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Reply [ RP Zone ] The Walking Waters
{FIN} Fish Tales {Lorilie & Naoki}

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Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 7:35 pm
"Fish Tales" - RP
Characters: Lorilie & Naoki
Players: Regal Renegade
→ Regal Renegade || 5,563 words | 0 Complete RP's |
5,563 words total

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                                                                                          The sky overhead suddenly darkened with the arrival of gray clouds heavy with rain. Lorilie peered up at them halfheartedly and frowned, of course it would rain on a day when she would need to collect bones for her mentor. With a small dip of her chin and a flick of her tail she cast her eyes downward once again in her never ending search for the bleached white remnants of souls departed. Though they were rather difficult to locate, Lorilie seemingly always had a pension for stumbling upon bones. Some attributed it to her rather morbid markings, while others deemed her as too odd for comfort and left it at that. She had always been an outcast; something that hadn’t bothered her until she met the strange B’alam who carved tales into the surface of bones. One never truly realized what loneliness was until they found friendship in another.

                                                                                          Rotating her shoulders she readjusted the basket she wore around her neck made of reeds and long grass used for holding her prizes. It was a simple design but she was still proud of herself for finally succeeding in crafting a bone basket. Her thoughts came to a halt as she noticed something white peeking from beneath some fallen leaves. A sensation of triumph rang throughout her breast as she scratched at the ground with her sharp claws to reveal the perfectly preserved jawbone of what appeared to be some kind of deer. Picking the bone up ever so gently between her teeth she angled her head and released it into the basket. The Bone Scribe would be very pleased with this find.

                                                                                          She paused a moment in order to go over the mental list she had made and angled her head in the direction of the Water Tribe lands. She needed some fish bones should any cubs wish to learn the art of being a Bone Scribe. They were softer on the teeth and at least taught the young ones how to practice bite inhibition. With one more wary glance skyward she trotted toward the lake at the heart of the Water Tribe lands. She was always able to find useful bones there.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 7:55 pm
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                                                                                          The scent of rain had just begun to infiltrate the young cub’s nose when he and his siblings were herded out from under the sorrowful looking sky and into a den of sorts. They had all been out for a walk when the weather shifted and therefore had to make due with a makeshift shelter that had been carved into a cliff edge. Naoki squeezed in between his brothers as his mother and father went about with their head count followed by uttered phrases of reassurance as the sky opened up and rain accompanied by the thrum of thunder began to fall. The restless cub looked to one brother and then the other as they both settled in and prepared to wait out the storm. How were they able to do that? He could already feel his muscles jerking and his mind beginning to wander, yet they seemed so calm. He also could not understand why members of the Water Tribe would hide out from a little bit of rain.

                                                                                          He began to get up but his father stopped him with a stern glance suggestive of a warning and he plopped back down with an exaggerated sigh and a thud. A bright flash of light caught his attention as a fork of lightning ripped through the sky with abandon. Rolling his eyes he muttered something about being envious of the freedom the lightening had before resting his head on the back of his younger brother. He was soon made drowsy by the warmth of those beside him as well as the gloomy weather, and was unable to fight off sleep any longer.

                                                                                          When his eyes again opened the rain was still coming down but the thunder and lightning had seemingly worn themselves out. As he glanced around the den he noticed that all were asleep save for himself. With an impish grin he wriggled out from beneath the tangle of paws and tails and bounced out into the rain. As long as he didn’t wander too terribly far his parents shouldn’t be too concerned, or so he told himself repeatedly. He simply couldn’t stay tucked away staring at the ceiling or counting raindrops, not Naoki the brave.


Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 8:09 pm
If she hadn’t been afraid of thunder and lightning before now, she definitely would be after being caught in the middle of such a vicious storm. Never in her wildest dreams had she imagined it would turn so violent so quickly! The tree under which she took refuge did little to keep the damp off, or assuage her worries surrounding the loud thunder and fearsome lightning but she really didn’t have any other choice. Her entire body shivered and shook as she set her bone basket aside and pressed as closely into the tree trunk as possible. She would definitely need to wait out the storm before resuming her hunt for materials; she only hoped she did not come down with something as a result of her water logged coat.

