances don't appear to be unfolding as they should. Books are so much more efficient with this sort of thing!

        The types of situations Didero likes observing the best are quadrant related. Didero is young and romance as a mere concept holds a lot of mystery to it. From what he understands, though, romance is definitely good and he should get in on that at some point. He loves studying books and films, the ones his lusus will let him have at least, to try and deduce the proper way to go about this sort of thing. For a child, Didero is surprisingly well-versed in the intricacies of romance on an intellectual level, but the way he gets flustered over quadrants in realistic context makes it pretty clear he has no idea what it is he's talking about.

Didero Salons has really mellowed out since childhood. He’s lost a lot of his youthful forwardness and his enthusiasm tends to present itself as nervous energy more often than not. However, that’s not to say he isn’t still an extremely passionate person.

Didero is not an especially deep troll, and tends to cope with situations through compartmentalizing information and reacting accordingly. He prefers to live in a world of absolutes, because it’s easier to comprehend. Books are good. His friends are good. The rebels are bad. The government is bad too, but it’s also strong. Ergo Didero surrounds himself with books and friends and stays the hell away from political conflict. In fact, Didero’s attempts to remain distant often result in blatant casteism as he tries to establish the issue as “beneath him.” He feels guilty, but would much rather make waves with lowbloods than high. When pressured, Didero will take the path of least resistance.

Meanwhile, Didero does have a deep love for his hobbies—writing above all. Didero loves the succinct, self-contained realm of storybooks and wishes real life was similarly well-organized. He still dreams of writing the great Alternian novel—something that captures the beauty and grandeur of the Alternian Empire without any of this… messy stuff.

However, Didero isn’t above indulging in “messiness” so long as he can be a safe distance away from the blast radius. He enjoys a good story and similarly enjoys good gossip. Other people help net Didero the harrowing tales and twisting subplots to inspire his writings without him having to actually go out and throw himself into danger. He’ll happily be the meddlesome peanut gallery to the lives of his friends and acquaintances, and will certainly ask around behind their backs to pick up all the extra juicy details.

Didero loves his friends, having classified them as "good," but he has a hard time remembering to stop and consider their feelings when he's caught up in his own thoughts. When he's realized he's gone too far in one direction, he'll tend to over-correct in showering affection and attention. You still like him, right???


A tragic backstory
Strengths and Flaws

        " biggrin "
        Didero is quick to take a shine to new hobbies, but his first and true love has always been writing. He's pretty good at it, given his age. His prose is a bit… flowery, but when Didero is writing letters or journal entries, or even taking notes, he's quite clear and thoughtful, with a strong written voice. He's similarly adept at communicating face-to-face as well, though for different reasons. He's a great deal more eloquent on paper. Most of his verbal and physical communication, while his intent is often unmistakable, is usually entirely accidental in nature. He's got an open face and can't lie to save his life, but it adds to Didero's personable charm. He's just a friendly-looking guy.

        "This job's not going to finish itself!"
        Didero is an extremely hard worker. If he sets a goal for himself, he's going to reach it. It may take sweeps, or be painful, or not entirely worthwhile, but as long as Didero sees value in his actions, he'll keep chugging away. He holds similarly dedicated trolls in high esteem, regardless of their motives. Likewise, Didero has obvious disdain for trolls that are lazy or not living up to their perceived potential. (He tends to be far more forgiving of lowbloods than high in this case.) Didero has a soft spot for people who wax poetic about a hard night's work and will happily lend a hand if he feels he'll be appreciated.

        "If you really care, then you should just go for it!"
        Didero, for better or for worse, is an honest kid. He enjoys liking things, and is willing to throw himself whole-heartedly into whatever's caught his eye. He also encourages those around him to get excited about their hobbies too, even if he doesn't share that particular passion. He's happy to see other people be happy--doubly so if he was responsible for it--which is definitely attributing to his budding interest in quadrant dynamics. If Didero himself likes someone, he will shower them with attention and praise and support. Additionally, he has a strange habit of memorizing his friends' schedules and interests, and then routinely giving them gifts of mundane objects he thinks they'll like.

Dealing with living his normal, night-to-night life while concealing a hidden criminal past has forced Didero to keenly develop his social skills. He’s cautious in his interactions, but by no means unfriendly. Didero is polite and measured in his communication. He wants people to feel comfortable around him and will do his part to make sure he’s not on bad terms with other trolls. He can be easily flustered with surprise or flattery but will rarely allow himself to become angry or snap at those who annoy him. Didero knows better than to pick fights.

Didero wants to be liked. There’s no easier way to accomplish that than by doing likable things! Didero will readily help out a friend or acquaintance if asked, and will even lend a hand to a complete stranger if he feels he’ll be appreciated for it. Didero is easily persuaded to do favors in exchange for praise. While he’s skittish in his own affairs, Didero will stick his neck out for a close friend.

“Candid” changed to “Ardent,” but otherwise unchanged description