Her entire body stiffened as another blast of thunder echoed across the land and she wrapped her tail about her paws in a similar fashion to that of an Idol. She was wet and she was cold, but mostly she was alone. What she wouldn’t give to hear her mentor laughing at her cowardice as she motioned for her to chew on something and think of nothing but the tales that came to mind. Out of the corner of her eye she peered down at the jawbone she had located earlier. It would make the time pass. She stopped herself midway as she began to reach for it and stared at it a moment longer in thought.

Though she had been apprenticing beneath the Bone Scribe for a few months she was still not considered ready to graduate beyond chewing on tree limbs. She had gotten much better, but her storytelling was still muddled and her execution sloppy. With a sigh she pushed the basket just out of reach with her paw and pressed her cheek against the tree trunk. Her mentor would have her hide if she were to mangle such a wonderful specimen with her amateur stories. It wasn’t easy to find a complete bone such as the one she had come across, to waste it would be an insult in more ways than one.

Her eyes turned toward the sky and then squeezed shut as she lowered herself to the ground. The rain did not appear to be letting up anytime soon, and the clouds were still as boisterous as ever. “This is going to be a very long day…” She whined quietly to herself. She didn’t much care for the company of others save for her mistress, but at a time like this she was afraid she would either succumb to boredom or the elements.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 12:24 am
No puddle escaped the wrath of the great Naoki as he leapt and clawed at each one that he saw. He hardly noticed the buildup of mud gathering on his coat, or the chill settling in to his bones. He was having far too much fun to even think of turning around now! He gave little thought to what his parents would do when they awoke to find him missing nor the consequences of his actions when it came to his health, to him this was simply another adventure worth having. He would be able to tell his siblings of all the fun he had while they slept and, in his mind, his parents would never be the wiser.

It wasn’t until the wind began to whip and his sight became clouded that Naoki began to worry about whether turning back wasn’t such a bad idea after all. He turned to look back in the direction from which he had come, but already his tracks had been obscured by the shallow gullies carved into the earth by the rain. Even so, he would not allow for himself to panic. It was just a little storm after all. He continued on his merry way, desperately attempting to ignore the little voice fearfully tucked away in the back of his mind telling him that he needed to get back to his loving family.

The rain began to fall more violently and soon he could hardly see a few feet in front of his nose. Shaking his head he fought against the terror building up within his small breast and pushed on. He finally found himself at the base of a large tree and he curled up in its gnarled roots for comfort. Just as he began to allow his anxieties to further implant themselves within his mind he heard a gentle voice that had him hustling around the tree. He stopped short of a waterlogged female who looked to be having a similar day to his. He didn’t know whether it was his desperation for comfort that drove him, or simply the fact that she was there but he approached her without hesitation.

Clearing his throat he planted a large, if not somewhat fake, smile upon his lips and plopped down right in front of her. Her trembling was noticeable and he could tell she was uncomfortable by the way she was pressed so closely up against the tree. “Hello!” He called jovially over the wind. With her odd markings she could have been considered scary, and his parents likely would have told him not to speak with such a stranger, but none of that mattered to him at the moment. “My name’s Naoki, what’s yours?” It didn’t occur to him that she may not want to speak for he was far too intent on making a friend who would weather the storm with him. He would not admit that he was afraid, but he certainly did not feel as brave as usual.


Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 12:37 am
She thought a moment about ignoring the cub altogether, after all he had given her quite a fright with how he had just marched right up to her without warning or care. She glared at him a moment longer, taking in his sullied appearance and quavering smile. Had he been an adult she might have stuck to her stubborn ways and walked away without a word, storm or no storm, but he was still just a cub. Behind all of his bravado she could tell that he was just as frightened as she was, if not a little more. She felt an ounce of respect for this small, wretched creature before her for he demonstrated a measure of bravery that even she could not mimic. He was so young, yet he was already so much more courageous than she.

Propping herself up against the tree she drew her bone basket in close in a protective manner and dipped her head toward Naoki. “My name is Lorilie.” She responded simply. She was not really in the mood for lengthy conversation or cubsitting for that matter, but she could not deny that she felt a little relieved at his being there. She had been the one who only moments before had wished for company; who was she too look a gift horse in the mouth? “Where are your parents? Shouldn’t they be with you at a time like this?” Her eyes drifted from the cub to the surrounding area in an attempt to locate others but she noticed no one. Was he out in this dreadful storm all by himself? It would certainly explain the slight flash of fear in his eyes that he thought he was masterfully concealing.

“You know, you really shouldn’t be out here alone. It is dangerous for cubs to get lost in a storm; you could die of exposure or be eaten by a predator.” She shook her head in a scolding manner. “I bet your parents are worried sick about you right about now.” She could see that he was visibly shaking from the cold, she suspected. With a sigh she motioned for him to sit beside her. “Come, keep me warm would you?” Though she abhorred physical contact, she knew it would haunt her if she were to let this young one perish before her very eyes.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 12:09 pm
Her scolding was all but lost on the cub as he noticed the basket beside her and began concocting fanciful stories about what could be inside. Was she hiding the fangs of some great titan in there? Or was she perhaps collecting buries with which to poison some unwary enemy? His thoughts were grateful for the distraction as he ran over option after option in his head. It wasn’t until she moved that he turned his attention to her once more. She wanted him to sit beside her? He cocked his head slightly as he observed her rather unamused expression mingling with her desire not to be alone. In that instant he began to feel as though he had found a kindred spirit within this strange female.

He thought for a moment about continuing to be his obstinate self and arguing, but soon convinced himself otherwise as he reminded himself it would bring him closer to the curious basket. With a shrug of his shoulders he made his way over to where she had motioned and sat down. Their fur was barely touching but the warmth was inviting, so he moved a little bit closer. His eyes on the other hand remained fixed on the basket, and his mind continued to whir as he noticed what was inside. Had she killed someone to get that bone? It was so white and smooth that it must have been exposed to the elements for some time. He looked away long enough to stare back up at Lorilie, a speculative look settling over him. “Why do you have a bone in a basket?”

He didn’t feel afraid necessarily as much as intrigued, but the thought of this lioness stalking around the Water Tribe snatching up young, helpless cubs and stealing their bones did raise a little bit of alarm within him. In any case, should she turn out to be a villain he would need to be prepared to fight her. Excitement began to grow within him at the thought of fighting a villain on a dark and stormy day, surely that would get the attention of The Chroniclers. He would also be able to tell tales about how he saved the Water Tribe from an unsavory character. Scooting away from her slightly he narrowed his eyes at her. “Are you killing other B’alams so you can take their bones as trophies?”

His parents would be ashamed at his lack of tact or common sense in this matter. It didn’t even occur to him that his careless comments may whip her into a frenzy in which he would end up being the victim. He simply pressed on as usual, unaware of the potential consequences of his thoughtless actions. Another boom of thunder was resurrected from the sky above and his brave composure was cracked. Squeezing his eyes shut he pressed himself against her leg until the sound had died away. For a brief moment he began to wonder what would happen should he be unable to find his parents, but only a moment.

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 12:21 pm
Already the warmth of another by her side had her anxieties quieting. She had never been a mother but, as she looked down at the little tuft of fur, she could see the appeal of becoming one. Certainly he was irritating and she could tell that her words were lost on him as his attention drifted toward her basket, but when he sidled up beside her and took a seat she couldn’t help but to smile a little. Even so, just as quickly as the warmth had settled in it was gone for he spoke of the bone and the potential of her being a murderer. She found herself glad that he had moved away and she turned her head away from him.

He was young to be sure, but he sounded like every other B’alam who had alienated her in the past. Because of the phantom bones marking her legs and the eerie mask over her face she was seen as being some kind of evildoer. She hadn’t asked to look so creepy, it was just how the weaver had made her and at times this made her hate her existence even more. Why was it that so much emphasis had to be placed on the way someone looked? Sure she was socially awkward, but she would never hurt a fly unless provoked. Her anger subsided as a crash of thunder sounded from overhead and the cub pressed himself against her once more. He was very young after all…

“You shouldn’t say something like that to someone you have only just met, it could be rather hurtful.” She scolded once more. “I am not a killer; I collect bones so that they may be carved. I am a storyteller, nothing more.” Calling herself a storyteller was a bit of a stretch as she was still learning, but at this point it didn’t really matter.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 12:38 pm
Slowly he allowed for his eyes to open, and he looked up at Lorilie as she spoke. Hurtful? What had he done to hurt her feelings? His gaze fell to the muddy earth beneath his paws as he contemplated his actions. Perhaps he had allowed his overactive imagination get the best of him, had he been in her position he probably wouldn’t have liked being called a killer either. His father’s words came to mind in that moment concerning how others may not appreciate being made unwilling characters in his tales. “I’m sorry.” He stated with sincerity. “I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings Lorilie.”

Carving bones? That sounded pretty silly to him, and just like that he was back to his talkative self. “Why would you want to carve bones? Aren’t they just the trash from dinner?” He giggled a little at the thought of someone carving a bone. He quickly shifted gears when he remembered her saying that she was a storyteller. “Are you a Chronicler?!” His voice squeaked with excitement and he suddenly shot up into a standing position. “Are you here to write about me and my adventures?” He proudly puffed out his chest and stared at her in amazement.

“But, wait, Chroniclers don’t carve bones…and they write about history not stories.” With a sigh he accepted his defeat and once more positioned himself beside her. The sound of the rain pounding the earth became louder as the sky appeared to open up with another wave of tears. Peering through the branches overhead he could see the angry gray clouds that seemed to want to remain forever. It didn’t seem as though he would be able to head back to his family any time soon. “Will you tell me a story?” His voice was quite small, and for the first time that he could remember he sounded genuinely helpless.

He missed his mother and father, and even began to yearn for the siblings he had been cuddled up with earlier. At first he had found nothing but boredom, but now he would give anything to be sleeping in that cavern with those who cared for him. He felt lost, and the notion that this storm could go on for days and therefore hold him captive for just as long had begun to creep up his spine. Lorilie was an adult, and she could leave him at any time to make her way through the storm. He on the other hand would become hopelessly lost just as before if he attempted the same maneuver.

“Just one and I promise I will leave you alone…I just..” He cut himself off with a deep sigh. So much for Naoki the brave. He began to see the wisdom behind the actions of his parents when they took refuge from what he thought was simply a silly rainstorm. His courage was something he had always prided himself on, so much so that he often forgot how helpless he truly was. He was not a large male by any means, not yet anyway, and he needed to remember that for his own safety.


Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 10:55 pm
She was a bit taken aback by such a sincere apology being issued from the mouth of such a young cub, but she grinned and nodded in acceptance nonetheless. What came next nearly had her head spinning into a different dimension as he shifted quickly from serious and sincere to excited and speaking at the speed of light. She watched through wide eyes as he jumped from one subject to the next and back again without stopping a moment to allow her to get a word in edgewise. Instead of attempting to intervene she kept quiet and allowed him to keep on going until he finally seemed to reach the end of his yammering. She nearly commented on it, but thought back to what she had said earlier about hurtful comments.

Though young he still appeared to be a lost soul seeking a purpose, that much she could tell by his mentioning The Chroniclers. She had never met one herself but she knew it was their duty to write down memorable events and make them known to all B’alam regardless of tribe. She couldn’t fault him for wanting to create such a legend surrounding himself, after all, wasn’t she doing something similar in apprenticing under Jendara? He wanted to be someone, to make a dent in the world in which he had been born, she could respect that.

She tilted her head as he asked her to tell him a story, her words had finally caught up to her after all. Her stories weren’t good enough to be made public, but as she stared at his now fragile appearance she couldn’t help but to be moved. All he wanted was something to make him forget about the fear he was so desperately attempting to repress. She began to think he was not the only one in need of a distraction as she nodded her head in response. “Though you can’t judge the quality, I am still learning.” She gave him a stern look before taking in a deep breath and looking to the waterlogged world around them for inspiration. When she felt she had found something she postured herself to look more official and cleared her throat.

“There once was an incredibly strong and brave B’alam who wanted nothing more than to be the best at everything he tried. It was his intention to make history, and to have the eyes of the world upon him even if only for a moment. He threw himself into each task he undertook without fear or regret, and before long his reputation spread like wildfire throughout the lands.

All seemed to be going well for him until the day he met an ethereal looking female who enchanted him down to his very core. Day after day he worked to impress her, and day after day he failed to win her love. It was her smile that gave him hope, but that was all he would get from her.

One day as the brave and noble male conquered yet another enemy he approached the female and asked her why it was that he could not stir her heart no matter what he undertook.

She looked at him through thick, luscious lashes before turning her head away and laughing softly. “Why is it exactly that you do what you do?” He was confused by the question, and stood silent a moment attempting to find the answer. “I want to be remembered,” he started, “and also to win your love and affection.” Her chin dipped as she shook her head and stared at the floor. “I thought as much.”

As she turned to walk away he went after her, stopping her by standing in her way and shouting. “Why is that not good enough for you? What else should I be doing?” This time her gaze did not waver as she stared at him. “You are only doing these things for yourself. Sure, you have saved many lives, but you did not do it for that reason. You only did it so you would be remembered for your deeds. That is the worst kind of selfishness and I could never fall in love with that.”’

Once her story had concluded she looked to the cub to see his reaction.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 11:10 pm
He felt relief when she agreed to tell him a story and nodded when she asked him not to judge her ability. He could care less whether it was a fantastic story or not, just hearing her voice drown out the angered atmosphere around them would be enough. And so he quickly began to get comfortable by curling up beside her and wrapping her tail about him. At this point he could care less about personal space as he was greatly looking forward to what was to come next. It helped that she was incredibly warm and made him feel safe as well.

When she began he instantly felt a spark of excitement ignite within his chest at the mention of a great hero to be. He too had aspirations to be remembered, to have The Chroniclers write about his wondrous deeds, and to earn the respect and reverence of all of those around him. He would grow to be a great hero, one that other B’alam would come to for protection. He would keep the darkness at bay, all while bringing honor to his family and the tribe. He would be exactly like the B’alam in the tale she was telling, and he would be known throughout the lands.

The tone shifted and his excitement soon began to wane as she spoke of the beauty the hero had encountered and fallen in love with. Why would someone become so obsessed with a girl that they would do anything to get her attention? Gross. What frustrated him even more was the fact that she wouldn’t give the hero the time of day. Such a great B’alam should not have gone ignored by some pretty face. Not after all he had done and accomplished! A grumpy expression crossed his exterior as he glared up at Lorilie. What exactly was she trying to pull by bringing in such an annoying character anyway?

It wasn’t until Lorilie looked down at him expectantly that he jumped to all fours and shook his head. “That’s it?! She didn’t love him because he was so heroic? That is silly!” He began to pace back and forth as he contemplated the story’s ending. “He was a great B’alam, she just wasn’t worth it!” Once his head began to cool he stopped his pacing and looked up at Lorilie. “It wasn’t because he was a hero was it? She was saying that he was being self-centered wasn’t she?” He finally began to realize why this strange female had told him such an unusual tale.

He hadn’t once thought about the feelings of his family should they awaken to find him missing, or the fact that he very well could have perished out in the storm had he not met Lorilie. He often snuck off without any consideration of the feelings of others, and cared only to further his reputation by hunting monsters and making a name for himself. “So then, a hero has to be selfless? Is that what you are saying?” Placing his front paws on her chest he searched her masked face for answers. “Being heroic and slaying monsters isn’t enough?”


Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 11:36 pm
She had to suppress a chuckle as the cub grew increasingly frustrated with her tale. At least she was provoking a response other than sheer boredom like she normally did. Jendara had told her to shorten her tales and to get to the point quickly initially so that she may learn how to captivate an audience, and Naoki was the perfect test subject for such a method. It was actually rather fun watching him reach the realization on his own, so she kept the moral a secret until he spoke of a hero being selfless. “Well of course a hero is selfless Naoki, they do not act heroically so as to be remembered, that happens on its own because of their rare natures.” She turned her eyes skyward and loosed a sigh of relief as the sun began to shine through the clouds.

“Heroes are those among us who do what is right regardless of the costs. They protect those in need simply because they care about others and do not wish to see them get hurt. She could not love him because he loved only himself and his reputation.” She gazed at the cub once more, a small knowing smile painting her otherwise morbid face. “The first and foremost duty of a hero is to care about those around them, that is what makes them a true hero worth remembering.” Lifting her paw she dropped it atop his head and mussed his hair.

“I have no doubt that I shall hear your name again, but make sure that it is for all of the right reasons Naoki. Don’t do things simply so that you will be written about by The Chroniclers, do them because you care about the bigger impact they may have on the B’alam who inhabit this world.” She began to wonder if it was actually she speaking or her mentor. It was odd how easy it was for her to give advice that she herself would never take. Here she was preaching about caring for others, yet she wanted nothing to do with anyone on most occasions. Still, Naoki was young and still capable of learning how to be the best that he could be. “Just consider what I have told you, and don’t take life so seriously. You are still just a cub.”

PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 9:54 pm
As he listened to her words he couldn’t help but think that he had already learned this lesson, but that he had begun to allow his motives to be clouded. He wanted to be brave and strong, but the second portion of that ambition was to bring honor to the Water Tribe and his family. He could not very well do that if all he was thinking about was himself and being led by his desperate desire to achieve a kind of immortality through the writings of The Chroniclers. He would have to try harder not to lose sight of what was truly important along his journey. He had already acted selfishly today by running off without thinking of those he left behind, but he would try harder in the future.

He began to pout as she tousled his hair, though he knew she was right no one liked to be lectured. And he especially didn’t like being reminded that he was just a helpless cub, but he chuckled nonetheless. She was right after all, and his life had only just begun. It simply wouldn’t do for him to furrow his brow each day and contemplate how to act heroically. He should be playing with his siblings and enjoying his youth for, as his father said, he would be an adult before he knew it. He nodded at Lorilie and sighed. “You’re right; I have a lot to learn. I am young, but that just gives me more time to learn!” This life lesson would not soon be forgotten, and he was certain it would help him in the future someday but for now he would simply keep on learning.

Voices in the distance had him turning his head and the sun drew out from behind the clouds that had held it captive for what seemed like years. He could hear the worry in his father’s voice, and could even make out the high pitched yells of his siblings. He had a responsibility when it came to them, and he would have to take it a little more seriously. Though, as all things do when one is young, the lesson began to slip quietly into the corner of his mind. After all, who would slay the sea monster if not Naoki the brave?

Turning back to the strange storyteller he had befriended he adorned an impish grin and pointed toward the bone tucked nicely in her basket. “One day you will be carving a story about me, so be sure you get better and better at storytelling.” He began to trot away when something else graced his thoughts. Looking at her over his shoulder he quirked a brow. “You’re not as bad of a storyteller as you think, and whenever you find yourself alone in a rainstorm I will come and protect you!” With a childish giggle he ran off towards the beckoning of the family he had so nonchalantly left behind. Though the lesson would remain in his mind to mature, and it would take him more time to put it into practice, he could say with certainty that he had indeed learned something during the rainstorm.


Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 9:55 pm
[ RP Zone ] The Walking Waters

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